Name: Annika Hawthorne
Alias: The Child;
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 12
Birthday: October 31, 2012
Birth Place: New York City
Source: The Everdark
Domain: Umbramancy
Height: 4’6”
Weight: 72 lbs
Build: Endomorph; strong
Eyes: Light Brown; Dark Purple when using powers
Hair: Long, dark brown
Skin Tone: Light brown, tans easily
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Double ear piercings: left ear, three right, right helix, and daith.
Personal Style: Annika likes flowing clothes and floral prints. She is a fan of colour but tends to gravitate to purple and black clothes. She is often found running around the Everdark barefoot, but when she ventures to other worlds, she wears sandals or black keds.
She will often braid her hair back in one braid or braid the sides of her hair to tuck behind her ears. She sports silver jewellery in her ears in the shapes of stars or leaves or studs.
Friendly * Perfectionist * Intuitive * Reckless * Adaptable * Distrustful
Curious by nature and friendly in conversation, Annika is always asking questions and reading. She is naturally intuitive and sensitive to most matters pertaining to the space around her. However, she can grow frustrated and irritable quickly if she doesn't grasp a concept or complete one of her father's challenges. She can become obsessive in these matters until she completes the task to the fullest of her ability.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Fatal Flaw: Perfectionist
Habits: Zoning out; dancing randomly
Hobbies: Drawing; Combat training; Reading books
Fears: - Getting lost (mazes)
- Dragons
- Being choked or smothered
Likes: - The Stars
- The Shadow Cat
- Drawing
- Writing
- History
- Dancing
- Music
- Travel
Skills: Limit 10. These can be combat or general skills. Anything you list here gets a +2 bonus on rolls.
- Archery
- Plant knowledge - knowing the difference between edible and healing plants
- Magic Combat
- Stealth
- First Aide - tinctures, splints, salves, teas, wound care, bandaging
- Hand to Hand Combat
- Agility
- Stamina
Medical Issues/Injuries:Possessions:
Born again in New York City after fighting off Ananym, Annika was adopted by Jack Hawthorne and taken to live in The Everdark. She grew up having all her needs met and never wanting for anything; however, growing up in a world of ever changing darkness with an overpowered father is anything but normal. And yet, Annika has loved every moment of it.
Her adoptive father has been teaching her everything about his world while helping her discover her past self and the lives she lived before. And there is more yet to come.
Character Quote: “What begins, ends, then begins again.”
Song: *By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.