Avatar of KazAlkemi


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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
9 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

Caden brushed his lips to the hollow of Nero’s throat where the dragon pendant sat. He pushed it aside to place his kisses before moving back to kiss Nero’s lips. Caden’s hands slid up Nero’s legs, the fabric slipping over his worn hands until he found the space of skin between their pants and shirt. He pushed Nero's shirt up more, exposing more skin for his touch.

Caden kissed the little imp deeply, tangling their tongues together once more.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery decided to wear some colour again since he wasn’t working. He pulled on a teal-coloured shirt before slipping into black pants. His sensitivity had completely gone away, so the clothes felt normal on his skin.

He had gotten to the living room before Kimiko, and was busy flipping through channels for a European football game or some movie on the TV when Kimiko walked in. He noted the colour of her tank top and smirked. They were essentially matching.

While Avery observed the colour of her t-shirt, he also observed out it sat on her frame and how the jeans hugged her. Avery pulled his eyes away to focus on the TV.

”Are you going to need yet another sweater of mine tonight?” Avery asked.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia set her pencil down, and Wayland immediately batted it onto the ground and started playing with it. She heard it slide across the floor and sighed. Cats.


She grabbed a different pencil to finish the fox that she would tattoo onto Nic’s arm one day. Or wherever he wanted the piece.


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

The elevator doors opened, and Caden picked Nero up, carrying them from the elevator and into the hotel room. Caden discarded the boxes and bags of jewellery onto the table before walking into the bedroom.

Caden didn’t break the kiss until they walked into the bedroom. Caden set Nero on top of the dresser, moving his lips from Nero’s to trail kisses along their neck.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery watched Kimiko with concern as she peeked into her own bedroom. He held her hand more securely before walking inside with her. He looked around her room as well, his senses spreading out to take everything in.

Avery kissed Kimiko’s hand while she spoke, confirming his suspicions that she was sending him away. Avery would be lying if he wasn’t disappointed. Still, Avery walked through Kimiko’s entire bedroom, opened doors, and checked the bathroom. He turned the light on and left it on for her before rejoining her in the bedroom.

”It’s okay… I understand.” Avery brushed his thumb along the bone under Kimiko’s eye, his hand cupping her cheek. ”Take you’re time. I’ll meet you in the living room when you’re ready.” He tilted Kimiko’s head down and kissed her forehead before he left.

Avery closed the bedroom door behind him, sighed, and walked across the house to the room in which he had stored some of his clothes. Avery stripped and jumped into the shower. The water was cold when it hit his skin, but it steamed up the bathroom. Once he felt normal, Avery changed the temperature to something warmer before he showered the day off him and got ready for supper.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL

Cassi finished her bath and cleaning up a while ago. She sat in her living room, wrapped in a blanket with a hot cup of tea and was drawing while she waited for Nic to message her. It was taking too long, and Cassi was just picking up her phone to call him when he texted her.

Cassi released a sigh of relief.

You owe me.


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

Caden gathered the bags before he followed Nero out of the car, his eyes dancing with the possibilities of the night. Caden tipped their driver before walking with Nero into the hotel and up to the elevator.

The elevator went up to their room directly, so before they had even gotten to their room, Caden gathered Nero into his arms, and started kissing them again. Their tongues tangled once more, filling Caden with a deep need for Nero.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

The tension from a quick shift was subsiding within Avery, so when Kimiko took his hand, it didn’t bother him as much. However, he was shocked that she was pulling him towards her room.

Avery followed behind, his eyes trained on Kimiko. He was waiting for her to bring him all the way in before pushing him out. He didn’t fully believe Kimiko would shower with him.

”A rabbit? I thought you liked rabbits,” he teased her.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Outside Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia returned Nic’s kiss, resting a hand on his chest while the moment lingered. Eventually, Cassi pulled herself away. She smiled at Nic and pecked his lips before unlocking her front door.

”Text me when you’re home safe.”


Location: Driving ---> Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

Nero’s response to Caden’s pleasure is nearly the dragon’s undoing. Somehow, though, Caden holds off taking Nero in the backseat of the town car. Their tongues tangled together until Caden feels the car stop and a car door opened from the front.

”Can we continue this upstairs?” Caden’s voice was hoarse already as he asked Nero to wait.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery smiled and gestured forward for Kimiko to start walking with him back into the house. ”It’s okay. He was happy to be out with you. I’m glad you gave it a chance. Although, when Caden returns, I think I’m going to have to go out again for the night.”

Avery held the door open for Kimiko and locked it behind him once they were inside. ”Should we shower together? There might be something in your shower I need to protect you from,” Avery said suggestively, but his tone was teasing.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Outside Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL

They got out of the vehicle together, Cassi’s cheek still tingling from Nic’s simple kiss. She grabbed the plants while Nic gathered her tools, and she led Nic into the backyard.

The nights were still warm enough that Cassi could leave the plants out overnight before she decided which plants needed to stay in the house with her and which ones could go to the shop on Tuesday. Cassi usually kept the store closed on Mondays anyway.

She opened up the shed for Nic. There was an empty spot on the shelf where Nic could put the box down easily. Cassi had already set the plants down on her back doorstep.

Cassi closed and locked the shed once Nic was done, and she took his head. They walked back to the front of the house to Cassi’s door. She stood outside with him, holding Nic’s hand and smiled up at him.

”I’ll see you tomorrow.”


Location: Driving – New York City, New York

Caden’s hand paused in its journey when Nero pulled his attention. He narrowed his eyes playfully until Nero kissed them. Caden tightened his hand on Nero’s leg before kissing them back deeply.

He left his hand in place high on their thigh but deepened the kiss further by letting out a sound of pleasure before tangling his tongue with Nero’s. Anytime Caden could kiss Nero like this, it was like a release for him. A release he craved more and more each time.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery sucked in a breath when Kimiko brushed her hand across his forehead. It was a light touch, but it still felt like razor blades across his skin. He opened his eyes, smiling tiredly at Kimiko.

”You did, but I didn’t listen,” Avery said. ”Let’s head inside. I could use a shower before starting on supper.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Outside Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL

Cassi smiled at Nic, looking sideways at the hair he twirled around his finger and smirked. ”I’ll call you when I wake up.”


Location: Driving – New York City, New York

”Not quite. But close,” Caden whispered. What Nero didn’t know was that because Caden could affect them so easily, it affected Caden just as much. Nero’s breathless voice, the way they tilted their neck or opened themselves up to Caden more thrilled him.

Caden slid his hand up Nero’s thigh, quickly losing his self-control.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery watched Kimiko go, his yellow eyes never wavering. He waited half a minute more, just watching her before he disappeared into the trees. The shift back came a bit reluctantly. The wolf didn’t have enough time to play around. They wanted to spend a night under the moon, sleeping and hunting. Avery would have to shift again while Caden was home, so Kimiko wasn’t alone.

Despite Kimiko not wanting Avery to push himself, he did. Rather than fifteen minutes, he was just shy of ten minutes. Avery managed to pull on his shorts, grateful they were loose, but he didn’t bother with a shirt. His skin was on fire and extra sensitive.

Avery walked from the tree line, sweat over his face and body from the two shifts in a short amount of time. Even if it was all afternoon.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving —> Outside Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL

”I was thinking I could come over and help you two organize if you want. But if you want the day with your dad, I understand. Maybe you could come over after,” Cassi said. She tucked her own hair behind her ear, feeling a bit shy about asking him to come over. She wasn’t expecting something like today to happen again, but she would just like to be held by him for longer than five minutes, too.


Location: Driving – New York City, New York

Nero's tone sends a pleasant little shiver down Caden's back, and he holds his imp closer. He rested a hand on Nero's thigh, while his arm held Nero's waist securely. It was difficult for Caden to pay attention to anything else when he was alone with Nero like this. Especially after a day of spoiling them.

Caden brushed his nose along Nero's neck, moving closer when he registered that Nero had asked them a question about today. ”Fancy clothes,” Caden said simply before pressing a kiss to Nero's neck.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery nudged Kimiko after she kissed his head. Her hands felt nice running though his hair, and he leaned against her. The wolf seemed to vibrate happily with his mate running gentle fingers through his coat. However, Avery knew he couldn't spend all night out here. Not yet.

He bumped Kimiko and led her from the woods back to the open yard. He glanced at the house then back at Kimiko, wondering if she would stay or wait inside for him.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia smiled happily, glad to hear Nic speak French whenever she could. They pulled onto her street, and Cassi looked down at their joined hands. The day was coming to an end, but it had been a good day. They had been interrupted earlier, but Cassi was still glad they had some sort of moment.

”Are you training with Avery tomorrow or is that just during the week?” she asked curiously.


Location: Driving – New York City, New York

Caden chuckled when Nero slid into his lap, confirming Nero's statement about either one of them not being able to go any length of time without needing to see the other.

”Maybe we'll find something. But I am looking forward to the engraved bracelet.”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery relaxed and turned his head when he heard Kimiko. He grinned at her again, before nudging her with his head. He ignored her question for the moment while he stood and circled around Kimiko and brushed against her.

He sat after a moment and pawed the ground before holding it limp and whimpered, indicating that the change was painful. He looked at Kimiko and pressed his head gently against her hip. He didn't want her to have to see him in pain.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia squeezed Nic's leg at the simple request. ”I'll share them all with you,” she said.


Location: Shopping – New York City, New York

”A surprise,” Caden said, grinning. He reclaimed his card and took the bag filled with jewellery before leading Nero out of the shop and into the waiting car.

Caden rested the bags by his feet before pulling Nero in close. He ran a finger along the flying dragon on their neck. ”This necklace makes me ridiculously happy,” Caden informed them.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery enjoyed playing in the woods with Kimiko. She would pounce and nip at him, and he would turn to chase her a little, but he never barred his teeth at her. He didn’t want to scare her. Still, he liked the playful little fox.

As the sun started to set, Kimiko grew more skittish. Avery, sensing her unease, nudged her gently after the last prey animal startled her. He whimpered slightly, licking the side of her face before nudging Kimiko back towards the spot where she had left her clothes, his protective instincts in full display.

Once they were there, Avery turned around and sat down. His back was to Kimiko and the house, and he watched the forest around them, so she knew he was protecting her. Avery surveyed the quiet woods. Happy with the sounds of birds going home and the bats coming out. Avery looked up at the sky as the bats flew past, and he noticed the moon. Avery gave let out a howl. It wasn’t very long, but it was a sweet song for the moon and the place he now called home.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia looked over at Nic. She smiled softly and nodded, resting her hand on his leg. ”Yes. It’s one some of them chose to remain rather than go on. She took good care of them. Her and your father.”


Location: Shopping – New York City, New York

”Okay,” Caden said. He dropped his arm from around Nero’s shoulder to rest it low around their hips instead.

He signalled the salesperson and relayed the request.

”Certainly. We can have that ready for you by the end of the week.”

Caden nodded and relayed the address it would have to be shipped to before handing them his card to charge for the other items they had purchased and would be leaving with today.

”We should head back to the hotel now and prepare for supper and the evening’s entertainment.”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery looks down at Kimiko’s short stature when they bump into his leg. Avery grins wolfishly at them before he breaks into a light jog into the tree line. He follows no particular path, but any way they go will lay the path for reclaiming their territory because this was their land and their territory now with no wolves left in the area.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Ren's House – Chicago, IL

”More than okay. Each plant has a story to tell, and I’m eager to get to know them all.” Cassi smiled at Nic, and stole one more kiss from them before getting into the SUV.
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