Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 27 days ago

This opening post is under construction, but nearly complete.

Hogwarts, 1480


1) As always, guild rules apply. There's no reason they wouldn't.

2) Use common sense. You should know what won't fly.

3) Be polite. If I call you out on attitude, and you didn't mean to have one, just say so. Sometimes intent can't be read through text.

4) Don't sweat post size or Cs size. Do sweat your grammar and how much sense you're making.

5) I am the goddamn headmaster. If I tell you something, feel free to make an argument, but don't complain if I don't buy it. And don't keep going after I've said no. I think people who have played under me would agree that I'm diplomatic, but very firm.

6) Number five being said, if I say something that is historically inaccurate, or that contradicts canon, drop me a PM to let me know. There are very few places where I will be intentionally inaccurate.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ah, with third years the ages will be between 13 and 14, if we're going off modern school years.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 27 days ago

@Keksalot give me a bit more in the personality section. It's hard to place him in a house or with a wand with such a short description. Some examples of behavior would be good.

As Roze helpfully points out, our students are a bit older. Unless you want to play a much younger character. I wouldn't object, but it might make it difficult for him to get involved with some of the others.

Oh, and he can't take his servants to Hogwarts, but they can certainly stay at an inn in Hogsmeade if he needs them close by.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

>give me a bit more in the personality section.
Will do today, k.

>As Roze helpfully points out, our students are a bit older
Sorry, forgot that we are third-graders.

>he can't take his servants to Hogwarts, but they can certainly stay at an inn in Hogsmeade if he needs them close by.
Can they come in every morning and evening to care about his garb, hair, horses and hygiene?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 27 days ago

No, they can't. Which might be kind of funny, if he's never dressed or bathed himself before.

He could call the house elves for it, though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

So everyone knows: I'm making a teacher who makes it her business to find and extract muggle-born wizards. So if you are playing a muggle born wizard let's talk!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Plotting: With his background, being both very poor and a muggle-born, a lot of students dislike or even hate him. Being the sort who doesn't take crap, especially from snobby upper crust types, he frequently gets into fights with those who have more skill and experience than he does. He desperately wants to become something better than what he is, to make his name worth something and is willing to do almost anything to achieve his goals.

My teacher is going to have a soft-spot for outcast muggle-born students. :3

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Teddyinahat
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Teddyinahat Risen From Ash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

My CS is almost complete, I was working on it at work today instead of actually working :p and it is partially inspired by where I work.

When i finish it off tonight i'll edit it into this post - DONE

I've made the history of my character's family vaguely historicaly accurate.

Name: Aoife inghean Domhnall - Irish, pronounced ee-fa en-yan doh-nael, inghean was shortend to Ni, which means the same, in later centuries but in 1480 it was writen as ‘inghean (lowercase is correct). The meaning is Aoife, daughter of Domhnall. She is from a clan in ireland which does not use clan names when naming girls. She is from the Ó Flaithbheartaigh Clan (pronounced similarly to O'Flaherty in modern ireland) which I will give more information about in the Family section later.

Age: 13



Wand: (still unsure why we dont get to pick our wands, we already have them by 3rd year)

This in chestnut (just a little darker)

Personality: (I dislike personality descriptions, I prefer a character's personality to be discovered and developed through the game, but I'll play along) Aoife is a shy girl when in public and even in small groups, onkly showing her true self when surrounded by only family or her two close best friends from home who she misses greatly. She is smart but does not offer up answers in classes unless asked directly, giving the impression to her classmates that she is of average ability. She is not afraid to talk to others but generally stays quiet unless addressed directly.

Bio: Born to the cousin of the head of the clan, Aoife’s family are well off but lead a quiet life. Her father is a landowner with several small properties whitch he rents out. He also owns a small fleet of fishing boats and one small trade ship.
Aoife has lead a quiet life with very little happening except in her ninth year when she was with her father at the docks, she spent a lot of time with her father. That day at the docks her father was meeting with some foriegn traders and one of the young men named christopher gave her a honeyed treat, later her father told her that he was a great sailor and that he wouldnt be surprised if he went on to great things saying,
"Mark my words, that Chris Colombus will be a household name in no time." ((en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1476_in_Ireland))
She always remembered the kind man who gave her the treat.
When she turned eleven her father send her on his trading ship to britain and had her enrolled at Hogwarts like her grandfather, her last magical ancestor since her parents are both squibs. The ship's captain left her there where she never felt she fit in after one year she recieved a letter from her father telling her that she must stay at hogwarts or find somewhere to stay until she had finished her time there. the next year at school was better, she started to enjoy learning magic and befriended the librarian who reminded her of the kind man on the dock three years previous ((I do not know if you have a character planned for the librarian, but it does not matter if it is male or female)). She enjoyed spending time in the library and reading the books which the librarian showed her. Since she kept herself to herself at school she has very little interesting past at the school.

Plotting:I think that her shyness can be exploited for good plot, forcing her into situations where she has to overcome it to work with others. I also feel that she is likely to be in a minority, being Irish, which could make for interesting plot development. Her family also has a history with dragons.

Family: Ó Flaithbheartaigh Clan - Ruling family in the Galway area of Ireland. The clan has a history of magic blood through out history, but has an unusual problem with squibs. many non magical children are born to magical parents and magical children are born to non magical parents. Due to this the Clan is not considered a pure blood family in magical comunities, despite all members of the clan having magical blood, however has had many strong and notible wizards and witches such as Flaithbertaigh Ua Flaithbertaigh, King of Connacht in the 11th century.
Thier coat of arms has embalzened upon it two red dragons and a black ship which speeks of thier strong maritime heritage and thier family reputation of being some of the greatest irish dragon handlers in history. They still have strong maritime presence in ireland and have strong buisness ties in Britain and Northern Europe.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Ingerith Nothing

Age: 39 (However, she looks like she is about 30)


Ingerith is a metamorphmags and can change her appearance. Ingerith is usually seen around Hogwarts as a slender woman with long rust colored hair that falls down past her waist. She has fair pale skin, freckles the same color as her hair, stormy blue eyes framed by pale lashes. She will often wear a long gown. Whenever she leaves Hogwarts she will take a disguise, usually as a muggle mercenary man.

Neither of these are her true face. Her skin bears scars she would rather not show. She also has no feeling in her left arm.

House: Teacher, was never attended Hogwarts, no house affiliation

Wand: Alder, core of salamander.

Personality: Ingerith has a rather serious disposition most of the time. She seldom smiles, and when she does so it is usually to display irony. She is not emotionless, she in fact feels very strong emotions, but her personality is well tempered by her life experiences.

She is meticulous. She wants to take everything apart. She wants to know details, history, there is never enough information. She is considered a very demanding teacher, they are expected to do a lot of background work before casting particular spells. She is never unfair and never cruel. It is a matter of fact for her. “When you use a spell, it will not be an assignment, you will need it. If you need it and it fails, it could mean your life.” Transfiguration is particularly dangerous. This is perfectly demonstrated by the old transfiguration teacher, whom, in his quest to become an Animagus turned himself into a cat and could not turn himself back. She brings him to class every day as an example.

She has a soft-spot for muggle born students. And has a special relationship with the ones whom she brought into Hogwarts. Before Hogwarts she seldom kept ties or tabs on those that she rescued. Extending her mentor-ship in this way was an unexpectedly pleasant experience for her. She does not coddle them, but, will always take their side in a conflict. She does this even when they are in the wrong, in her mind, no one else will be on their side. The headmaster will make sure they know that they did wrong, it is more important that she makes sure they know they are not alone.


Tillie grew up a serf. Tillie was not like the other children. She had no father and no family name. The children used to tease her that she was ‘Tillie Nothing’ they sang the song and danced in circles to exclude her. It was like they sensed something in her, the sensed that she was inherently wrong, so they made fun of her, played games without her, teased her, made sure that she knew she was not one of them.

Her mother was accused of witchcraft, and burned, when she was 8.

Tillie herself was accused when she was 16.

She was imprisoned and ‘tested’ for nearly a year. The ‘tests’ for witchcraft equate to torture.

She was young, and not in control of her magic, she transformed before the inquisitors under the stress.

Rather than find her guilty and put her to death, they wanted to know the extent of her powers, they wanted to know who else was practicing magic, they wanted to know who her father was and where he was. So they continued to test, torture, and question her. She had no answers. Sometimes she could control her magic, sometimes she could not. She did not name any other witches for she didn’t know any, and she did not name her father for she did not know who he was either.

The final ‘test’ was to throw her into a deep lake with a stone tied around her throat to see if she could breath underwater or not.

Tillie could not breath underwater.

Tillie did not survive.

The people moved on with their lives feeling much safer now that the witch was dead, and the inquisitors congratulated one another over glasses of holy wine.

The mayor was seen prowling the night with a wand and cursing the crops.

The cobbler was seen drawing strange runes into the boots of the mayor.

The seamstress was seen making incantations unto her ladies frock.

None of them were witches, but all of them were accused, tortured, and put to death. They were not the last.

One by one. The town tore itself apart. It was a vicious cycle of accusations, suspicions, violence, and death.

They accused one another the way they had accuse Tillie. They questioned one another the way they had Tillie. They tortured one another the way they had Tillie. Then, they killed one another the way they thought they had killed Tillie. One by one. In their relentless effort to extinguish magic from the world, only the magician was left without so much as a drop of blood on her hands.

Nothing was left.

All the other muggles would say that the town had been taken by a strange plague. Bad corn that soured the mind.

She let them think that.

Her name was now Ingerith.

She followed muggle ghost stories until she found another witch. An old hedge-witch hidden deep in the peat bogs. She wanted to learn magic. Her first mentor was an herbalist and seer. She taught Ingerith what she could while Ingerith aided the aging wise woman. When she learned all she could until the old woman passed on and saw no more. Or perhaps she still saw, but her lips refused to move…

She reached out to the other wizards and witches. Some were willing to talk with her, teach her, she was shocked to find that many… Those concerned with blood and politics… Would not give her the time of year.

Sometimes she found a teacher, sometimes she found a friend, sometimes she had to beg, sometimes borrow or barter, some times she had to steal to learn.

She always had a talent for transfiguration. She was lucky to come upon a wizard named Gautena. He was skilled in transfiguration and alchemy. His manse was hidden in the middle of a muggle city! He lived in their bell-tower and kept the hours for them. They thought of him as a wise and humble monk. This is where Ingerith, at age 25, also learned to read.

She lived her life with a purpose. Muggle-born witches, like herself, were largely abandoned. She made it her business to find and rescue the ‘lost ones’ before it was too late. The first part of her mission was easier than the second, which was figuring out what to do with them! She would look for more open minded wizards and witches to ‘foster’ or ‘mentor’ the ‘lost magical souls’. Arranged for their care, if they were old enough sometimes it was simply establishing them somewhere obscure where they could take care of themselves. Sometimes that was the best she could do. Some wizards were only willing to take in the very talented muggle-born, or would only take them in as servants.

At some point Ingerith found Hogwarts.

She knew about the schools, of course. She tried to get muggle-born who were young enough enrolled, however, funding for orphan talent was scarce. Ingerith tried to earn money, beg, borrow, stole, and did favors when she could.

Then they offered her a teaching position. She was hesitant. But she was growing tired of life on the road. Hogwarts had books, resources, means for her to learn more and to establish herself. She would still have the summers and other time-off to find ‘lost ones’ and have better resources to place them. She was also developing a crick in her back, resting in one place did not seem so bad… So, she took the job.

Her office is full of books, half dissected animals and objects, drawings, and blueprints. She is a professor of transfiguration. Replacing a man who had FINALLY turned himself into a cat… and could not turn himself back. The cat still resides with her in her office.

She has been a teacher for 4 years.

Plotting: Presumably she is a half-blood. Her mother was a muggle and she does not know who her father is. She tried to find out about her wizarding family, but has never been able to do so. She has given up that quest.

She still goes out looking for muggle-born wizards when she is not obligated at Hogwarts.


Nothing: She made up her own last name. She is Nothing, no father, no family, beholden to no one. She reclaimed her childhood nickname and made it empowering. Especially after experiencing rejection from wizarding family, she is sometimes glad she doesn’t have to carry on her real family name. She suspects she was purposefully abandoned like so many others she has come across.

Meryl: A fellow wizard she lived with for some time. They still keep in touch. She has other connections but Meryl was something like family to her for a time. He still lives in his bell tower.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

this is third fuckin most metal thing that I've ever read. I love it.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PhunkyPhoebe
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PhunkyPhoebe The phunk shall be within you.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I am most definitely interested in joining this. I'll start on a CS after I get off work tonight!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Love her! Just a reminder that the changes can't go on 24/7, as stated by Tonks. It'll fade after a while, and I highly doubt conscious changes would stay when she's asleep or unconscious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago


Love her! Just a reminder that the changes can't go on 24/7, as stated by Tonks. It'll fade after a while, and I highly doubt conscious changes would stay when she's asleep or unconscious.

Yes, she sleeps alone at night. And spends time alone in her office. Plenty of time to 'recharge' the batteries.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

this is third fuckin most metal thing that I've ever read. I love it.

I think this is the highest possible compliment. Thank you! Can't wait to play with ya!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 27 days ago

I have not abandoned you!

But this is a lot to sift through over the phone. I like to start up my responses as I read so I can get an ordered list of thoughts.

I'm glad to see everyone getting their sheets up. You guys are really killing it, I think mine might come out to the shortest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Redacted a thing, sorry for the run-on sentences, will fix it eventually once i restore my knowledge of english. Sorry, it's late for me at the moment.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Chandler Martin Prewett
Age: 13


House: Gryffindor
Wand: Cypress wood, 12 inches, Manticore Stinger core (heirloom wand), reasonably springy.

Personality: Calm, cautious, and manipulative Chandler thrives in environments where he's allowed to use his mind. He is exceptionally smart and a born tactician along with a gifted politician. He lacks a very strong social life however and instead counts on his twin to cover that for him. He comes across at first glance as a weakling hiding behind his brother and by the time you realize your mistake it's very often to late. Chandler is a great Quidditch Chaser but his true strength lies in practices where he comes up with insanely complex strategies and maneuvers. He's a natural bookworm and even when 'socializing' a book is never to far away.

Bio: Chandler grew up in Prewett Mansion all alone except for one other person, his twin brother Isaac, the two boys were practically born joined at the hip and that closeness followed them throughout their entire childhood. Their parents were hardly ever around the House instead preferring to stick to politics and parties instead of their Children, however the two were 'shown off' to friends and co-workers to impress them with amazing sword or wand drills and the two were expected to always do whatever requested of them during those times. The two were also expected to practice non-verbal wand movements or magic-less incantation uttering to get an edge in their classes a past time that Chandler loved.

This life was the normal routine for both boys until they turned 11 and received the letter every magical child dreamed about. Outfitted with the best clothing and accessories available the two Prewett boys were shipped off to the school via the Hogwarts express. As soon as they arrived Chandler was viewed as a weakling and coward, but only until Isaac glared at them which made then promptly stop. The sorting for the boys went very... Interesting with Isaac being sorted into Gryffindor, even more interesting was the almost forty minute sorting of Chandler and the eventual placement of Gryffindor as well, no one, not even the headmaster know what was said during hat time to this day but Chandler was a Slytherin to the very bone and it had taken quite a bit talking in order to follow his brother . The year passed easily for Chandler who excelled in every class that required a wand and it's usage while easily passing the other duller subjects as well. He was an amazing student, one of the top of his class and his true nature was being hid more and more and he was teased behind his (Isaac's) back as being a nerd and geek, and even weak. He let them think all of those things while gaining more and more knowledge of the Dark Arts. He would spend hours after school in a secret extra class with the Charms teacher who was a Championship Duelist and family friend.

The Second Year went quite like the first, the only difference was that both Chandler and Isaac also joined the Quidditch team, both boys being quite good flyers. For Chandler however it went a step further and he was constantly with the Captain coming up with new plays and like always standing in the back. He was a well liked and well loved student who no one would ever suspect of doing a single thing wrong...

Now in Third Year Chandler is looking to start making a name for himself in the Slytherin House and start showing his true Green and Silver colors, as well as continue his advanced dueling training and advanced combat spells while making sure he stays near his brother at all times, who helped him stay off the radar and covered his glaring weaknesses which was a lack of social skills and hate of just about everyone.

Plotting: Everyone but himself and his twin are potential enemies and he will be very cautious of then all. He will almost always let his twin talk for the both of them unless he to considers the person he's talking to as a friend which would take a good deal of work. Bookworms in general will have a lot in common with him and Quidditch players he at least respects.

Family: The Prewetts are an old pure blooded family, noble and well respected. Chandler is one of a pair of twins who arrived at the castle in the same year. Chandler and Isaac are also part of the Black family and that's evident in Chandler more than Isaac.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 27 days ago

@Helo You cannot conjure food, or transfigure non-food items into food. If you want to be really accurate he wouldn't have been able to read before attending school, but you don't need to add that in.

I'm not sure how @Eyeris is handling her character yet, but her teacher is personally responsible for bringing most muggle born students to the school, because nobody else really bothers with it.

Edgar is Hufflepuff. His wand is Chestnut and Unicorn hair.

@Teddyinahat I don't care for you picking at the CS as you write it. If you have a problem with it, please mention separately, or through PM, but the notes inside of it are rather rude. I assign wand and house because I don't want players to decide on their character's archetypes based on which wand or which house they have already decided to play. I worry that it creates narrower characters. Moving on.

I hope she will have some personal affinity for dragons, because I think it will be coming up.

She is Ravenclaw. Her wand is Chestnut with a Phoenix feather.


Is that Black family girl in Hogwarts? Because I think Apoalo and I have decided that the twins' mother is a Black, and so they might support the marriage and harass Diarmuid about it. Could be funny.

Hufflepuff. Hawthorn, Dragon Heartstring.

Eyeris and Apoalo have both been discussed with separately, so don't think they're getting preferential treatment, it's just that their characters were intertwined with things and I had to keep it a bit private.
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