Avatar of Keyguyperson


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3 yrs ago
Current So, as an American, what do I do when I need to choose between illegal immigration to Canada and dying in a civil war?
4 yrs ago
Woo! Got the prick!
6 yrs ago
When you try to write an essay on climate change but it just degrades into angry rambling halfway through.
7 yrs ago
Conquer it, conquer the bread.
7 yrs ago
Up until today I've never had any trouble with my EUIV Japan games. Today I got stomped five times in a row before even uniting the country.


I'm a weeaboo communist. Are you surprised?

EDIT: You probably are now, but I'm not going to tell you why you wouldn't have been like two years ago. You get to agonize over that yourself.

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In THRIVE 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
+1 Erkotek. The master species will prevail.

Space exploration is a force of nature unto itself that no other force in society can rival.
-Neil deGrasse Tyson.

As you can tell by the title, this RP is "Freeform". Which basically means I don't need to write out the backstory because there isn't any backstory. There's no giant empire that just broke up, no ancient evil that just got unsealed, nothing. The entire story of this roleplay will be dictated by the histories of the individual player nations and their interactions.

As for those nations, there are no limits. Aside from not being a douche and making a species of literal gods that are genocidal maniacs, because then you're a douche and I'm not going to let you be a douche. I should note that this is a Sci-Fi Fantasy RP, which means that magic exists as a force and you're free to incorporate that into your nation and species. At the same time though there's no official explanation for it, so while your species can have their own religion (or scientific theory) to explain magic there aren't confirmed gods running around the universe.

The RP will begin in 2150 and take place in the Milky Way. And that's more or less it for restrictions aside from these rules that I've conveniently segued into.

-All the usual stuff, no being OP, no knowing things you clearly shouldn't, no destroying the universe(s). Stuff like that.
-Keep the OOC civil.
-Your species and nation can be weird. They can be really weird (in fact, the weirder the better), but keep things realistic. There probably aren't any blobs of gel out there that worship desks.
-There aren't restrictions on technology. You can be using nuclear pulse drives that you personally calculated the size and range of for everything, or you can use a hyperdrive powered by ground unicorn horns. It really doesn't matter.

And finally, the app:

Name of nation:
Description of government:
Description of military:
Technological Overview:
Cultural Overview:

It's short because it doesn't need to be long. You can add whatever categories you want onto it, but be sure to fill out the listed ones. And that's it, that's the OP. There isn't much left to say aside from if you have a question, go ahead and ask it.
<Snipped quote by Keyguyperson>
.....Most the Sovs can claim are gay space marines who treat brawling as speed dating.


Oh god they're the moral crusaders in this verse.

There's NOTHING WRONG with having slaughtered millions of people in the past for owning robots.

I mean.

Contextually that's actually pretty easily justifiable. Since 90% of Stepfords were basically sex slaves.
Yeah, I can totally see the Starfleet pretending there's nothing out there in space...
Seriously, I'd be the straight guy in this game even though I have the confirmed population of millions of literal furfags.

I mean, like 75% of all Stepfords are modeled after anime characters. We've got catgirls, we've got blue-haired shy girls, we've got century-old lolis who've seen some shit.

Honestly the circumstances behind the creation of Stepfords is going to lead to "Little Stepford girl with PTSD" being a stock character in Terran fiction right alongside "Old wise man" and "Determined protaganist".
The aristocrats that didnt GTFO and hide in cyberspace with the Network :p

<Snipped quote by Lucidnonsense>


*insert violence*

Do not taunt the space bear. ; p

G-guys! Don't fight! W-we... They!
We piggyback off of their comms please don't kill them.
Unless you keep that safe in which case go crazy.
<Snipped quote by TheSovereignGrave>

Painslaves Tortured publicly for the amusement and pleasure of the aristocrats*.

I mean, I'm not gonna say it's right or wrong, but I can understand feeding people who did shit like that to zombies.

*Lest anyone accuse me of making unrealistic villains, there are things I could tell you about slavery through the ages. Horrible things.

Nothing is right nor wrong.

And that's why the Chairman can fall asleep at night! Tune in later to find out about the nightmares that make it so he can't stay asleep!
<Snipped quote by Keyguyperson>

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