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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
9 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
9 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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9 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Kimiko’s sigh seemed to envelop Avery, and he grateful brushed her lip with his tongue again before he wrapped it around hers. Avery moved to set his wine glass down on the table, not breaking the kiss, and rested his now free hand on Kimiko’s cheek while they kissed.

Memories of the sound of her voice, her eyes, and her smile drifted through Avery’s mind while he kissed Kimiko. He never wanted to go a day without seeing her smile or hearing her laugh.


Location: Gershwin Theatre – New York City, New York

”Mindreading,” Caden teased gently. Caden looked down at Nero’s fidgeting and captured their fingers. He placed them to his lips and kissed every one of Nero’s fingers through the veiled gloves.

”She’s mourning again. I can hardly blame her for how she grieves. We’ve been looking for answers for so long about her family. We still don’t know why they were attacked. If there was a deal made or what…” Caden looked at Nero and placed a hand on their cheek. ”That doesn’t mean I want you putting yourself through that again to try and uncover why you were there. We already know you were sent to do someone else’s bidding. We will figure out the rest later by some other means.”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery chuckled on Kimiko’s lips before he kissed her back. His arm slid back around her, pulling her in closer while her hands held onto his face. She tasted like the wine and spices from the meal. It suited Avery just fine, and he decided to run his tongue along her bottom lip.


Location: Gershwin Theatre – New York City, New York

Caden smiled softly, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on Nero’s cheeks. ”We all feel lost sometimes,” he informed them. He settled back in his seat, looking down at Nero’s hands. He debated on if he should say anything, but ultimately decided he had to.

”Honestly, Cassi is the best one I know for it. She can see them in her mind’s eye and clears them quite often for her clients.”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

The grin remained on Avery's face as he responded. ”Well, my apologies, little fox, but I take my duties as your boyfriend very seriously. And a couple of those responsibilities are being adorable and distracting,” Avery said, his eyes flicking to Kimiko’s lips and back in a deliberative motion.


Location: Gershwin Theatre – New York City, New York

Caden nodded in agreement, his hand coming to rest over theirs. ”It would make sense. The root chakra is where you go to ground, to feel connected to the earth. You seem full of life and wanting to taste more of it. But if you are out of balance, it is also responsible for anxious and insecure feelings.”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery is still drifting in and out of his memories — until Kimiko calls him her boyfriend. Avery turned his head to look at her, a huge grin spreading across his face.

”What are you talking about? I’ve been innocently sitting here.” he said, itching to ask her to call him her boyfriend again.


Location: Gershwin Theatre – New York City, New York

”There is,” Caden said with a nod. ”That is your root chakra. It’s located at the base of your spine. Most people will rest their hands over their pelvic bone when connecting to their root. A rather sensual chakra, but it is also where everything begins. It’s the foundation for everything.”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery chuckled half-heartedly at the first part. He imagined Kimiko was the troublemaker at boarding school.

She shifted, her attention fully on him now, and Avery met her gaze. He smiled, wrapping his hand around hers as it rested on his chest. ”Thank you. I’d rather keep tonight happy if you don’t mind terribly. I’ll tell you about them soon,” he promised.


Location: Gershwin Theatre – New York City, New York

Caden chuckled and nodded. ”The chakras are said to be power centres within the body. They are rather important aspects to holistic workers, in some religious practices as well as sorcerers. The heart chakra is represented by the colour green. People who are connected with this chakra tend to be more compassionate, observant, and in-tune with their emotions. I’ve always made a point to lead with my heart when it comes to matters. I confess I am not always perfect, but I try. I like the colour green because I am drawn to it due to this connection. I wear it often for that purpose as well.”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

”Internat? Comment c’était?” Avery asked her, wanting to know more about her before he had to divulge more about himself; especially on a topic that wasn’t easy on him.

Avery finished his glass of wine and shifted. He reached for the bottle and poured himself another glass. Avery rarely indulged in alcohol, but he was making an exception today, even before the conversation shifted.

He swirled the liquid in his glass as fond memories popped into his head. [color=#B0C4DE]”Tout,”[/color he said simply. ”Elle était tout..”


Location: Gershwin Theatre – New York City, New York

Caden smiled, looking from Nero’s eyes to his hand on their dress. ”Aside from how good I look in it?” he joked. ”What do you know about chakras?” Caden asked curiously, looking into Nero’s eyes.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

”Ma grand-mère était française. Caden passe ensuite quelques années en Europe. Nous avons passé du temps en France, mais chaque fois que j'avais du temps libre, je prenais le train pour rentrer.” Avery took a sip of his wine, memories of France coming to him as he spoke about it.

”Où avez-vous appris?”


Location: Gershwin Theatre – New York City, New York

Caden chuckled, shifting again so Nero could sit in his lap comfortably. He rested his arm behind Nero, lazily tracing circles into their hip.

”Good, I’m glad. I thought you would like this one. If not for the story, then for all the green,” Caden said, using his other hand to fiddle with the hem of Nero’s dress.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

”Alors, quel ton préféreriez-vous que j'utilise?” Avery asked, his Perisan accent perfect.”[/i][/color]


Location: Gershwin Theatre – New York City, New York

Caden shifted his touch from Nero’s head, trailing his hand down their neck and arm to take their gloved hand in his. ”The music is fantastic, isn’t it?” He held Nero’s hand in his, relaxing in his seat.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery rubbed Kimiko’s arm as she buried her head into his side. He saw how red she hot gotten after his kiss to her nose. At least she chose to be embarrassed with him rather than run away from him. Avery wasn’t totally sure how not to embarrass her tease her, but he was sure she would say something if she didn’t like it.

”You just noticed?” Avery laughed and squeezed Kimiko closer before loosening his hold. ”I was going to make a comment on it earlier but decided against it.”


Location: Gershwin Theatre – New York City, New York

Caden’s drink is empty, but he has no real reason to go. ”No, I can stay. Unless you would like some time to yourself to process the first act.” He gently brushed his fingers over Nero’s head, not wanting to mess their hair up too much but also wanting to comfort them. From the way they were acting, they were enjoying the show on a deep, personal level.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Teal v-necked T-Shirt with black pants

Avery snorted and laughed at the terrible accent she tried to pull and shook his head at her. ”Fine fine, all the strawberries are yours, little fox.” He leaned in and kissed her nose rather than flicking it since she wasn’t sleeping.


Location: Gershwin Theatre – New York City, New York

The house lights came up, and Caden rested a hand on Nero’s back. ”It’s intermission now, my little imp. We have twenty minutes before the second act. Is there anything I can get for you?”
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