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Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
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The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Errands – Chicago, IL

Cassi helped load everything into the SUV before she let Wayland hop in and explore. She watched him while she mulled over Nic's question.

”No, I think we have everything we need for Wayland and the start of your garden. We don't need to worry about filling it with dirt or anything with winter coming. So we should be able to head to your place now.”


Location: Medivial Torture Museum – Chicago, IL

Caden pulled out his phone and searched up an image of the traction machine in question to show Nero.

”A few things I believe. Most of the tools used are used for surgery or dental exams. But some things are still used for torture, as well. Like on those who are war prisoners,” Caden revealed.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery watched his girlfriend for a little while longer, memorising more of her habits before he relinquished her hand. He needed it to eat his meal properly. Avery ate his meal in silence, periodically looking around the diner habitually before refocusing on his date and his meal.

”After we go to my screaming rock, do you want to head into town to get some riding gear for yourself?”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Errands – Chicago, IL

Cass grinned, wrapping her arms around Nic. She shut her eyes, absorbing his kiss and the pleasing idea of having a future with him.

”Of course I had to make you sweat. It was fun to be on the other side of an anxiety driven conversation,” she said and kissed him softly.

She felt a tugging on the bottom of her jacket and looked down to see Wayland. She laughed a little and bent to scoop him up.

”I guess we should get the little one home.”


Location: Medivial Torture Museum – Chicago, IL

”Or perhaps a demon from Hell brought it up top,” Caden said, having a feeling it was more of that than the former.

Caden walked over to examine a torture device that was used to pull humans limps out of their socket.

”You know, they have an instrument like this at chiropractic offices. They call it a traction machine,” Caden informed Nero. ”Strange how technology originally used for torture is now used to help people.”

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery’s smile turned soft while he watched Kimiko's reactions. He ran his thumb along her knuckles, finding himself becoming more enamoured with her.

”I've been told I can lay it on thick sometimes, but it's all true,” he said, looking back at her.

Their breakfast was brought over then, but Avery didn't release Kimiko's hand. Instead, he thanked Leanne and moved their plates between them, so they could keep holding hands.

The special today seemed to be eggs over easy, with two slices of ham, and hashbrowns.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Errands – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia smiled with amusement while she watched Nic flounder. It was sort of adorable watching the panic come across in how he started to reorganize the cart to keep himself busy. It was even more amusing how they switched positions. Now Nic looked up at her while Cassi stood.

Cassi remained quiet for a moment after Nic stopped talking, enjoying the brief role reversal. She leaned down eventually and kissed him.

”You don’t need to stop talking about it. I’m happy you are excited for our future. That you want a future with me.” She pulled back, and offered a hand to Nic to help him stand.


Location: Medieval Torture Museum – Chicago, IL

”Well, it’s true,” Caden said with a wide grin. He escorted Nero into the building and paid for two passes for them to explore the museum and all the different exhibits they had.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery marvelled at how Kimiko was reacting. She really doesn’t know, he thought to himself. Avery reached an arm across the table to brush Kimiko’s fingers. He turned his hand over as an invitation to take his hand if she wanted it. All the while, Avery watched her.

”Je suis amoureux de toi, petit renard. J'aime la façon dont vous vous mordez la lèvre et vous enthousiasmez pour les fraises enrobées de chocolat. J'aime que tu ne réalises pas à quel point tu as un effet sur les gens. J'aime à quel point tu es attentionné. Comme vous êtes motivé et passionné. Et j'aime à quel point tu t'inquiètes pour moi même si je t'ai blessé. J'aime que tu me donnes une seconde chance. J'espère en être digne, et de vous.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Errands – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia was letting Wayland pick a couple of new toys when Nic made his comment. She looked up at him from where she crouched on the ground and smiled.

”You're really hooked on that conversation we had about kids the other day, aren't you?” She stood up, placing the toy Wayland wanted in the cart before she focused on Nic.


Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Caden grinned and wrapped his arms quickly around Nero from behind and placed a kiss on their cheek. ”And some people would say you're grooming me because you're so much older than I am. I was innocent before you found me and corrupted me,” he teased and placed another kiss on Nero's cheek from behind before he released them.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery widened his eyes in disbelief. He crossed his arms on the table and leaned against them. ”You can't be serious? There are many, many things you could do to retaliate. Looking at me for one, not letting me touch you is another. Asking me please while pushing your glasses back up your beautiful nose. Telling me not to follow you, so I have to watch you walk away. I could keep going,” Avery told her honestly.

No, Avery was and would forever be, bewitched by Kimiko.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Errands – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia watched Wayland run away, shaking her head slightly when some of the patrons and staff members exclaimed about how cute and fluffy he was. Cassi started looking at some of the treats when Nic's comment made her pause.

She turned and smiled up at Nic when he looked at her. ”Well, he is one of our kids, so yes,” she teases him. ”Alright. Essentials first, litter box, litter, food and dishes,” she said and marched ahead.

Wayland periodically came back to check on their progress before scouting ahead.


Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

”That's what I was hoping for,” Caden said, shutting the car off. He looked over at Nero, grinning cheekily.

”You're the only one here with first hand accounts of that time period. I wasn't even a figment of my parents imagination yet,” he said and hopped out of the car before Nero could accuse him of calling them old.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery raised his right hand and crossed his left over his heart, the grin still firmly in place.

”I swear to only use my powers for good.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Errands – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia was more than happy to push the cart around, and did so happily. She gathered up nails and other supplies like that, while Nic loaded up the wood. At some point between gathering supplies and loading them in the SUV, Cassi realized she had a permanent smile on her face. There was something about running errands with Nic that was spectacularly normal that it made Cassi's heartache.

Once the supplies were loaded, she pulled Wayland out of her pocket and he meowed with relief.

”Alright little one. Time for your reward,” she said. She walked into the pet store before setting him down to run around.


Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

Caden smiled softly while he drove. He squeezed Nero's leg before talking. ”There's something very soothing about when you do that,” he said, looking at Nero's hands.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

“Of course, love. Anything for putting up with him,” Leanne said before leaving the two of them.

Avery was smiling at Kimiko the entire time she teased him and spoke with Leanne. ”Anything and everything, hmm? I'll have to keep that in mind,” he said with a wide grin.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Errands – Chicago, IL

Cassi pulled out a piece of paper from her other pocket and shook it open before she handed it to Nic. It was from the day she mapped up what they would do for Nic's terrace garden. It had a schematic along with the measurements of the whole thing. On the back was a list of materials they would need.

”All done,” she said proudly.


Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

”Both it is. Then supper after?” Caden asked, glancing periodically at Nero while he drove down the roads, and into Chicago.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

”Well, ya. The special was for you, unless you decide you want something else,” Avery said.

He waited for Kimiko to sit before he took his seat across from her. The usual waitress spotted him and marched over.

“And where have you two been? It's been weeks,” she said sounding offended.

Avery grinned up at the older woman.

”I'm sorry Leanne, what will it take for you to forgive me?” Avery asked, taking her hand and looked up at her with those puppy dog eyes he had perfected.

The woman scoffed and pulled her hand back. “Good luck with this one, love. He's a charmer. What'll it be?” she asked, ignoring Avery in favour of Kimiko.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Errands – Chicago, IL

Cassi gave Wayland a bit of a pep talk, deciding to wait for Nic to open the door for her. She kissed Wayland's head before she got out of the car and popped him into her jacket pocket.

”Hardware store first. Then the pet store can be a sort of reward,” she said and scratched the top of Wayland's head before she reclaimed Nic's hand.


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Caden grinned and kissed Nero's nose. ”You stole my line,” he said before shutting the door on the Aston Martin and walked around to get in on the driver's side.

He turned the car over and pulled out right away. It would probably be the last time Caden took the car. He usually stuck to driving one of the several SUVs he had during Fall and Winter.

”They have a Medieval Torture museum that could be interesting, but possibly triggering,” Caden said. He rested a hand on Nero's thigh, rubbing his fingers along the inside of their leg. ”Or we could start with the planetarium. Something light and fun,” he suggested, looking at Nero.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

A goofy grin broke across Avery's face as he witnessed Kimiko's reaction. He felt shy suddenly. Not only did it seem like their first date, but their first time doing anything. Avery was nervous. He didn't want to cross any lines with Kimiko, even though they had advanced their relationship much further than this already. He felt unsure of himself and what she might be okay with. Right now, he took the fact that she wasn't pushing him away as a good sign.

”Well, let's go find out what the special is today,” Avery captured Kiki's hand and led her inside, holding the door for her before he took her to his usual spot.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Cassi's House – Chicago, IL

”And at least my stubbornness kept me from leaving of embarrassment.” Cassi had enjoyed her first date with Nic, even if it had a rocky start.

She unbuckled her seatbelt and booped Wayland's nose to wake him up. ”He can sit in my pocket at the hardware store. I'm not sure if they're a cat friendly place. For the pet store, he can wander around freely.”


Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL

Caden chuckled, amused with Nero's behaviour. He stood up and scooped Nero into his arms.

”Alright, at least let me carry you to the car,” he said and kissed Nero once before heading into the house to get their jackets before he told Henry where they were going, and headed to the garage.

All the while, Caden held Nero, carrying them happily through the house and outside to the car.

Avery Zain

Location: Caden&Nero’s House —> Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery grinned and took the backpack from Kimiko. He pulled out his wallet and shoved his jacket inside.

”I'm happy. I'm on a date with my girlfriend at one of my favourite places,” he said and leaned over to kiss her softly. He lingered for a minute before he pulled back and rubbed his face.

”So, what do you want for breakfast?”
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