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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic&Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia paused and watched Nic as he put on his little show for her. She laughed, following him up the stairs.

”Je peux toujours créer une barrière avec ma magie.” She became filled with nervous anticipation as she followed Nic up the stairs to his room. She wasn’t sure if he would actually attempt to ravish her from all the teasing she had done today, or if he would tease her until the point of begging.

The boards Cassi magiked to float up the stairs hovered outside Nic’s bedroom, waiting to be allowed through. She snapped her fingers, and Nic’s bedroom door opened. The boards floated inside before settling on the ground beside the patio door.

”See, magic does have its benefits.”


Location: Planetarium – Chicago, IL

Caden listened and watched Nero while they walked, both fascinated and worried about them. They walked into the theatre, and Caden found a pair of seats for them. He took a seat in one and looked up at the screen.

”Maybe they’ll talk about black holes.”

Avery Zain

Location: Garden of The God's – Chicago, IL

Avery kept his eyes on the scenery for a long time. He ached to look at her, but he didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. He could feel her eyes on him, though, and eventually looked down to meet them.

”Part of me wishes you did, but another part is glad you didn’t. I deserved the punishment, but I wasn’t ready to see you. Not only did I pass out immediately after breaking the barrier, but I didn’t wake for hours. And I was beating myself up pretty badly. I don’t think I would have believed you if you said you forgave me.”

Avery shifted his weight onto one hand and lifted the other to brush Kimiko’s cheek. He ran his hand down her arm and took her hand.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic&Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia grinned but refrained from making any more pieces of wood fly up the stairs. Instead, Cassi walked over and picked up the boxes of screws and nails.

Cela signifie-t-il que vous comprenez ce qu'est la taquinerie ? Ou avez-vous besoin de plus de leçons ?”


Location: Planetarium – Chicago, IL

Caden looked over at Nero, startled by their statement. ”I thought black holes were unstable? And destroyed everything.”

He took Nero's hand and pulled them from the gift shop.

Avery Zain

Location: Garden of The God's – Chicago, IL

Avery snorted and laughed. He obeyed Kimiko and joined her on her perch. ”I look nothing like a prairie dog.” Avery rested back on his hands, one arm behind Kimiko, and crossed his ankles.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic&Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia walked over to her bag and pulled a stick out, she snapped it in half and whispered a few words before she pointed at a couple longer pieces of plywood. They started to float in the air and move towards the stairs. It was like a scene out of ‘The Magician’s Apprentice’.

”Are you sure? It’s a lot of fun. I’m sure you could sit on one of the boards,” she joked.


Location: Planetarium – Chicago, IL

Caden shook his head and placed a finger on a globe that sparkled with how electricity worked. ”I don’t know much about space. As I said, my interests lay elsewhere. What do you find fascinating about black holes?”

Avery Zain

Location: Garden of The God's – Chicago, IL

”We’ll come back when the leaves fully change colour. The view is very picturesque then,” Avery explained. He hoped a few rocks out and took a few deep breaths before he inhaled deeply on the last one and let out a primordial yell. His shoulders sagged with relief after and he looked back at Kimiko, a lopsided grin on his face.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic&Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia grinned and unwrapped her arms from around Nic's neck. She rested her hands on his chest for a moment while he confessed that he had enjoyed her little show.

She laughed when he shook his finger at her and walked away. Cassi glanced down and adjusted her skirt and fixed her stockings before she left the kitchen to rejoin the others.

”Do you need help getting the materials up to the terrace?” Cassi asked Nic casually.


Location: Planetarium – Chicago, IL

”Maybe you'll want something different after you've seen the shows,” Caden challenged. He released Nero and examined some of the odds and ends they had in the gift shop.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner —> Garden of The God's – Chicago, IL

”Like the screaming rock,” Avery said with a nod. He let his arm drop from around Kimiko, missing her already even though she stood near him to get her gear on.

He laughed when she called him corny and shrugged. ”I guess, but true all the same.” Avery pulled on his jacket, grabbed the keys from the bag, and put his wallet back inside before setting the backpack in Kimiko's spot. He turned the bike on after sitting down and pulled on his helmet.

Once Kimiko was in place and ready, Avery walked the bike backwards before turning and drove forward. It took a bit longer to get to the park than the first time Avery took her only because he was driving more cautiously for her sake. Still, it was a pleasant drive. At one point, Avery had dropped his hand from the handlebar to rest on Kimiko's shin while he drove. He rubbed his hand along the side of her leg, happy she was with him.

Finally, they reached the proper turn out, and Avery parked the bike before shutting it off. He removed his helmet and breathed in the clean air. Some of the trees were just starting to change colours as autumn neared. The view would be gorgeous by October.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic&Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia dropped the bag of food onto the counter before Nic closed the distance between them. He pulled her in tightly, and she couldn't help the grin that crossed her face when he was more forceful with her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him near after he whispered in her ear to give herself the time to whisper into his ear. ”Why? Did you not like the view? I put them on just for you.”

In fact, Cassi had put on black laced lingerie today in case they found a private moment for themselves. It hadn't been her intention to spend the day teasing Nic, but she was thankful she had been thinking ahead.


Location: Planetarium – Chicago, IL

Caden laughed but smiled softly as he nodded. ”I'll reach out to them,” he promised. It wasn't often that Caden spoke to his family, not because he didn't desire to but in an effort to protect them. However, he understood the need to break rules from time to time.

Caden let Nero pull them into the gift shop, chuckling at how easily Nero could shift the moment from something serious to something fun. He hoped together they would always be able to find the fun.

Caden wrapped his arms around Nero and walked behind them into the gift shop.

”Gift shops are for after visiting the museum.”

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery shut his eyes while she spoke. He ignored the people who joined them in the parking lot, he needed this moment, but he understood Kimiko's request.

He chuckled when she flicked his nose. Avery kissed Kimiko's cheek before letting her go and nodded.

”I can't promise I won't be frustrating in the future, but I can promise that I'll never stop loving you.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic&Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

While Wayland became preoccupied with Ren, Cassi set up Wayland's litter in an area that wouldn't disturb the rest of the house. She had never been a fan of people placing them in the bathroom, finding it unsanitary. Instead, Cassi located a corner in one of the spare closets, so it was tucked away but still easily accessible. She finished laying out a mat to keep the space clean when she walked back into the kitchen.

She smiled at Nic, but didn't stop to greet him, rather she kept going and picked up the bag of cat food to add to the dish she had laid out. With her earlier plans of teaching Nic what teasing was still fresh in her mind, Cassi scooped out the right amount of food for Wayland and bent over to fill the dish. She didn't couch down, as would be proper in her skirt, but rather she bent at the waist, bending her left knee slightly to allow for the reach and dumped the food into Wayland's dish. She stood back up, and looked at Nic with a silent challenge in her smile.


Location: Planetarium – Chicago, IL

”My family has had dealings with most creatures who have come in and out of existence. Demons and Angels are just as old as they, if not older. If a fight has occurred with Angels, I have not heard, but I wager a high survival rate in favour of dragons. No, the biggest killer of my kind would be greed or ego. Or expansion. Humans have encroached on our lands for years. It is difficult to maintain our home and our lives when the enemy is progress.”

Caden looked up at a model of a rocket as they passed under it. ”But we come from the Earth. I'm not certain we would survive on another planet with a different atmosphere. But if the humans leave to colonize other worlds, perhaps we can take back that which is ours.”

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery nodded, knowing there was no need to lie or hide from her. He kept one arm around her while the other let go. He pressed his hand along hers where it rested on his face. Avery turned his head to kiss the palm of Kimiko's hand.

Her fingers had been gentle on his face, tracing the lines of exhaustion from Caden pushing him, as well as the lack of sleep Avery got from his own worries.

”I did… Sometimes I still think this is a dream. That'll I wake up and you'll be gone. I don't know how to move forward with you. Before…before it was easy. I knew what I wanted, I knew how I wanted to date you and love you, but now… I'm scared. I don't want to push you or come on too strong… I don't want you hating me.” He confessed all of this to her without meeting her eyes, worried he would fully break if he saw them.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic&Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia laughed and nodded. Yes, it would be for the best to not use her power, but Cassi couldn't deny how amusing she would find freaking out some of Nic's neighbours.

Once they were in Nic's apartment, Cassi helped him unload the cart while Wayland explored. She then let Nic leave to gather the rest of the items while she started to set up everything for Wayland.

Cassi hung her jacket up in the hall closet before she got to work.


Location: Planetarium – Chicago, IL

Caden didn't miss Nero ignoring his first statement. He would remember to circle back to that conversation when they were in private.

Caden bought them tickets to explore as well as tickets for the show. He looked at Nero and shook his head.

”We might survive… it would depend on which way the world went. Although, Heaven and Hell might remain anywhere,” Caden theorized.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

When she quickly kissed him back, Avery relaxed. The relief flooded him so quickly, he audibly sighed. Avery's hold on Kimiko loosened for a moment in his relief before it tightened again. He wrapped his other arm around her, picking her up off the ground while he kissed her deeply.

Avery had dreamed of this moment ever since he woke up after tearing down the wall he had built. He understood Kimiko's distance and hesitation. Even though she had wanted him in her bed at night, there hadn't been much intimacy between them aside from hand holding and cuddling.

At night, Avery held onto Kimiko for as long as she allowed him. Afraid he was dreaming and he would wake up at any minute to find himself alone. Or that she would change her mind and reject him.

The kiss and how the two of them responded to it told Avery she wasn't going anywhere, and neither was he.

Avery broke the kiss, feeling pleasantly breathless and lightheaded.

”I missed that,” he whispered, his voice breaking off in the middle of his words due to the emotion.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic&Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia shook her head, and waited for Nic to get out of the car before she got out with Wayland. She gathered up some of the bags and handed them Nic when he got back.

”That'll work. The only other option would be to have you make sure the coax was clear, and I could magic everything up.”


Location: Planetarium – Chicago, IL

Caden laughed and rested his hand on top of their arm while walking into the planetarium. ”What about if I called you that in the bedroom? Would I be allowed to then?” Caden whispered into their ear.

They walked inside and Caden led them to the front desk. A series of screens lined the wall showcasing the different shows and things one could do.

”Looks like they have a show that's based on future space travel. We could see that,” Caden suggested. At least that way Caden could remain firmly on Earth while seeing space for Nero.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery followed Kimiko outside, a permanent smirk on his face. It had surprisingly taken no willpower to let Kimiko pay for breakfast. He truly didn't mind being spoiled. Honestly, he liked it, but there was a limit, and he was worried just how much money Kiki was going to try to spend on him,

He stopped beside his bike, pulling his focus from watching Kimiko walk to look around. The parking lot was quiet for the time being which gave Avery the perfect opportunity. He closed the gap between himself and Kimiko by wrapping his arm around waist and pulled her in.

”Hi.” He locked eyes with Kimiko briefly before his eyes slipped down to her lips. Avery hesitated to close the distance and kiss her. He didn't want to push her, but he couldn't deny how crazy she still made him. However, Avery didn't hesitate for long, and pressed his lips against hers.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Errands —> Nic&Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL

Cassi smiled while Nic explained. She waited until they were in the parking garage before she unbuckled her seatbelt. She had released Nic's hand after he presented her with kisses, so she was able to lean over the centre console and kiss his cheek.

”I like it, too,” she declared as she sat back down in her seat. ”It's like a normal life but it's just having a companion to go through life with.” She smiled and turned her head, calling up Wayland from where he was hiding in the back.

He jumped up onto the console and looked around.


Location: Planetarium – Chicago, IL

”Ah, I can pretend to be naive if you wish,” Caden said. He parked the car, laughing when Nero called them immature. Caden watched Nero with mild amusement as they exited the car.

He chuckled, shaking his head and shut the car off before getting out.

”Mmm, well I am one of the younger dragons. You really do like them young, don't you, Master Nero?” Caden taunted.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery shifted his eyes to look at Kimiko. He smirked and shook his fork at her. ”Mmm, wish I had thought of that. But I think we should work our way up to that again, don't you? Unless you're eager to show me something.”

He pulled his fork back to keep Kimiko from stealing it and finished eating.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Errands – Chicago, IL

Everytime Nic's thumb slid under the hem of her skirt, Cassi's heart fluttered. She couldn't keep her eyes off him this time, watching Nic as he navigated the busy roads of Chicago effortlessly.

She smiled, tilting her head back against the seat after he spoke.

"Oh? Why is that?" she asked him curiously.


Location: Driving – Chicago, IL

"Not for us, my darling. Dragon's bonding is vastly different from the bonding Avery goes through." He turned into the parking lot of the planetarium, and shuddered with Nero's excitement for space and the ocean.

"No, thank you. You'll never catch me on a boat in the ocean or in the ocean for that matter," Caden said.

Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL

Avery's eyebrows rose when Kimiko bit his finger. He stared at her, a bit perplexed and unsure what to do next. She leaned away, leaving Avery with his finger still pointed at her. He stared at it a moment, suddenly glad and irritated they were in a public space.

Avery ran his hand over the back of his neck and heaved a sigh. He shrugged and resumed eating his breakfast. He was glad he was on his way to winning the ability to buy Kimiko's riding gear, but he had no idea what to give in exchange to satiate her need to shower him with gifts.

"I dunno," he said evasively. He poked at his eggs before eating some. "We could go a music store I guess... Or clothing store, but black is my preferred colour,"
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