Avatar of KazAlkemi


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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Location: Shopping – New York City, New York

Caden beamed when Nero agreed to the ring choice. Caden pointed to the ring for the salesperson to box up in Nero's size. Caden handed the salesperson his black card to run, and waited with Nero.

”Es ist möglich. Fast jeder war in dieser Zeit,” Caden agreed.

Once the items were ready, the couple was escorted back to the door before Caden was handed the bag of items he'd purchased for Nero. The security guard held the door open for them, and on the other side stood the driver from last night.

Caden knew walking around with this much money in jewelry was a robbery waiting to happen. And although he could fight anyone off, that wasn't what he wanted to do.

Caden set the item's in the back seat of the car and the driver got back in, locking the doors after Caden closed the back.

”One more store, and then we will return to the hotel to get ready for this evening,” Caden said, and walked down the street with Nero into another jewelry store.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery laughed and nodded. ”Alright. Take it slow to start. I'll correct you if I need to,” Avery said before he went to one of the weight machines, and started working the muscles in his leg

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL

Cassi gathered everything she needed and hauled it back into her house. Max appeared out of nowhere to watch her. She set the item's by the front door and scratched Max's head before she looked at Nic sitting on the floor with her cats.

”Clearly you need to come round more often,” she observed.


Location: Shopping – New York City, New York

”Good. As you should,” Caden said and kissed Nero softly. He was glad Nero was so understanding and didn't feel jealous of his relationship with Cassi, despite their long history.

Once they were sized and the jewellery they picked boxed, Caden gestured to the gold bracelet to have it boxed as well, and then something else caught his eye.

Caden's eyes were drawn to the diamond and ruby ring, and a smile tugged at his lips. ”Nero, what do you think about something like this on your finger?”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery beamed and squeezed Kimiko’s hand. ”Not in the least.” He guided her over to the weights and set her up with some. ”Do you remember the exercises I had you doing from before?”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL

”Oh, no. You and your child can catch up. He clearly has a lot to say.” In fact, Wayland was still meowing and rubbing his head all over Nic as he told the human all about the days he had missed. Calypso joined the boys' club, trying to look prim and proper, while Max was nowhere to be seen, but that was typical of Cassi’s familiar.

Cassi exited her house into the garden and pried open her shed. She started pulling out shears and small pots to add cuttings to. It wasn’t a small undertaking but it wasn’t a difficult task, either.


Location: Shopping – New York City, New York

Caden was looking at a collection of knot bracelets when Nero flagged them over. Caden smiled, walking up to them and rested his hand on the small of Nero’s back. Caden chuckled but nodded and had the attendant bring everything out Nero had their eyes on.

”You certainly have a flair for the dramatics, my darling. But I think this collection will suit you,” Caden agreed. ”Would you mind if I bought Cassiopeia something while we are here?” Caden asked, staring at the black and gold jewellery Nero had picked out before he glanced at them.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery accepted Kimiko’s hand, not that he needed it, but so he could keep touching her. ”I want to get a bit of weight lifting in before we go. Give me twenty minutes?”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving ---> Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia bit her bottom lip from Nic’s reaction to her words. She knew he had a kind and gentle soul, but she wondered if there wasn’t a bit of a darker side when it came to his loved ones.

They made the turn onto her street, and Cassi laughed. ”Using me to get to my cats, hmm? I see how it is,” Cassi joked. They stopped outside her house, and Cassi got out before Nic opened her door.

She climbed the steps and opened the door. Meowing started instantly from a grey fluff ball. Wayland bound out onto the front step to greet Nic immediately, and once again, Cassi was sidetracked by the thought that she had found Wayland for Nic.


Location: Shopping – New York City, New York

”Whatever catches your eye,” Caden informed them. ”Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings. There is another store I want to go to for a watch and rings. I’m sure they will have things you’ll like there as well, but I wanted to stop in here first,” Caden explained.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery smiled, hoping she would be comfortable enough to allow him to massage her taunt shoulders. He could feel how much they were resiting, but Avery also thought a shift would be good to loosen everything up. The body moved differently on four limbs than on two.

Avery finished with her shoulders and instructed her to go into an active stretch with her neck before he applied pressure to help her body stretch further.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

”How badly did you want to kill them?” Cassi asked, amusement playing on her features. She wrapped her hand around Nic’s while he drove. She remained focused on his face and the task at hand rather than how he looked half-naked in the kitchen and his muscled arm behind her head while he backed up.


Location: Shopping – New York City, New York

Caden grinned and wrapped his arm around Nero. ”That’s because this isn’t my store. Come on along, Mein kleiner Kobold.” Caden walked to the front and paid for Nero’s clothing. Everything would be shipped to their house in Chicago once it was ready.

Caden led Nero down the street before walking into a store that was full of suits. ”Now you may watch me be poked and prodded,” Caden whispered into their ear.

They were treated much the same as the other place, except here Caden was offered a cigar if he so desired, as well as a drink. Caden stepped up onto a pedestal and was quickly measured and asked a series of questions before material and suits were brought out. Eventually, Caden decided on two new suits, plus a new red one made from scratch. He was rather looking forward to it as it would match the red velvet dress Nero was getting.

After that store, Caden led Nero into another clothing store for them to get some nicer everyday clothes that weren’t dresses. There was a men’s section, and Caden selected some general slacks and dress shirts for himself.

”Nearly done, Mein kleiner Kobold,” Caden said and guided them into the Tiffany Co. store.

A security guard greeted them at the door before an attendant came over to guide them around the store. Several security guards were stationed around the store. Some were obvious whereas others were dressed to go unnoticed.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery felt Kimiko’s shoulder resist from scar tissue that was starting to build. He gently put Kimiko’s shoulder through passive movements before stretching it again. This time, he got her shoulder to release and stretch a little more.

”I look forward to reminding you how good they are,” he said.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Old Apartment – Chicago, IL

”If I cursed you with lust for me, do you really think I would have allowed anyone to have interrupted that moment?” Cass pulled her seat belt on and patted Nic on the back. [color=#DB709]”No, my dear, but it seems we are being asked to wait for something. It better not be much longer, though.”[/color]


Location: Shopping – New York City, New York

Caden chuckled and ordered them scotch. Caden wandered the store, looking for dresses and outfits that caught his eye. He found a short black leather dress, a velvet red, and another black dress that showed more leg. Caden had them sent over for Nero to try with a glass of scotch. Caden then took a seat outside the curtained room and flipped through a catalogue for things not yet in the store.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

”Of course. If you want, I can give you a bit of a massage tonight after supper. That’ll help loosen everything up, too,” Avery said and joined Kimiko on the floor. He took her arms and started to rotate and stretch them in different ways to stretch all the different muscles in Kimiko’s shoulders and rotator cuff.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Old Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassi smiled and nodded at the landlord while she packed up the cleaning supplies. She glanced at Nic, still feeling flushed but more stable. She winked at him while the landlord was looking over some of the patches Nic made.

It was torture having their moment of passion interrupted, but at least Cass knew that Nic wanted her as badly as she wanted him. At least she knew the sex was going to be earthshattering when they finally got to it.


Location: Shopping – New York City, New York

Caden laughed and shook his head. ”I wouldn’t dream of it. I have some ideas though,” Caden said, wiggling his eyebrows before he led Nero into a clothing store.

They were instantly greeted by shopping attendants, eager to help the good-looking, well-dressed couple. Caden informed them what he was looking for when it came to Nero.

”But whatever they say goes,” Caden added, looking at the attendants pointedly before he looked at Nero. ”They’re going to take your measurements, and then clothes are going to be brought to you. I have my eye on some dresses, but if you want something else, just tell them. Would you like champagne or something stronger?” At the mention of the drink, a gentleman takes a step forward, waiting for the couple’s order.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery was listening to music, but it was low enough that he heard Kimiko call to him. He turned his music off and pulled off his headphones.

”What do you need to be stretched?” Avery asked, walking to Kimiko’s side of the gym.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic’s Old Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia scurried off to Nic’s old bedroom and shut the door, pulling her clothes back on. She ran a hand over her face, willing her body to calm down. She could hear the landlord wanting to come in, so she knew she didn’t have the right amount of time to really settle her nerves. So be it.

Cassi adjusted her shirt and walked back out of the bedroom before she nodded at Nic to let the landlord in. She busied herself by spraying down the counter and wiping it clean, then a couple of the knobs on the kitchen cabinets. Anything to keep her hands busy and her mind from wandering.


Location: Shopping – New York City, New York

"We can speak German when you are feeling more like an imp and less like a human, but yes. If I was a vampire and could compel them to forget, I would let you have free reign. I'd like you to have a few outfits that are dressier. Something you can wear out to things like the symphony, or a gala," Avery explained.

He led Nero down the sidewalk, slowly looking in windows as they passed to see what caught his eye. "It has been a while since I've had to, but I am occasionally called on to represent my family at summits. Everyone there likes to show off, so it is important to leave a good impression," Avery briefly explained.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Enhanced Speed

Avery changes into his usual workout gear. He pulled on loose shorts and a compression shirt before lacing up his shoes and walked outside. Avery bounced from side to side, rolling out his neck and shoulders before he crouches down. He took a couple steadying breaths before sprinting forward. Avery made it back to the house in seconds, but the quick run served to warm him up.

He didn't want to work out for long, wanting to spend more one-on-one time with Kimiko to try and get to know her, but Avery also needed to burn off energy some way, and working out was the better option.

He walked into the gym and saw Kimiko already working on her stretches. Rather than bother her, Avery walks over to the resistance bands and sets them up to start his work-out.


Location: Walking – New York City, New York

"I thought about it, but the proposition in Chicago was too hard to pass up. Besides that, I like visiting New York. I'm not so certain I could leave here for any length of time." There was a lot of unrest and crime in New York when no one was looking.

Caden led the way down sides walks and through Washington Park, where they paused to listen to music and watch chess being played. It was another lively square, but eventually they made their way through New York to their destination. Along the street sat stores like Tiffany, Bergdorf, Dior, and Chanel.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

"Okay. I'm going to go change, then I'll meet you in the gym. We can wash everything up later," Avery decided. He helped her clean up the table though, setting things on the trolley for it to be wheeled back into the house. Avery kissed Kimiko's cheek once he was done helping her before he jogged across the yard to staff housing. He stopped to talk to a few people before continuing on.


Location: Victoria Gardens & Carousel ---> Walking – New York City, New York

Caden laughed when Nero realized what they were doing. "I'd follow you anywhere, my little imp. Even if we got hopelessly lost along the way," he said and squeezed Nero's hand before he led them from Central Park to the busy of streets of New York.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery keeps the kiss light, not wanting to pressure Kimiko into anything or move their relationship too quickly. He knows her hesitation, and understands. Their relationship didn't start the greatest and this mating bond complicated this.

Avery had felt strongly about Kimiko even before he realized what was happening. She pushed his buttons like nobody else could, but she also brought out a side of him that no one ever really saw. Caden saw glimpses and Cassiopeia was maybe the only other person who knew of his compassionate side, but the way Kimiko was getting to know him. Yes, Avery angered easily and was protective to a fault, but those weren't the only emotions he felt strongly.

After another minute, Avery pulled back from the kiss. He smiled at Kimiko, looking into her eyes once more before he looked away. Some of the staff were starting to leave staff housing to go about their day in town or clean up the mess they left from last night.

"Do you want to do a bit of a workout with me, or just relax?" he asked, offering her either option in case she wanted some time to herself.
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