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Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
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The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
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weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
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We're still a colony XD
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Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Chains tore through the ground and locked around Nero before dragging them back to Hell. Cassiopeia fell through the ground with them, the whisper of chains on her own wrists while she watched Nero and Mundus from a distance.

Cassiopeia devoured the image of the prince of Hell. She took his grey-silver skin, his clawed hands, and the deadly gleam of his eyes. She even let the sound of his voice lull her in. The sorcerer swallowed and squeezed Nero's hand in return. The power that seemed to roll off Mundus even in Nero's memory was all consuming.

”Good. That will remind the others not to break their deals with me,” he sneered.

Mundus stood and stepped down from his throne. His foot falls fell heavy as he stalked towards Nero. ”An entire army gone, because the old bitch couldn't keep her kin in line. You left the new matron alive?” Mundus put a clawed finger under Nero's chin and tilted their head up to look at Mundus as he asked his question. When Nero confirms, Mundus grinned.

”Good. I still intend to claim her as mine one day. She could be a fun new playmate for us,” Mundus purred, leaning in closer to Nero.

Cassiopeia forced herself to watch even though she desperately wanted to look away. Nero lived it. The least she could do was watch, learn, and understand.


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Caden followed Kimiko's gaze to Nic. He nodded, saying nothing as he took a moment to watch Nic train. It seemed it was a good thing Nic found them. At least now they could educate Nic on the supernatural world.

”Do you want to practice blocking me while we workout?” Caden asked, pulling both of them from their thoughts.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia watched Nero's body language shift, and she hesitated a moment more, having recognized the dissociative behaviour.

”Yes, I think we'd all like some answers on that particularly. Alright, let's start with the last memory then. I want to know who made that order and why. Then, if you're feeling up to it, we can unlock more of your memories concerning Mundus,” Cassi stated.

She stared at Nero's hand, seeing all their scars, and sighed. Everyone had a past. Cassi floated several candles out of their places and drawers. She lit them before crushing up some herbs she magiked over as well.

”This will help keep you grounded and direct the memories rather than have them shift randomly,” she explained.

Once Cassi felt ready, she took Nero's hand and shut her eyes. She dove back into the memory of her family's death. She saw Nero on the hill. She saw them kill their grandmother, but didn't let go. Cassi held on, wanting to know who and why.


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

”I do, but I figured while you're here and wanting to help more, you could access them. You could look into it with Nic and Avery while the rest of us contact Crowley,” Caden suggested.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia was surprised Nero agreed so readily. She walked over to where they sat and took a seat beside them. She eyed Nero's hand before looking them in the eyes.

”I honestly didn't think you would agree to this. Didn't seem like you were having very much fun last time,” she noted.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery looked at Kimiko when he heard Caden should blame him for her grumpiness. He smirked, keeping his comments to himself, and resumed his workout.


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Caden raised an eyebrow, curious as to Kimiko's meaning, but he let the subject slide.

”Nic's dad, Ren, made a deal to save his wife from cancer. Turns out she had been diagnosed with the disease prior to their camping trip. The deal was made with Ren giving up ten years of his life. Cassi came to work with Nero on how to get Ren out of the deal. Since we have to summon Crowley, we're going to ask who holds the deal, and hopefully save Ren.”

Caden explained all of this while he continued to watch the video footage. He had scanned every part of the room several times over, watching for any glitches or indiscrepancies, but nothing was standing out to him.

”Do you still have access to your dad's men of letters files?”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia stared at the peace lily she was working on, and sighed. ”It's not exactly easy to forget two hundred and fifty years of, well, hate for demons. I know you saved me. I know you love Caden, it's just… difficult,” Cassi confided and finished working on the lily.

She descended the ladder and turned to face Nero.

”If I wanted to know more about that day, the day you helped kill my family, and the order that told you to, would you let me dig in your mind?”

Cassiopeia couldn't shake this feeling she had since learning of Ren's demon deal. It had been how he said it. How Nic yelled at his father. There was something about that moment that had taken her back to the day she lost everyone.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery smiled at Nic and nodded. ”Go about your usual warm-up. We'll do a bit of cardio and arms together after before the bag,” Avery said and patted Nic's back before starting his own warmup.


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

”Well, I did intend it to mean good news for you, not necessarily anyone else,” Caden clarified.

He looked over at Nic when he didn't reply to Kimiko. ”Do you want me to tell her or do you?” Caden didn't want to overstep, but he could also understand not wanting to repeat himself for the third or fourth time.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia slowed in her task while Nero worked. She was really trying to give Nero the benefit of the doubt. Their lack of knowledge on their past really frustrated Cassi. She supposed it was frustrating for Nero as well from the sound of their tone.

Cassiopeia walked over to the ladder and climbed up until she could tend to the higher up plants. She glanced down at Nero, noting how small they looked, and not just because Cassi was higher.

"How annoying it must be to be a pawn in someone else's game. And yet you have several demons doing your bidding for you. Remind me how that makes you different from the others?"


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

"Perhaps. If I was a lawyer, though, I could easily get a case thrown because of the poor quality in camera work. Most video quality is in high definition or four k res," Caden noted.

Nero's words about donating to Nic's hospital bounced around in his head. Maybe Caden would get in touch with the director of the hospital and mention how he owned a security company...

"Well that's maddening," Avery commented.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery walked away from the screen, assuming Caden was going to have the videos playing on a loop while they all trained. He walked over and grabbed the jump rope for Nic and handed it to him.

"How about we do some bag work today, Nic? Or did you have something else you wanted to work on?"

Caden was immersed with the video, but Avery gently guided his alpha and friend over to the treadmill. It was still in line with the TV so Caden could multitask.

Avery looked over when Kimiko entered and smiled. "Nic has a monster in the hospital," he said and pointed to the treadmill next to Caden. "You can warm-up and watch."

"Nero and Cass are working on intel for Nero's problem and Nic's other problem. Which is good news for you, Kiki. I think they figured out why they fell off your mother's list of blessings," Caden said, glancing at her before looking back at the TV.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia could understand not trusting Crowley. He was just like any other demon and would do as he pleased if it furthered his goals. However, Caden was properly in love with Nero, and Nero had saved not only Cassi but others without asking for anything in return.

"Okay, say I believe you," Cassiopeia said, starting to prune some of the plants. "How fucked do you think we are?"

Caden had filled her in more on Mundus and who they were. Cass didn't know much about Nero's past, but from what Caden felt comfortable telling her, it was obvious Nero was something special to them. If Mundus was coming after Nero, Cass had no idea what fate had in store for her and her family.


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Caden took the thumb drive from Nic and nodded. "Yes. I bought a security firm a while back and have been slowly improving upon it."

He walked over to one of the TVs in the training room and plugged in Nic's flash drive as Avery walked in and greeted them both. Caden pulled up the file in a program and played the thing over.

"Your security cameras aren't up-to-date," Caden noted while they watched.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery stood next to Nic and looked over the video. He cocked his head to the side when the patient disappeared. Caden slowed the video down and the three of them watched the patient burst into mist.

"Shit. You weren't joking," Avery said and moved closer to the screen.

Caden put the video on a loop so they could watch it over and over again.

"And you said this happened twice with two different teams? No personal overlap?" Caden asked Nic.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia kept her focus on the plants, knowing if she broke her concentration she would lash out. However, she did have a few housecleaning questions for Nero.

”I have a few questions first, and then we can play nice for Caden's sake. First question, did you know you were being hunted? Because if you knew and thought latching yourself onto Caden would save you from bringing Hell to our doorstep, I will summon Crowley without you and gladly give you back to who or whatever is looking for you.”


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Caden listened carefully to Nic's problem. It was a rather interesting case, and some parts of it sounded familiar, but others not so much.

”Did you bring the video with you?” Caden asked as they walked into the gym.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery’s eyes widened at Kimiko's statement, and then he was grinning. ”My little fox… I wish very much to simply keep you in this room and see all the different ways I can make you come but I cannot. You take as long as you wish, as long as you promise to think of me,” Avery said with a wink before he opened the door and left Kimiko to get ready to train.

He walked slowly down to the gym, having to calm himself and clear his mind of Kimiko and her statement.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia smiled and released Nic to watch him walk away with Caden. She sighed, feeling an odd sense of emptiness before she turned to look at Nero.

Cassi rolled her eyes at the fake smile before she followed them down the hallway. She didn’t go up the stairs with Nero but continued down until she reached the greenhouse. She sighed, feeling relaxed as soon as she opened the door. Who knew the first time she was in here with the demon would have been the start of a lifelong journey with them. Why did Caden have to pick Nero as their mate?

Cassi tossed her bag and cardigan onto the couch and started tending to the plants. The repetitive actions soothed her mind and comforted her soul.


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

”What’s going on?” Caden asked Nic curiously as they walked down to the gym. As he went, he texted Avery that they were ready to go.

Caden wasn’t worried about leaving Cassi and Nero alone together. Even if the two of them fought, they would at least get it out of their system and move on.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery’s eyes shifted to refocus on the object that blocked his view. He grinned at Kimiko, wrapped an arm around her, and quickly rolled her over so he hovered over top of her.

”Your heart,” he said simply. ”Your innocence, your virtue.” He traced a finger from her throat, down the centre of her body, to the top of her shorts.

He tracked his finger, a small smirk sitting comfortably on his lips while his mind tumbled with thoughts of Kimiko naked and trembling underneath him until she begged him to stop.

His phone buzzed, pulling Avery from his decadent thoughts. He sat back on Kimiko’s legs and took out his phone.

”Ah, they’re ready to train. Are you gonna come?” Avery asked, getting off Kimiko and the bed.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Nic becomes a steadying presence for Cassi. Not only is she giving him comfort, but she is also receiving it from him. The idea that Caden is in danger bothers Cassiopeia. She understands Caden can more than look after himself, but she is protective of him. Just as they all were when Kimiko was taken.

”You can't summon here anyways. The protection spells wouldn't allow for it. I assume you want me to go over those as well?”

”If you wouldn't mind. I reinforced the shields last night but the land could use your touch again,” Caden said.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery closed the bedroom door triumphantly and returned to the bed. He smiled happily when Kimiko finished her second sandwich.

”I think it's good she's here… I think she's really trying,” Avery mused. He laid back on Kimiko's bed and stared up at the ceiling.

”Also, if Nero is being hunted, having her with us would be better than having her against us.”


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

”We'll find a place to summon Crowley after training. Nic, are you ready?”

He noted how close Cassi and Nic were, he could understand the comfort the human was probably receiving from Cass, and was fine with leaving if Nic needed a few more minutes.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Cassi slid her hand from Nic's hip to his lower back to hold him more securely. She looked back at Nero when they mentioned Crowley and she frowned.

”Why do you need to talk to Crowley?”

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Avery wiggled and rubbed his nose after Kimiko flicked it. He smiled innocently, stood, and walked towards the door.

”I could steal more than the smoothie, but fine. If you want to be thrown in with the rest of the wolves, by all means,” he said and opened the door.


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Caden let go of Nero and rubbed his chin, mulling over this new development. He looked down at Nero and nodded in agreement before he looked at Cassi.

”Nero is being watched,” he said simply.

Cassi opened her mouth to speak and Caden held up his hand. ”Don't go there, Cassi. We are in a good place right now, I don't need to hear any childish I told you so’s.”

Cassi frowned and dropped her arm, deflated, and sipped her tea.

”Fine. When are you going to contact Crowley?”

”After training. You and Nero could gather the supplies they need,” Caden suggested.
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