
Location: Driving – Chicago, IL
Caden rubbed his thumb along Nero's hands while he drove. He needed the constant contact to reassure himself Nero was present and okay. The idea that Nero was being watched didn't sit well with Caden.
With all the work they were doing to unlock Nero's past bringing about the revelation of Mundus, and just who Nero was to the Prince of Hell, did not bode well for who this low level demon worked for. Coupled with Crowley's unsolicited visit this afternoon, it wasn't looking good.
Caden looked over at Nero, having realized they were both in their own minds. He squeezed Nero's hand.
”Avery said no one aside from us and the wolves have been on the property since we started seeing each other. I'll up the wards and talk to Cassi about setting something up. You're safe with me,” he said, wanting to remind himself as much as Nero of that fact.
Avery Zain
Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Avery smirked as he felt Kimiko lean against him.
”Don't fall asleep on me. I can hardly carry you plus sandwiches and glasses of water,” he said.
Avery made simple sandwiches with ham sliced by a butcher, cheese, lettuce, and cut cucumbers for extra crunch.