Avatar of KazAlkemi


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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
9 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
9 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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9 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery shifted to accommodate Kimiko’s leg in between his. At least this way, he was closer to her.

He chuckled and shifted his head to kiss the top of her head. ”It wouldn’t be as bad if you slept naked as I did,” Avery teased her.


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

Caden raised his eyebrow at Nero’s demand and then chuckled when they followed up with, please. ”I like it when you take charge.” Caden kissed Nero’s cheek as he moved past them to stretch out on the bed. Caden pushed the tray to one side so he could lay diagonal across the bed.

Caden yawned as he stretched out. ”We have to leave the hotel by at least 10:45 to make it to the restaurant for 11.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL

Cassi slipped a long gold chain with a raw citrine stone over her head and applied some ChapStick before she headed downstairs. Her phone buzzed again, and she laughed.

Not sure. Maybe I’m just excited to see my boyfriend ;)

Cassi went about feeding her cats and watering some of the plants before she decided to wait for Nic on her front step.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery hadn’t realized how not well he was sleeping before spending the last two nights with Kimiko. Normally, Avery was an early riser but he found himself sleeping deeply and sleeping in. Granted, instead of waking at four or five in the morning he was sleeping in until seven or eight.

Avery was still sound asleep, his arms wrapped around Kimiko until he felt pressure in his chest. He started to come to and realized the pressure was just Kimiko. He could feel her in his arms still and he held her closer.

”Mmmm, go back to sleep,” he grumbled.


Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York

Caden barely slept during the night, so when he heard Nero talk and felt their fingers on his face, he spoke.

”It wasn’t,” he said. He wiggled his eyebrows under Nero’s touch before he opened his eyes and shifted his head. He rotated his neck, feeling it stretch and release. He sighed and smiled sleepily at Nero.

”How did you sleep at least?”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi’s House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia woke up the next morning with a smile on her face. She wiggled under the covers of her bed, basking in the remaining warmth for sleep before she sat up and stretched. She had just seen Nic less than 12 hours ago, but she was looking forward to seeing him again. She felt like a teenager in their first relationship with how giddy she was.

Cass threw the covers back and bounced out of bed to look through her closet to find something to wear. She decided on a small green floral print dress and set it on a hook outside her closet before she grabbed brown boots to go with it. Then she went into the bathroom to finish getting ready for the day.

She was up early, so when Nic’s message came through, she was able to reply right away.

Madainn mhath. I’m awake, you can come get me whenever you’re ready <3

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Black Loungewear

Avery laughed, shaking his head. "Go on, have your bath. I'll just be out here, not thinking about you in there," Avery said and winked before he walked away and retrieved his book from his new drawer in her dresser.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Black Loungewear

Avery rolled his eyes. "And I can count to one hundred too," he said and stuck his tongue out at her.

He dropped his arms while Kimiko pushed him from the bathroom. He grinned at her comment but quickly shifted his features to look offended as he gasped.

"I would never compromise my honour or your virtue, my lady," Avery said, slipping into a Estuary British accent easily.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Black Loungewear

Avery smiled, kissing Kimiko back even if it was brief.

"Nah, I'll be okay. I grabbed a book from my room, so I can read. Besides, I want to give you your space, just not too much," he said and brushed her cheek with his thumb.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Black Loungewear

Avery snorted, his smile shifting into a smirk as he shook his head. He watched her walk up to him, looking down at her slightly when she neared. Avery never minded smaller women, bigger women, tall, or short. As long as they had a gorgeous personality and he wanted a relationship and they wanted one, he was happy. With Kiki, he was glad she was a little taller. He liked her height, even if he was still taller.

"It will compliment the massage well, and help relax those tight muscles more," Avery explained. "And you'll have some time for yourself. I won't leave, I'll just rest on the bed while you relax."

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Black Loungewear

Avery's face softened into a smile from Kimiko's confession. He was glad she explained it to him because that was the soul reason why he didn't chase her. He didn't want to make her nervous or uncomfortable, but two legs was better than four in that situation.

Avery walked across the bedroom and leaned on the doorframe. "And what'll happen when I chase you that one time you don't want to be chased?" Avery asked curiously, his eyes dancing with humor.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Black Loungewear

Avery raised an eyebrow, wishing she would have finished that sentence, but also surprised. "You wanted me to chase you?" He closed Kimiko's door and glanced at the closed bathroom door then back at her in an obvious 'what's behind there' sort of look.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Black Loungewear

Avery laughed, and stopped to grab the railing when Kimiko ran to resist the urge to chase after her.

"If I can't obviously check out my girlfriend, then what is the point?" he joked. A swell of pride filled him when he said the word 'girlfriend', just as when Kimiko had called him her boyfriend earlier in the day.

Avery managed to climb the stairs and walk down the hallway without chasing after Kimiko. He walked into the bedroom after she did, waiting for her to figure out her surprise.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden’s House – Chicago, IL
Fit: Black Loungewear

Avery slowed, letting Kimiko get a few steps ahead of him before climbing up the steps behind her. He noticed how she started to exaggerate her walk moving up the steps and he determined she had caught him staring at her. Avery whistled appreciatively at the show she gave him.

"You're breaking my heart, girl," he declared, resting a hand over his heart dramatically.
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