Caden brushed his lips to the hollow of Nero’s throat where the dragon pendant sat. He pushed it aside to place his kisses before moving back to kiss Nero’s lips. Caden’s hands slid up Nero’s legs, the fabric slipping over his worn hands until he found the space of skin between their pants and shirt. He pushed Nero's shirt up more, exposing more skin for his touch.
Caden kissed the little imp deeply, tangling their tongues together once more.
Avery Zain
Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants
Avery decided to wear some colour again since he wasn’t working. He pulled on a teal-coloured shirt before slipping into black pants. His sensitivity had completely gone away, so the clothes felt normal on his skin.
He had gotten to the living room before Kimiko, and was busy flipping through channels for a European football game or some movie on the TV when Kimiko walked in. He noted the colour of her tank top and smirked. They were essentially matching.
While Avery observed the colour of her t-shirt, he also observed out it sat on her frame and how the jeans hugged her. Avery pulled his eyes away to focus on the TV.
”Are you going to need yet another sweater of mine tonight?” Avery asked.
Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL
Cassiopeia set her pencil down, and Wayland immediately batted it onto the ground and started playing with it. She heard it slide across the floor and sighed. Cats.
She grabbed a different pencil to finish the fox that she would tattoo onto Nic’s arm one day. Or wherever he wanted the piece.