Cassiopeia laughed and nodded. Yes, it would be for the best to not use her power, but Cassi couldn't deny how amusing she would find freaking out some of Nic's neighbours.
Once they were in Nic's apartment, Cassi helped him unload the cart while Wayland explored. She then let Nic leave to gather the rest of the items while she started to set up everything for Wayland.
Cassi hung her jacket up in the hall closet before she got to work.
Caden didn't miss Nero ignoring his first statement. He would remember to circle back to that conversation when they were in private.
Caden bought them tickets to explore as well as tickets for the show. He looked at Nero and shook his head.
”We might survive… it would depend on which way the world went. Although, Heaven and Hell might remain anywhere,” Caden theorized.
Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL
When she quickly kissed him back, Avery relaxed. The relief flooded him so quickly, he audibly sighed. Avery's hold on Kimiko loosened for a moment in his relief before it tightened again. He wrapped his other arm around her, picking her up off the ground while he kissed her deeply.
Avery had dreamed of this moment ever since he woke up after tearing down the wall he had built. He understood Kimiko's distance and hesitation. Even though she had wanted him in her bed at night, there hadn't been much intimacy between them aside from hand holding and cuddling.
At night, Avery held onto Kimiko for as long as she allowed him. Afraid he was dreaming and he would wake up at any minute to find himself alone. Or that she would change her mind and reject him.
The kiss and how the two of them responded to it told Avery she wasn't going anywhere, and neither was he.
Avery broke the kiss, feeling pleasantly breathless and lightheaded.
”I missed that,” he whispered, his voice breaking off in the middle of his words due to the emotion.