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Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
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The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Walking – Chicago, IL

Cassi watched Nic as he let them in and led the way. She couldn't keep the smile from her face as she watched him. She thought about how great their time would be once they finally got the opportunity to. She thought about how happy she was to have him, and how glad she was to decide to surprise him tonight.

Once the elevator doors opened, she squished herself inside after Nic and hit the appropriate button for his floor.

”So, Montana.”


Location: Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Shapeshifting

”Okay. Countdown from five. Remember to wait 10 seconds after opening the door then go. Five, four, three, two, one.”

Caden opened the door in a flurry and started to stalk around the yard.

”Michael! If you do not show your fuzzy little butt in the next five minutes I am completely disowning you!! This is no time for hiding!” Caden said in a huff, his voice completely mimicking Nero's.

He continued to stomp around, screwing German profanities until he called out to the lurking demon.

”Oye, you haven't happened to see a small white, adorable headache in the form of a cat wandering through the yard while you've been lurking, have you?” Caden asked, skipping over to the demon in question as he did so.

He flashed his eyes from black to white and then back again, cocking his head to the side. ”You are really bad at lurking. Did you know that?”

The demon in question looked annoyed with Nero/Caden, but when Caden flashed his eyes white, Caden saw the demon's fear and he smiled sweetly, closing the distance between him and the demon.

”And who…are you?”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Walking – Chicago, IL

Cassi blushed from Nic's suggestion, but the idea sent a little thrill through her. She elbowed him in the stomach, not having a free hand.

”Let's worry about what you can call me after I see your skill level,” Cassi said, her tone suggesting more than just magic knowledge.


Location: Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Shapeshifting

”An exit that is as close to the west side of the house as you can. The demon is on the east side watching front and back but I want you to exit at the same time I do. Count to ten and then walk straight and away from the house. You'll come across the car about two blocks away,” Caden said and placed a hand on the door.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Walking – Chicago, IL

Cassi grinned and nodded. ”Yes, both are very fashionable these days,” she said and reached up to peck his lips before tugging him along.

They were almost back to his place and the food was calling out to her.

”I know there are still dangers, and I'm still going to worry, but I also have to trust in myself. I gave you protection runes and the anti-possession tattoo… You're smart, and you told me about what's going on at the hospital. I can't protect you every minute of every day, but I've done what I can to ensure you are, and if we educate you on what's happening, that will help you further.”


Location: Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Shapeshifting

Caden had a solid plan in place by the time Nero called out. ”No, but the car is a coupe. The trunk should be large enough to accommodate what you have. Are you ready?”

Caden moved about the house to the door that would be the closest to where the demon was.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Walking – Chicago, IL

Cassi paused when Nic stopped walking. She turned to look at him and felt her cheeks pink slightly. She glanced at the ground, both of her hands preoccupied with holding food and Nic’s hand so she couldn’t fiddle with her hair or anything in her embarrassment.

”Well…no. At least, not what I was feeling for you I didn’t feel like I deserved. Plus, I wanted to protect you. I know you said you wanted to be a part of this world, but I’m worried about what you might find or what you might come across if none of us are around.” She stepped in closer to Nic, put her chin on his chest, and looked up at him again.

”Are you opposed to me placing you in a bubble?”


Location: Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Shapeshifting

Caden chuckled and watched them dash off before he looked in the direction of where he sensed the demon watching the house. ”Just remember, I can shift into nearly anything. Human, supernatural creature…whatever you’ve had a fantasy about, I could fulfil it.” he called after Nero.

He thought over what he could do, shaking his hands and rolling his neck while waiting for Nero to tell him they had everything and were ready.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Walking – Chicago, IL

Cassi elbowed him playfully while they walked, shaking her head at him. ”I listened to them then, too. Just today, with everything that happened and how you are always there for me, it just clicked for me that I do deserve you and this feeling of being cared for…” She trailed off, staring at the sidewalk as they walked along.


Location: Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Shapeshifting

Caden smirked, the image mirroring the same look Nero would get on their face when they were being mischievous. ”If you’ve ever wanted to have sex with yourself, I’ll be happy to comply,” Caden said and kissed Nero’s cheek.

”You have time. Just be quick about it. They aren’t doing anything, just monitoring the house. Thankfully, I also entered your home in a different body, so they don’t know I’m here.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Walking – Chicago, IL

Cassi laughed when she heard the passing wolf calls and car horn honking. She shook her head and claimed the food bags from Nic so they could still hold one of Nic’s hands while they walked.

”Oh, they like you…Trust me. Before we started dating, but we were getting closer, one of my ancestors visited me at night to confirm my feelings and that you would be good for me. I don’t know if you know this about me, but I’m rather stubborn and don’t accept good things when they come my way,” she said, knowing full well Nic knew all of that.


Location: Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Shapeshifting

”I’m going to buy you some time to get those books and get to the car,” Caden said. He kissed Nero softly before he pulled back and shifted.

Caden no longer stood in front of Nero but rather a second copy of Nero themselves. Everything matched Nero identically from the hair, the two different coloured eyes, including the clothes and the knife placement.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Walking – Chicago, IL

Cassi giggled again and buried her head into Nic’s chest when he talked to the air around them. Thankfully, no one was around to look at them strangely.

”It’s not a show. It’s just… My mom and grandmother used to kiss me on the forehead, and when I felt them and the rest of my family near, I felt that kiss again and then you kissed me there and I just… I needed to feel it again.”

She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. ”I love you.”


Location: Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Caden didn’t like the idea of Nero teleporting them, not that they didn’t trust Nero, but their teleportation had been sketchy at best. Caden looked down at Nero as an idea formed.

He cupped their face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs along their cheeks.

”Do you trust me?”


Location: Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Dragon Magic -- Sense

"Let them watch if they come. Maybe they'll learn something," Caden teased, happily following Nero into the next room.

He grinned at their offer and squeezed Nero's hand. "I would enjoy breaking some furniture with you," he said.

While they walked Caden let the dragon come closer to the surface. They searched Nero's property, looking for signs of things that should not be, of people who should not be around.

Something bounced off Caden's power, something that shouldn't be there. Caden stopped walking when the dragon growled inside his mind., warning him that their mate wasn't safe. Caden's eyes shifted back to the dragon, and he tugged on Nero's hand.

"Someone is watching," he said. Caden's voice held an air of authority and an otherness. It was still Caden's familiar cadence, but the dragon was with them.


Location: Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero chuckles and shakes their head at Caden’s replies, squeezing his hand back three times as they lead him. When Caden stops and tugs on the imp’s hand, they turn to look at him. Hearing the dragon in Caden’s voice doesn’t alarm Nero as much anymore, but hearing that someone was watching has them ducking into his arms, hiding themselves in his torso.

“Can you tell who it is? I swear to god if it’s Ryan, I’m turning him into dust.” Although, Nero feels like if it was the German-speaking demon that they loved to always call by the wrong name, Caden would have recognized him… right?


Location: Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Dragon Magic – Sense

Caden wrapped a protective arm around Nero when they curled into him. He knew his imp was dangerous enough to defend themselves, but the fact that Nero chose to defer to Caden enraptured him.

Caden reached out with his power again to take a closer look at what was within the boundaries of Nero’s home, but besides being a demon, Caden didn’t know who it was.

Caden growled in annoyance. ”I don’t know who it is.” He wrapped his other arm around Nero. ”I need to get you out of here.”


Location: Nero’s House - Chicago, IL

Nero’s brow furrows - even though Caden didn’t individually meet every single one of their peons, he’d probably recognize one if it was one of them. The thought that not only was it someone unknown, but also a demon chills Nero to the core. Their hands clutch at Caden’s back as their mind starts going through possible escape maneuvers. “Should I try teleporting us?”

“Wait, no, the books in my office - we need to grab those before we leave.” Nero looks up at Caden with a pleading look. “I don’t care about all the other stuff here, but those books…” The imp scans their dragon’s face. “They likely hold the answers we need. I had my demons retrieve them from Hell as inconspicuously as I could… Scheisse… They trail off, trying to think who it could be invading their property.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Walking – Chicago, IL

Cassi giggled, looked up at Nic and grabbed his sweater. ”Wait. Do that again,” she said and tapped her forehead when he kissed her.

”You can say hi if you want…They are still lingering…”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Walking – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia smiled and shook her head, finding Nic's concern perfect and adorable. She chuckled lightly and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I am more than okay," she said and kissed him deeply. She reached up on her tiptoes, leaning into him comfortably with the knowledge that Nic would support her no matter what. She kissed the man she loved with all of her heart, mind, body, and soul.

She would have kept kissing him like that, but the smell of the food made her stomach grumble and she didn't want Nic to drop the food.

"My ancestors say hi by the way," she whispered before relaxing her feet and released her hold on him.
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