Avatar of The Dow Dragon
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    1. The Dow Dragon 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Holy hell, I survived the night. It was rough and I only got like, an hour of sleep, but I survived. I'm in recovery now. Even though I got it out, I think it scratched my eyeball.
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8 yrs ago
I have something in my eye and I cannot for the life of me get it out. It so fucking irritating my entire right eye is red. This is a living hell.
8 yrs ago
Bloodborne has been ripping me a new one and I love it.
8 yrs ago
@Miss Gallagher If you let your mother cut your hair and you're grown, I don't know what to say to you.
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8 yrs ago
I absolutely love stolen valor videos, funniest shit ever. Freakin morons.


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<Snipped quote by The Dow Dragon>
As someone who can't do a chin/pull-up and shoots 50lbs, I beg to differ, as much as I hate admitting that I'm weak. (For science!) English longbows were as heavy as 180 lbs of draw weight, though I don't know anyone personally that shoots more than 125 just because it is incredibly exhausting and kind of dangerous. From my experience, most modern Mongolian Horsebow users only shoot 40 to 60 lbs which is still pretty powerful.

In my opinion, Alaron probably uses a standard barebow given that that's the only type available in the game.

We must have wildly different sources in draw weight, (I was referring to the Khan era of Mongolian Archers) as for English Longbow, I could have been misinformed...

*Checks other websites*

So it seems I was! Apparently English Longbows were very versatile in their draw weights. If Alaron does use a barebow, I am not sure if that would not be enough to kill someone. But that's hardly the point of conversation here. I have not shot a bow in many years, but I do workout often (My ship date for USMC bootcamp is in 5 months) so it just caught my attention. I was also not even a teenager the last time I shot a bow, so children are weaker than grown men :p

Regardless, I'll stop harping on about it. It is a universe where elves and trolls exist, so I'll try not to add too much realism to it.

I wasn't implying that you'd need to be an Olympian to shoot a bow of that weight. I've known a few people who can shoot that weight easily and are not in the best shape. What I'm saying is, Alaron is skinny is he not? Typically, it is easier for thin people to do pull-ups/chin-ups even when they're not muscle bound because they don't have to lift as much weight. While I can believe that even with sporadic practice, Alaron could become decent with a bow, I find it hard to believe that he could not pull himself up.

In addition to this, a bow that is designed to kill Man or Mer (based on the English Longbow) is anywhere from 70-90 lbs of draw weight. OR, if we were to base the draw weight on the infamous Mongolian bows, 100-160 lbs (Insanely powerful).

So the real question here, is what type of bow does Alaron typically use? If it were a hunting bow (50-60) I could believe him not able to do many pull-ups/chin-ups, but I insist he would be able to do at least one. If he uses bows designed for war, he would definitely be a lot stronger. But from what you describe of him, it seems he favors the lighter hunting bow.
@Dismas So, I just want to ask something about Alaron. You say in his CS that he's a decent shot with a bow but struggles with a chin up. Assuming the type of bow he's using is powerful enough to kill an elk, the draw weight would be 50-60 pounds (22 - 27 kg). Now as I'm sure you're aware, the bow is a weapon that requires the use of shoulders and back. Being a decent shot with a bow (meaning more often than not, you hit what you're aiming at) would require hours of practice, building the muscles in the shoulders and back to comfortably fire the weapon. So when you say Alaron would have trouble with a chin-up, I seem to find myself disagreeing. Now there is a difference between a chin-up and a pull-up. A chin-up engaging the biceps primarily, with palms facing towards you. A pull-up engages back and shoulders, with palms facing outwards. So it could be believable he can't do a chin-up, but I find it very hard to believe. He can definitely do a pull-up. Just something to think about, I'm not trying to harp on your character in any way. I just like talking about fitness and weapons in RPs
Tiana awoke with a pained start. Her whole body ached as if she had been battered with a giant hammer. Panic began to overtake her. Iosefka's clinic, had it been...? She shot straight up and winced at the pain, her eyes adjusting. She was on the balcony of some abandoned home, on the edge of central Yharnam. Tiana shivered as a cold and dead breeze blew through, a whisper of something much worse. Here she was, stuck out on the night of the hunt with practically nothing to defend herself with but...

A pair of scissors!?

The doctor sighed as she pushed her round spectacles back up the bridge of her nose and got to her feet. She had to get home, they had plenty of incense. After the hunt, she would report what happened at the clinic to the church. If she could get out of here. Tiana made her way inside, the dimness of the room jarring. She felt her way around until her eyes adjusted and noticed a staircase. Cautiously, she went up it, unsure of where she was in Yharnam. Every creak of the stairs were like a thundering blast and immense relief washed over her as she reached the top. Immediately replaced by fear. What had been the front door and porch on a central Yharnam street was now a broken, gaping hole. In the street, a dead werewolf lie, slash marks gently producing blood that ran in between the cobblestone pavement. Three tall beast-men stood over it, their arms elongated, their faces not quite human and not fully beast. They all turned to look at her. Tiana would have screamed if she wasn't so stunned at her own bad luck.

They charged. Tiana couldn't believe how fast they were, baring down upon her within seconds. She just had time to dive out of the way, her attacker bringing his dull axe down into the dying wood. The two others were upon her immediately. She barely evaded a direct sickle slash to the gut, instead earning a slash across her arm for her vigilance. The third one, armed with nothing but a broken club, bashed her in the gut and followed it up with a left hook to the cheek, sending her sprawling across the room. Tiana's head spun as she struggled to get a handle on the situation. The first beast-man had managed to yank his axe out of the floor and advanced with his compatriots slowly towards her. Her mind raced, eyes darting desperately around the room for a way out. Across the room, above a bookshelf, was a small window, most likely out in for ventilation. But it would be Tiana's salvation. She moved into a crouch and dove between two of her attackers, getting up and running as fast as she could across the room, jumping onto the bookshelf. The doctor heard the enraged shouts of the men, their weapons slicing wood and air. She scrambled up the bookshelf and through the window, hearing the men destroy the bookshelf in anger.

Luckily, they aren't very smart. But they are persistent. Tiana screamed as she saw a head and an arm with a sickle pop through the window, waving wildly. In sheer reflex and fear, she dug into her pocket and pulled out the scissors, jamming them directly in the beast-man's eye socket. It was enough and he dropped his sickle on the small roof where Tiana was hiding, his limp body sliding back through the window and tumbling to the floor. She was shaking as she looked at her hands, where his eyeball had exploded with blood. She wanted to cry. But crying would get her killed and she already made enough noise with this little skirmish. Blinking back tears and choking back a sob, she scooped up the sickle. Tiana re-adjusted her now cracked glasses thanks to a certain beast-man. Her face was sore and even though, thankfully, the cut was shallow, it still hurt like a bitch. Tiana quickly pulled out a small bandage and applied it. That would keep it from getting infected.

As she made her way down from the roofs to the street, she saw someone chained to an abandoned carriage. Carefully and quietly as she could, she made her way over and dropped down behind it. Although not quietly enough, because the voice of a frightened man asked "H-hello? Is someone there?". Tiana said quickly "Keep your voice down, we don't know what's lurking around here." She moved around the carriage and briefly glanced at the man. Young, blonde. She studied his chains. Rusty, old. Her sickle was in better condition, she began to test the distance by imitating a full force swing slowly. "Do you know who put you here?" she asked and with all her might, swung the sickle, shattering the chain that held him to the carriage. She did the same with other one. That had done a number on her weapon, but flesh was softer than metal.

When mentioning or interacting with someone, tag them so they know its them you're talking about. Just from now on, save some confusion.
Opening post is up, I will be mediating encounters before introducing my own character.

The night of the hunt. Yharnam is now a blood war zone, overseen by the twilight sun like some harbinger of an ending age. Mobs of crazed townspeople roam the streets, no longer able to tell the difference between man and best. More and more fall to the curse of the old blood. Hunters speed through the city, taking as many beasts down as they can or go mad themselves from the hunt. In central Yharnam, a group of survivors find themselves out on the street for one reason or another and if they don't get their wits about them, the city will swallow them whole....
@bloonewb I'm gonna wait until tomorrow, then I will write an opening post.
"Oh what would you do with a drunken Khajiit, what would you do with a drunken Khajiit, what would you do with a drunken Khajiit, early in the morningg..." sang Do'ava as he and his steed trotted down some forsaken road out of Cyrodiil and into Valenwood. It had been a long trip, nearly a week of non-stop travel. A night or two Do'ava bypassed inns completely and just camped on the side of the road. He had gone through several imperial checkpoints since he left Riften and he figured he would go through one more before he made it into Valenwood proper. His horse he had purchased on the Skyrim-Cyrodiil border, a mix between the hardy and small horses of Skyrim and the large and fast horses of Cyrodiil. These breeds mixed made for a suprisingly well rounded animal, capable of keeping a rapid pace for hours on end without tiring. Do'ava was surprised how cheap he had gotten the young colt and as he rode, he was considering breeding more and creating a line of incredibly strong steeds. He would certainly have the funds after this job. Indeed, Do'ava was being surprised by a lot of things this week, including how much money Hector had offered Do'ava to come on this job.

Which of course made the experienced Khajiit suspicious of the likelihood of surviving this job. But sometimes you had to take a gamble and hopefully this one would pay off big time. Do'ava shivered and pulled his traveling cloak around him tighter. It was late, and although he was getting close, the nights in Cyrodiil wasn't exactly like Senchal. That was one thing Do'ava never got used to in Skyrim, the unbearable cold. It always made him miss home. He hadn't been home for years now, not since he was thrown into that cell in Windhelm. His eyes began to droop and Do'ava shook himself awake. He couldn't sleep now, he had to be on the south side of Arenthia by midday, at least. It had been a week since his last fix. The young Khajiit looked around and reached into his small traveling pack, pulling out a bottle of skooma. He felt the hunger just looking at it. Do'ava twisted it open and tilted it back, snorting a respectable amount. The world came into focus and all his fatigue was gone, replaced by a jolly determination. He knew his horse, who he had thought about naming Ur, could go at this pace for another 3 hours before needing a rest. That would put them outside Arenthia just before sunrise. They could rest a few hours then get to the rendezvous point just before noon. With a roguish grin, Do'ava spurred Ur onward.


They had been riding through the jungles of Valenwood for a short time when they came upon the riverbank. Do'ava had been enjoying the warm weather, his armor, even if made for cooler climates, didn't cook him alive. It was Khajiit made after all, so the caravan guard supposed he shouldn't have been surprised. No doubt the tense standoff at the river heard Ur's thundering hooves as Do'ava rode briskly through the jungle. Ur didn't even seemed phased with the terrain and heat. Do'ava would definitely invest in breeding more horses like him. Do'ava gave a hearty "Whoa!" when they came thundering onto the riverbank. Ur reared slightly and dropped to the ground with a thud and Do'ava quickly took in the scene. A scantily dressed wood elf (Do'ava approved) and three slightly affronted/bewildered civilized men. The Khajiit had to restrain a laugh at Hector's face, which looked positively un-amused. As for the wood elf, Do'ava saw tribal women from the Elsweyr badlands and deserts wear less. Why wear a top in the desert when your fur did all of the work and the fabric had a million other uses? No doubt startling everyone, Do'ava couldn't resist grinning. "Mr. Sibassius, Reporting for duty!" he said jovially, dismounting Ur.

He eyed the wood elf, who no doubt eyed him back. Despite his happy-go-lucky attitude, this former smuggler knew all too well the skill of the wood elves with a bow. Do'ava raised a hand up, a gesture of peace, hoping she would understand. He then slowly lead Ur to the river, the horse taking lead and stepping into the river and beginning to drink. Do'ava stepped into the river too and was greeted with pleasantly cool water cascading over his feet. "So Cap'n, when are we heading out?" asked Do'ava, thoroughly enjoying himself.
@Gowi Don't even sweat it, I'm plenty busy as well so this pace suits me just fine.
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