Appearance:(Might change)
Codename:Subject Ψ
Age:7(Drastically Accelerated Growth)
Personality:As cliched and boring as it sounds, Ψ actually is not a human - inside of an only slightly elongated skull, beneath the pale visage, in the depths of smiling green eyes hides something completely alien to the human mind. It was never exposed to any sort of society or really meaningful social interactions, yet it developed a complete semblance of sentience and conscious thought mere years after coming to life in a highly expensive test tube, all on it's own, and it quite unnerved the personell - an even greater mystery is how exactly did it manage to learn english. Ψ is by no means malevolent or evil - not anymore so than any run-of-the-mill high-functioning sociopath who does not feel any sort of obligation to follow the widely accepted norms and does it only out of convenience and to ensure his own safety. Ψ's main motivation at the moment is to make it so that his prolonged existence can't be stopped by anyone except himself - as such, escaping the facility is paramount, though between the attempts he attempts to remain at the best possible terms with his creators and researches, being friendly to the best of his abilities, and cooperating with the personell.
Power/Weakness: Ψ's murderous ability, responsible for seven containment breaches and innumerable casualties, is as crude as it is effective - the effect is dubbed "Explosive Teleportation". Cells of Ψ's body, especially his brain, constantly generate an unbelievable field of quantum instability that allow him to essentially be in many points of space at once - however, without at least a slight effort, subconscious or otherwise, Ψ is tethered to the place at which his existence is most probable, which is why he CAN be contained at all. Whenever it is needed, however, the field agitates the fabric of reality and, faster than in a blink of an eye, without any buildup, special effects or strange sounds, Ψ just ceases to exist in one point and at the same time appears in the another. What makes this already potent power a truly horrible force, however, is the fact that objects and materials at the destination point of the teleportation do not just change places with Ψ or cease to be - no, instead they are extremely, EXTREMELY violently displaced in the direction and vector of his choosing. Whenever he teleports into a wall or even free space, the volume of rock, air or metal equal to the volume of his body is pushed away from it's previous place of existence with extreme and violent force - and Ψ can effectively control the shape and direction in which all this material will be shot out. It is possible to concentrate all of the displaced material into an very thin 'ray' that will be utterly terrifying in it's penetrating power or force it to be expelled in an explosion all around him, take shape of a cone, etc-etc-etc - during his first containment breach, Ψ used this ability as a way to mine his way out ot he chamber, by progressively, bit-by-bit teleporting further into the wall and expelling the displaced material forwards to crush and chip it further. Of course, the ability can also be used on living targets, with obvious gruesome and almost hopelessly fatal effects - how would you like to have a fist-sized object to teleport inside your skull and force an equal volume of your brain matter outside of it?
Luckily, the power is not utterly undeniable and has it's weaknesses - first of all, the effect for some reason can't displace or teleport him through or into especially large volumes of dense materials. While he can, thank to his inhuman reaction times, manage to teleport into the bullets fired at him and then expel them back at the enemy, anymore lead than what a bullet contains is anathema to his power. Ψ's containment chamber is lined with a thick layer of lead and osmium, just like the protective gear of his guards - bulky, heavy, power-assisted carapaces of hyperdense armour that has lead chainmail on joints instead of cloth - Ψ was known to counter less heavily-armoured enemies by teleporting near them so that only his fingers or some other small part of his body will be teleported into the unprotected joint of the person or the glass or plastic visor of their helmet - so now these too, are only made using leaded glass.
Additionally, the power depends heavily on Ψ's perfect eyesight and understanding of perspective and distance - first, it was proposed to simply keep it in pitch blackness, but that plan resulted in a containment breach after Ψ developed darkvision. Now, he is always kept in a remote-operated and utterly untransparent blinding device when not participating in carefully controlled testing or not locked into his habitat. Basically, whenever he is not remaining in a completely sealed-off room with all walls and observation glasses being lead/osmium-lined, Ψ is rendered blind - the shutters of his containment helmet close at the push of a button a minute before the door into his habitat is going to open so that food or test subjects/objects can be brought inside and while on tests, the shutters of his helmet are manipulated so that he only has a specific angle of vision and is unable to teleport somewhere he is not wanted in. As a side effect which can also be used to get the upper hand over the test subject, such treatment made his eyes especially sensitive to light - bright flashes(not even flashbangs but something much less powerful)and lights daze and temporarily blind him.
Ah, and of course, the power works on Ψ's body and body only - so he spends most of his time naked, or, during the containment breaches, covered in warm vital fluids.
Other:(Looking for a theme.)