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3 mos ago
Current Not depressed, but if i just stopped existing right now...I wouldn't be mad about it.
6 mos ago
The primal urge to obsessively access your uni portal to see if your classes have been released, so you can read the syllabi thirty-seven times before class next week.
10 mos ago
weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
10 mos ago
We're still a colony XD
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10 mos ago
Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia


Sometimes it's easier to forget what we are responsible for and what we are supposed to do. Remembering means choosing. -- Moon Goddess
Thirteen Witches by Jodi Lynn Anderson

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Christian's arms dropped when Penny backed away. He slipped his hands into his pockets, watching her while she filled him in on what she had been up to. When Penny took another step back, Christian's lips quirked into a half smile. He shifted his hands and removed his jacket before tossing it onto a chair. He located water and something stronger in case Penny needed it. He poured her a cup of water and set the mini bottle of whiskey beside it and gestured for Penny to sit.

”Although I am tempted to accept your praise, I was there to do a job. You convinced me otherwise and I asked you to keep a promise for me. So far you are. You're here because of your actions, Penny. Don't forget that. As for hunting vampires, wait until during the day. They are able to walk in the sunlight but it does make them weaker, so they are often slower to react during the day.”

Christian walked over to the window. He brushed the curtain aside and peered down at the street. He didn't see anything yet but it would only be a matter of time before the vampires found out their hitmen failed. They would come for her again. Penny was right that she had to end this. End it or leave.

Christian let the curtains fall back and turned to face Penny. ”I will stay. Call the hunters in the morning. One of them might be close and they can help you take the coven on. You don't want to leave any alive. Besides, you need your rest,” Christian said, nodding at the bed. ”I will stay so you can sleep. And I will stay while you hunt, if you truly want me to.”
Christian watched Penny make her way from underneath the bed. His eyes roved over her, taking in the bruises that were starting to form and the cuts the rocks had left behind. Redcaps were vicious creatures. Penny was lucky it wasn't more than rocks they threw. Christian was glad it hadn't been more than rocks.

Penny had a gentle soul. She was kind and compassionate. Christian had seen that immediately when he first met her almost three months ago. Even when she was on the Death's doorstep, her soul carried that gentle aura-even though it was tainted by fear. Even now, after fighting for her life again, Penny carried a kindness to her despite the fear and the emotion of the moment. It inspired Christian, and had him smiling once she crawled out from under the bed.

"You'veoof!" Christian grunted, stumbling half a step back when Penny threw herself at him, her arms wrapped around him with a significant strength he didn't think she had. Christian stood there for a moment, blinking with shock before concern filled his being and he settled his arms around her.

"You saved yourself." Christian did kill two of the creatures himself, but it was unnecessary. Penny's quick reactions and recent knowledge saved her. "You've been researching," he complimented, finishing his earlier thought while ignoring her other comment.

Christian found himself falling into the natural caregiver roll that came with ferrying souls to the other side. He ran a hand up and down her back in a soothing motion. "I overheard them say that old friends were looking for you. Does that have to do with the vampires that are still surprisingly alive?"
Christian was aware of what was in Penny’s room before she called them, demanding they show their faces. He was impressed with the ferocity in her voice, tempted to appear himself due to the strength of her demand. However, he remained in the shadows while the Redcaps appeared and circled her. Christian cocked his head to the side, listening to the Redcaps reveal their reasoning for stalking Penny. Vampires. Of course. It made sense. They couldn’t reach her anymore. Penny knew who they were and how to protect herself against them, but the other creatures that went bump in the night? That was all new to her. She was still figuring everything out.

The Redcaps attacked quickly and viciously, leaving Christian with another decision to make. He appeared quickly, grabbing a hold of one Redcap that was about to run after Penny. He held the creature as it gnashed its sharp, pointed teeth, trying vainly to get a hold of Christian. He snapped the creature's neck, letting it drop to the floor. A minute later, Penny could be heard speaking scripture. Christian snapped another creature’s neck, the sudden need to help in some way overtaking him. Although, she clearly didn’t need help.

Christian watched the creatures burn. Their tiny bodies and red caps disappeared into nothing. Aside from the holes in the walls and broken lamps, there was no trace of them. Christian wondered how Penny would explain this to the hotel staff when she tentatively called his name.

”I am here,” he answered simply.
After the fight, Annika kept having dreams about her past, and the dreams were vivid. Some of them were pleasant. She could hear an older woman talking to her, sharing stories. Then, the dream would shift to something darker. However, Annika would keep coming back to that woman’s voice. The tales she wove were comforting and encouraging—even if Annika didn’t always remember them in the morning.

Her ability to create and shape the darkness had grown. She could usually bring something forth quickly. Whatever she thought of would easily form and arrive in her hand. The more she created, the more confident she felt and the more creative she became.

Today, the lessons about understanding and using the Veil continued. Annika listened to her father with rapt attention. She was so focused that when he stepped away, she jumped when he appeared behind her. Annika’s face flushed from embarrassment, but she quickly focused on her father’s words once more.

The multiverse. There was something about that word that felt right and made sense. Of course, it explains why people from different times arrived in Limbo to conquer the same evil. And today, Annika would get the chance to play with that herself rather than being pulled into it.

”The Veil. The space in between. Is there anyone or anything else that travels in between like we do?”
Christian had been immersed in his work for three weeks, mainly because there was nothing else to do. The work had been less enthusiastic for a while, and then he helped Penny. He had actually done something to save someone, to give them a second chance at life and a purpose in it. Although he worried for her, Christian was glad he listened to Penny’s cry for help.

A couple of days after their last encounter, Christian stopped by Penny’s hotel. He slipped a piece of paper with names and numbers under her door. The list of adequate hunters hadn’t taken long to compile. One person was considered a lore keeper of sorts. He knew almost everything about every creature or could track down the books and websites needed, while the other names had a high kill count on a wide selection of species. Christian was sure these connections would help her get the revenge she so desperately wanted.

Then he had left. Christian didn’t want to be around while Penny pursued her new career. Even though he had set her up, Penny’s desire to run back into danger and risk death again worried him. He didn’t want to be around if she died again. He didn’t want to be the one called to reap her. So, Christian left America, reaping souls in obscure parts of the world where people lived without cities or pollution. In the cold, in the heat. Once, he had to reap several souls that had perished in the ocean. It had felt good to get back on track, but even after he had thrown himself in his purpose, there was this pull deep in the pit of his stomach, a draw to be somewhere else, with someone else.

Three weeks after he had left Penny in her hotel room, Christian was now outside staring up at the building. He went to the vampires' den, expecting the place to look ransacked with heads everywhere or a pile of ashes. Imagine his confusion when he saw the same members who had assaulted Penny still coming and going, feeding with careless abandon. Christian frowned at the scene, teleporting to Penny’s hotel.

He stood on the street, staring up at her window. The room was dark, but Christian sensed she wasn’t alone. Interesting. That pull in Christian’s stomach turned to a burn when the thought of Penny not being alone crossed his mind. Christian wasn’t left with his brooding for long, seeing the lights turn back on in Penny’s room. He decided then that he had to see her. See that she had moved on and maybe let this vampire hunter thing go. Then, he could leave and focus back on his obligations.

Christian teleported into the entryway of Penny’s hotel room, avoiding the bedroom for now and stayed invisible while he listened and waited. However, Christian did feel another presence in the room, but he didn’t recognize it as human. A cold sensation swept over Christian’s body, and he frowned. He reached out with his abilities, scanning the room until he found several somethings in Penny’s room. Whatever they were, they were unaware of Christian's presence, so Christian decided to keep it that way and waited.
Annika shifted in alarm when Salem attempted to attack her father again. Her concern was unneeded as Jack quickly defended himself, looking almost bored as he quickly dispatched Salem. It wasn’t that she never believed her father’s story or his prowess, but it was different to actually get to witness it. She had been on the receiving end of his lessons many times—it was nice to watch someone else get it this time.

Annika hurried to her father’s side, and they quickly teleported through space to the other side of the street. Annika suddenly had a craving for popcorn, wishing she could eat it while watching the chaos unfold across the street. She looked up before she turned to acknowledge the library steps they stood on.

”Can I go in?” Her home held a wealth of knowledge and books from all over the worlds. If she was ever interested in something and they didn’t have the book, it was easy to obtain, but still, there was something pleasant about walking in a public library, reading books others had and being subjected to a deadline to have them returned.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Arena - CHB

Ezekiel smiled and squeezed Demetri’s hand. ”Cool.” He was suddenly looking forward to a strange family movie night. Maybe they could start with the Addams Family. Demi had shown it to him once, and Zeke had a strange feeling Nancy would like the eccentric Wednesday. Or find her downright appalling. Sometimes, it was hard to tell how his sister was going to react to things.

Once they made it to the arena, Kiera greeted them. Zeke smiled and nodded. ”Ya, I think so. We kind of hashed it out.” He was about to say he wanted to gather everyone together to discuss the next steps about the quest when Thanatos appeared. And then Demi was kissing Zeke and running off in the name of going to see Nancy. Um, what?

”Uhh bye??! I guess…” Zeke watched Demetri runoff, the confusion plain on Zeke’s face. Although, getting Nancy right away was better than not going to get her like last time. Zeke really didn’t want to get yelled at again for something like that.

”Maybe we should wait for Demi to get Nancy back. Mads is in there, and she’ll want to hear what you have to say in person,” Zeke said to Thanatos.

Raúl Alonso

Location: Chicago, IL

Raúl remained hiding in the shadows across the street, watching the building for strange signs. However, something was happening that Raúl couldn't see. It turned out that Raúl wasn't the only one looking for answers on why vampires and some witches were being killed strangely. And now, that person was stalking Amara, thinking she was the witch responsible.

While Amara cooked, a loud and forceful knock would sound on her door. However, if she chose to open the door, no one would be in the hallway, but there would be that strange yet familiar smell in the hallway from the crime scene earlier.
Christian watched Penny with mild amusement when she started to choke on her water from his offer. He smiled softly, taking a few steps back to rest against the cabinet holding the TV, and crossed his arms. While she processed his offer, Christian’s mind wandered to Penny’s revenge scheme.

It possibly worried him more than her wanting to escape the Vampire den. Of course, he had stepped in to ensure she survived. He wouldn’t be able to step in again. He couldn’t. Death’s generosity—if it could be called that—only extended so far. But the idea of letting Penny flounder until she found her footing was terrifying. Some people hunted these creatures and made the world safer for them, but giving her that information would be breaking another rule. Christian was suddenly very aware of how many rules Reapers had and found it annoying.


Death’s words drifted into his head unbridled. Was that a sign or perhaps permission? After all, Christian had chosen to keep Penny alive despite the consequences. Wasn’t ensuring her survival now a part of that choice?

Christian was vaguely aware of Penny talking again after deciding whether she wanted to forget. Christian hoped she would take him up on his offer. It would be the easiest option, and then Penny could go back to living her life.

“I also don’t want to forget you.” Her final words pulled Christian from his silent brooding. He stared at her, his brown eyes piercing into her blue. If Christian had the need for a heartbeat, he was certain it would have stopped. As it was, he had no reason to breathe; he simply did because it eased the souls he brought to the other side—even though they didn’t breathe either. Humans were slow to accept change.

Penny moved before he could respond, in fact, she was kicking him out before he even fully processed the fact that Penny wanted to remember him. The reaper who was intended to take their soul and protect it.

Christian moved his focus from Penny to look at the open door. He stared at the offer to leave, to wash his hands of Penny’s suicide mission. He shifted from the cabinet and walked towards the door, dropping his arms, and slipped his hands into his pockets. He stopped beside Penny, still looking out into the hallway.

”I think you need to do some research. Vampires, werewolves, witches, djinns, dragons, angels and demons, are just the start of some of the creatures that are out there. They span the world, and each culture has its own set of monsters.” He looked at Penny, meeting her eyes, and relaxed slightly. He smiled softly, finding this human to be strange and fascinating.

”If revenge is the only cause you want, then study them. I cannot give you answers, but you cannot take on a den of vampires alone. Especially with your post-trauma reactions. I have to go, but I am easy to get a hold of,” Christian said and tapped his head.

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Mary's Mind Palace — New Orleans

Antoinette felt more comfortable with the next location they were in. This was something that seemed more familiar, and the Mary that approached them was also familiar. However, when the scene froze Antoinette became hyper vigilant until the current Mary made her presence known.

Antoinette nodded in agreement with Jean's explanation. They didn't get much of a chance to talk. No sooner had Mary finished warning them did shadows appear and begin their assault. A rather tame assault which gave them time to regroup.

”What about you, Mary? We came to help and do something about Chrysi. She's completely taken over,” Antoinette explained.

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