Avatar of Ketchup Water
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4 (0.00 / day)
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    1. Ketchup Water 10 yrs ago


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Sorry for not posting. I've been a bit busy with school this past week. I tried posting last night, but my phone died right as I was about to hit post. ;_;
In the IC, the Imperial characters are in a starship, right?
Character sheet

Screen Name: Ketchup Water

Character Name: Daxar "Dax" Morastus

Race: Human

Class: Imperial Trooper, Soldier

Pic: Shown here, because it was too big for this page

Physical Description: Much like the picture linked above. Considered tall. Rarely seen without armor.

Personality: Dax is the type of soldier to actually think about what he's about to do. Most soldiers will simply follow orders and get done whatever needs to be done. This soldier had something that is seldom observed in his bretheren these days: morals. Dax will not back down from a challenge no matter how unlikely his odds are. Dax is also very stubborn in how he gets things done. If he disagrees with something he will make it known. He can be very short-tempered at times, and this can lead him into a blinding rage in which he forgets to uphold his code of morals. His eagerness to prove himself on the battlefield can lead to disaster. His edge over others in his recruitment had led him to be a slight-bit cocky. Overall, he is a brave, strong soldier, though his lack of experience in battle will surely lead to some interesting situations.


  • E-11 Blaster Rifle
  • DC-15 Blaster Pistol

Background history: Dax is by no means a rookie of the military, but he certainly isn't a hardened veteran. Dax grew up on the planet of Corellia. All of his childhood he spent fascinated with the history of galactic warfare. It was in his teens that he decided to take an initiative and condition himself for a life in the military. On the day of his conscription, he was clearly more fit to be a soldier than most of the other recruits. This, combined with his prior knowledge and studies, gave him a distinct edge of his peers. As of yet he has not seen any true action on the battlefield. This assignment to a world in the Outer Rim is his chance to prove that spending his entire life in preparation was not completely in vain.
Character sheet

Screen Name: Ketchup Water

Character Name: Daxar "Dax" Morastus

Race: Human

Class: Imperial Trooper, Soldier

Pic: Shown here, because it was too big for this page

Physical Description: Much like the picture linked above. Considered tall. Rarely seen without armor.

Personality: Dax is the type of soldier to actually think about what he's about to do. Most soldiers will simply follow orders and get done whatever needs to be done. This soldier had something that is seldom observed in his bretheren these days: morals. Dax will not back down from a challenge no matter how unlikely his odds are. Dax is also very stubborn in how he gets things done. If he disagrees with something he will make it known. He can be very short-tempered at times, and this can lead him into a blinding rage in which he forgets to uphold his code of morals. His eagerness to prove himself on the battlefield can lead to disaster. His edge over others in his recruitment had led him to be a slight-bit cocky. Overall, he is a brave, strong soldier, though his lack of experience in battle will surely lead to some interesting situations.


  • E-11 Blaster Rifle
  • DC-15 Blaster Pistol

Background history: Dax is by no means a rookie of the military, but he certainly isn't a hardened veteran. Dax grew up on the planet of Corellia. All of his childhood he spent fascinated with the history of galactic warfare. It was in his teens that he decided to take an initiative and condition himself for a life in the military. On the day of his conscription, he was clearly more fit to be a soldier than most of the other recruits. This, combined with his prior knowledge and studies, gave him a distinct edge of his peers. As of yet he has not seen any true action on the battlefield. This assignment to a world in the Outer Rim is his chance to prove that spending his entire life in preparation was not completely in vain.
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