Darrieux Marius Abandonato
Alias: The Ulcerist
Age: 39
Height: 173.1 CM
Weight: 75 KG
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark brown, receeding and balding, formed in a combover
Build: Lean and wiry, arms unproportionately long in comparison to the rest of the body, even reaching beneath the knee
Marks: Wet, sensitive sores all over the face - slightest irritation makes them inflame and weep. Unsightly flagellation scars on the body.
Faction: [Not sure, actually. Maybe EPOD?]
Bio: Born in a highly religious and traditional family of immigrants in rural France. Raised in the strictest atmosphere of piety, humility, honest hard work and regular disciplinary beatings. Only at the age of six, discovered that sleeping, for most people in the world, requires an actual separate piece of furniture called a "bed". Once taken away by child protection services and adopted, never managed to readjust - public school and the behavior of people there was a horrible disaster and a grave insult to all the bestest christian virtues instilled into him by the biological parents. Attempts at arson were unsuccessful, but therapy was - or so the loving and dedicated adoptive parents thought. Things went downhill at the age of nine, when he suffocated his foster brother with a pillow after catching him masturbating. Went into hiding afterwards. Picked up by an operative of the Order investigating a string of vicious murders of prostitutes and drug dealers in the gutters of Marseille. There, he finally fit in. Training and trials were undertaken with infinite dedication and readiness. In active duty since the age of 14.
Personality: Fanatically devoted to the Cause. Deeply religious in all the wrong ways - which makes him ready to sacrifice anyone and anything for the sake of the Order. His deep and earnest belief in the scriptures, his piety and his disgust and fear and hate of all things impure would become serious emotional handicaps and insecurities if he would've been raised in a normal family - but the Order took great care tempering, strenghtening and empowering his belief and his devotion. Thus, mental instability and potential weakness was reforged into a great suit of mental armour of arrogance and fanaticism. In the name of all that is good and holy, Darrieux has no doubts, no inhibitions and no limits - if work of the Order requires horrible atrocities commited dishonorably and without any chances, he'd gladly fulfill the request, possibly condemning himself to posthumous damnation - of course, not without carefully considering whether this task is worth the good it'll bring eventually.
Weapons: A garrote woven from the hairs of fair Absalom, son of David. The thick, rough strands absolutely can't be torn, do not burn, and, once touching the neck of a victim who has commited even a single sin against the God, entwine around their throat with supernatural force, depriving the wicked of the first gift God has given to the first man - the breath of life. An arming sword of carbon steel, utilitarian and without any embellishments. A small arsenal of various firearms, in order to smite the sinners from afar, in the image of God striking down those that deny him.
Armor: Concealed carry bulletproof vest, the best money can allow. Whenever order requires his sword-hand at the battlefield, he comes clad in a set of hi-end riot gear, painted with all colours of the rainbow, just like the shirt of great Joseph.