Good luck, @blindwoofer. Mine likes to wash his paws off in his water dish.
5 yrs ago
@Crab... see if you can find out what she's interested in. Then ask her about it. No flirting need be involved to just break the ice. :)
5 yrs ago
Amazing how many sudden epidemiology experts there are in the world
Long time casual role player who loves tales of adventure! I enjoy tabletop games, play-by-post, and even LARP!
Wild (and sometimes weird) west and medieval fantasy games with an 'old-school' D&D feel are my favorite.
In real life, I'm a software engineer and wanna-be farmer. I have a little garden and some chickens that like to destroy my flower beds. But I like 'em anyway and they all have names. ;) Sometimes they lay me some breakfast.
It's hard to say. His or her post history is sporadic. It's not like he's ignoring us at least.
Long time casual role player who loves tales of adventure! I enjoy tabletop games, play-by-post, and even LARP!
Wild (and sometimes weird) west and medieval fantasy games with an 'old-school' D&D feel are my favorite.
In real life, I'm a software engineer and wanna-be farmer. I have a little garden and some chickens that like to destroy my flower beds. But I like 'em anyway and they all have names. ;) Sometimes they lay me some breakfast.
Other hobbies include dog agility and archery.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Long time casual role player who loves tales of adventure! I enjoy tabletop games, play-by-post, and even LARP!<br><br>Wild (and sometimes weird) west and medieval fantasy games with an 'old-school' D&D feel are my favorite.<br><br>In real life, I'm a software engineer and wanna-be farmer. I have a little garden and some chickens that like to destroy my flower beds. But I like 'em anyway and they all have names. ;) Sometimes they lay me some breakfast.<br><br>Other hobbies include dog agility and archery. <br></div>