Avatar of Kharons Progeny
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 64 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Kharons Progeny 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Finally settles back in from one holiday, I'll get post up after work tonight~
9 yrs ago
Trying to write when a 6 month old puppy wants you attention is rather difficult..he's lucky he's cute..


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I should have a reply up tonight after my shift this morning.
I posted what I have done. I'm still working on fleshing out her backstory and the information about her clan.

I should hopefully have that up tomorrow night if I'm not dead after working 12 hours. [i]Hah.[/h]

Let me know if anything needs changed or explained in further detail.
I should have my character up tonight after work, and I work weekends so it might be slow with me getting an ic
post up.
Awe, don't be jealous! But I'm glad you approve I her, I shall move her over.
I'm working on mine as well.


Deity? Does it have to be a known god or one we make up?

And how limited are we on making new regions/towns/clans?
It looks good, I'm still dragging on her bio a little but I think I'm almost done.

Edit: Finished~~ Her History was a lot longer than I originally had in mind.

@OnlyThePieEither way let me know if I need to change anything before I move her over?
If 4 players wouldn't pose a serious deterrent, I would be interested as well, Monsignor.
I'm glad you like it, I should have it finished within the hour; had work to attend to unfortunately.

Also within his territory could be fun, perhaps right outside of it an area he's looking to obtain?
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