Avatar of KenjuGuy
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 169 (0.05 / day)
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    1. KenjuGuy 10 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Man the new Attack on Titan opening song is such a banger. I can't get it out of my head
3 yrs ago
Michigan here as well. Must be something in the water
4 yrs ago
I forgot how cool Bleach was! Holy crap!
4 yrs ago
4 yrs ago
Yes I am a Makima simp. Yes I would bark if she told me to. I am not wrong


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"Now trust me when I say that many of foes have tried to steal my swords, but none have ever accomplished such a feat!"

A confident booming voice resounded throughout the post office. The many clerks and attendants had expressions of utter exasperation and exhaustion upon their mugs. As much as they tried their best to look professional for their guests and customers.

"And do you know why that is, young lad?"

The astute warrior off lush green-hair tossed his question for the young post boy beside him to answer. From the look of the young post boy, the answer wasn't very hard to figure out. With a pained voice as if he were simply reading from a script, he responded with a sigh

"As you say; 'Because you're Steadfast Kallun of the mighty-'"

"That's right! The Steadfast Kallun of the mighty Silver Hawks!"

Kallun roared with the confidence of a lion within the jungle. His ever present smile beamed across for all the attendants within the office to see. Despite the fact that they'd seen and heard enough from it.

"Y-yes sir, you've said that several times now. Everyone here has engrained your name and group into our memories for better or worse..."

"As it should be, afterall our exploits are enough to outrival even the most grand of tales you've ever heard."

Sweat swam further down the post boy's forehead upon the threat of even further mention of Kallun and his merry band of mercenaries. In contrast, Kallun leaned confidently across the nearby desk to get deeper into the conversation.

"Actually sir, I think your package should be ready to go."

The post boy quickly cut off Kallun before he could continue any further. It was a maneuver that received him some sight of relief and a thumbs up from the other recipients in the room who could clearly hear them.

"Oh right, sorry for holding you up. I just couldn't help myself when it came to talking the greatness of the Silver Hawks."

"Y-yes I've noticed, now if you would excuse me-"

Since the post boy was in such a hurry to get out of the conversation, he had been a little too eager once he picked up the thick square package from the desk counter. This caused the boy's hand to slip and in a hurried panic, accidentally caused the brown package to hit the ground and spill it's contents.

"Oh I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean to-"

Upon further momentary inspection, the post boy saw that the contents of the package was filled to the brim coins. Such an assortment of value would have of course been of great importance to the mercenary. This revelation brough a chill of the spine to the young post boy as he slowly raised his timid head up at Kallun. It was then that the post boy's awareness of the swords at Kallun's waist grew exponentially. So much so that he couldn't take his eyes away from them.

The stories of battle he had heard earlier from the swordsman sounded all the more terrifying now.



At the sudden single statement from Kallun, the post boy nearly jumped in shock. Yet the mood of the swordsman had not been one of fire and brimstone. Truthfully, all that was there will simple the expression of a man who was only mildly inconvenienced.

"Ah jeez, here let me help you with that,"

To the post boy's surprise, the proud swordsman bent up and carefully helped with recovering the large amount of coin scattered about.

"You're...not mad..?"

He hesitently poked with the question. To with Kallun responded with a puzzled look and then slowly a small smile,

"What's to be mad about? Sure, this money and where it's going is important to me. Even more important than my life, but we've all made mistakes before. All kinds of bad things are going to happen to us in this life so it's best we shouldn't let them hold us down. I know a guy whose done worse."


Later after the fiasco at the post office, Kallun could be seen walking throughout the streets of Draksfoot. He had been thinping about the incident at the post office for quite a bit. For one thing, that money was being sent for Hilary and Beth, the wife and daughter of the notorious serial killer formerly known as Vileheart. That criminal had been dead but there was no end to the amount of people that wanted his family dead out of revenge.

Word had been increasing of his knowledge of their location so of course those enemies were drawn to him. If he wasn't careful, anyone could have figured out that money was for that wife and daughter and then followed the trail. Really, he needed to figure something more safer out.

As he was walking with his own thoughts in his head, arms crossed, the twin swordsman caught sight of two people of interest.

"Celeste! Sanji! I see fate just always wants us together!"

He jogged up to the duo with an ever-present smile. Without a hint of restraint, he placed his hands on each of their shoulders with a sense of companionship.

"Allow me to accompany you. After all no journey could ever be dull with comrades as good as these!"

So much already, I'm gonna hit my post up tonight or tomorrow

I guess I'll keep the last time for now. But when/if Dark Cloud decides to join i'll switch it up

I added the Class and appearance. Though i'm still uncertain of what role

I still gotta do the role but it's pretty much done

@KenjuGuy Bro my characters first name is Arcos.

Hell of a coincidence. Don't worry, I'll change the name when I get the chance to when I get back home
I still gotta do the role but it's pretty much done

i'm interested, i've pretty much got my character figured out.
Finally got my brain in working order for a post and there we go
Jun felt a bit awkward at suddenly having Tomiyoka disband from the team. From his point of view, you should charge at whatever your desire is full throttle without backing down. "You're leaving the team huh, that's too bad. Especially after we just kicked butt together..." he tried no to shown his sadness about it, so he wouldn't look uncool. There was also the frustration, "I've been there too, doubting myself, I mean. Even someone as great as me has had those moments before.....but hey, as long as you promise to stand on the same stage with me again someday, I can't be too mad. That's just your way of facing your challenge!", he finally finished off with a grin and fist-bumped the younger competitor.

"Wait that old guy is joining along with us- HEY KAI WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO ME LIKE I'M SOME WILD ANIMAL!?" he had been curious about the sudden induction of that white-haired fellow becoming apart of their group, but the rude comment from Kai had allowed his emotions to become too wild for him to focus on that subject any further.

"ANYWAY, about this festival...hmm, well a genius like me has alot of skills, so I can't be sure which exact one to focus on," he spoke arrogantly with a grin to his face as if anyone would be amused. With his confidence, there wasn't exatcly any particular event he would shy away from. However, hot-blooded challenges were obviously where his direction would go. Then, that was when Tomiyoka brought up the prospect of the Performance event. "Ahh that's not a bad idea Tomi! It would be a great way to spread my genius to even more people around if they can hear me and see me up close! Not to mention, I bet there would be a bunch of glory-hogging showoffs there who can give me a challenge! I'll teach them a lesson about their over confidence!" Jun pounded his fists together, unaware of the irony.
Yo, im interested, I gotta decide on a decks in mind.

@Shiyonichi our tastes in RPs are too similar!
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