Avatar of Kharons Progeny
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 64 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Kharons Progeny 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Finally settles back in from one holiday, I'll get post up after work tonight~
9 yrs ago
Trying to write when a 6 month old puppy wants you attention is rather difficult..he's lucky he's cute..


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I think I'll throw in my interest as well, Mademoiselle.
I'm glad you guys liked it, and I'm looking foward to what comes next as well.
@OnlyThePie Don't worry Viole won't cause Jim that much trouble.
Hello all.

@Kharons Progeny any idea what sort of RP you want to do?

I generally like fantasy, or modern day sci-fi.

Though I do have a fondness for anything macabre or different.


The woman sat crossed legged in an old wooden chair perched precariously on its hind legs as she flipped through the dead man’s papers. She couldn’t say much about him but at least his notes and list were accurate. Underneath the old wooden desk laid the unmoving figure of a man in his late 40’s rimmed glasses shattered upon his face, the bright cheerful nameplate on the desk named him the head defense attorney of the upper financial district. He was the one who the corrupt went to and paid handsomely for his services; smarter than he looked he kept the files and notes his clients gave him, notes on what gangs they had their hands in and what moves they had planned and executed. It seems that the good lord mayor had been accused three times of eliciting a young male streetwalker and had a temper when they wouldn’t listen, but of course that never hit the news. Viole could make good money off of this hit, or perhaps she would use it to secure her own little position on the ever changing surface of Vale City.

A short knock on the window drew her attention from the papers as her second in command, Varic sat perched on the window, a wicked grin plastered across his face. He was two years older than her and his hair had already started to grey, but he was loyal and was one of the best sharpshooters the young leader had seen around the industrial district.

”Well well well, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

Her good natured greeting was echoed with the window sliding up with a sharp scrap as he reported that the raid had finally started. She had learned about a possible raid on one of the arms dealers that was allowed to exist in the Conduit’s realm, and though she had little interest in the dispute, the prospect of seeing someone tangle with the Wire’s could be an interesting advantage for the new gangleader. Slamming the legs down with a small splat as it hit the pool of blood under her, she neatly jumped over the desk sauntering her way towards the window, spotting the sleek black charger idling under the fire escape.

”Let’s go then.”

The words followed her down as she easily made her way down to the car sliding over the hood and in threw the open driver’s window. The soft click of the seatbelt next to her was all she needed before she slammed on the gas, sliding the car out into traffic; she was too far away from her own turf for anyone to recognize the car easily maneuvering through the busy city streets, shifting and drifting down side roads, almost as if avoiding the main roads for a reason.

It wasn’t long before the woman was perched on a roof a few buildings away from the Sabre’s hideout, both her second and third in command standing behind her watching the poor excuse for a defense the men were putting up against the raiders. They were too well prepared and geared to be another gang trying to gain more turf, no this was something else, something much larger was at play.

”Seems like someone wanted to take out the Conduit’s weapon supplier…”

Viole tilted her head before whispering soft Russian to the small bird on her shoulder, returning her attention to the firefight below as the bird took off circling high in the air as if searching for something. The arrival of the jeep behind the attackers was a new twist, her eyebrow’s shooting up into her hair line as she watched the very man she was talking about exit the car and enter the fray. The sparks of electricity surrounding him only added to the allure as the three of them watched silently as he quickly turned the tide and issued a warning to the now decrepit old man.

”Ryker, see what you can find out about who arrange the raid.”

Though it was posed as a request, the young blonde standing behind her knew an order when he heard one. A slight tilt of his head and he was gone down the side of the building and off into the back streets to find his contacts and information brokers. He was rather young for a third in command, but his ability was a useful one, he could tell when someone was lying. At the age of 22 he had graduated The University of Vale City with a bachelor’s in psychology and a minor in criminal justice; he had every intention of become a police officer, and even entered the academy before he saw that corruption rested in the heart of it as well. He was a young depressed man haunting a dive bar when Viole found him, he was arguing with her second in command about how the city was damned and no one could make a difference. She listened to his argument chuckling loud enough to garner his attention before offering him a job to join her and make a difference on the dark side instead of trying to do it standing in the light. As he left so did she, motioning for her second to follow as well making her way closer to the scene moving from roof to roof not daring to get to close to the angry lightning man down there on the ground.

”When the idiot leaves, follow him.”

They both knew she was talking about the only surviving raider, after she had gained a vocal understanding from Varic she turned and disappear into the shadows making her way leisurely back towards her own office, the sound of sirens echoing through the abandoned buildings as they raced towards the city.

Tilting her head she was curious as to what that situation was about, but she had other pressing matters, and needed to gather a few things before she went and had a meeting with a certain mayor.

This was going to be a fun day, she could tell.
’The grass around the lake blew softly in the wind, as she laid in the grass staring up at the sky; down below the knoll stood the Berisama Clan’s buildings and ships, past that laid the road that the caravans took to reach them. It was that road the eager girl watched, the caravan leader had promised he would bring her back a flower that didn’t grow in the Expanse. Rey was skeptical at the very idea that something as beautiful as the field of flowers around her would grow elsewhere away from the giving life of the lake below. Stretching slightly she sighed softly before returning to her feet, a bow smiled up at her as the light glimmered and danced across the metal work that twined around the wooden frame.

Siren’s Cry.

The bow had once been her mothers, and as tradition dictates it had been passed onto her at her fifteenth birthday; before that she had been using the one of the old ones the hunting party had lying around. Her father had thrown such a fit when he found out about her handling weapons, saying that her betrothed would wanted nothing to do with such an unfit lady.

Secretly Rey held onto the notion that he was as proud as her mother had seemed when she presented it to her.

The soft whickering of the horses below drew the blonde’s attention as a wide grin broke across her face, scampering to gather her bow Rey slide down the hill rolling part of the way as a soft pearl of laughter followed her down. Sliding to a stop behind the forge letting the warmth of it embrace her slightly before straightening her dress and bracelets trying to regain some form of composure that she knew was expected of her. The caravan wrapped around the clan square as they made quick work setting up stalls and carts, hawking their wares to anyone who would listen, at the front of it stood a sun-kissed man, his skin was as tan as the leather boots that adorned his feet; the rest of his was adorned in garb of such wonderful and strange fashion, bright colors and sashes that held a long curved sword tight against his belt. The young girl felt she could stare at him for hours, drawn to the laughter dancing behind his eyes, or the crooked grin that sat under his sharp beak like nose. Realizing she had been caught staring against, a sharp blush rose from her cheeks as she bowed politely in return to his elegant overdrawn bow, a bright red flower in his hand. The deepness of the color drew the girl closer wanting a better look at it, unknowing that her father watched the two a disapproving frown lining his face before making his way to greet the caravan leader, effectively forcing his young daughter to fall back into place behind him.

They talked for a while before the sharp screech of the man’s bird gave out a warning taking flight drawing everyone’s attention towards the large descending shadow as the large gushes of winds blew against the cloth coverings. It was as everyone was frozen for a moment before scattering, carts left abandoned as the horses pulled other out of the giant beast’s way. It’s bright red scales glimmering in the sun light casting red lighting into the lake, a strange serene aura dispelling from it. While others hide behind one another the small girl took a step closer enamored with the large creature, it was a dragon; they all heard the legends of those destined to ride these mythical creatures but for one to come here was great honor. It was like the world around her had been turned down, she hardly noticed the armored man dismount, or the caravan leader’s hand on her shoulder pulling her back towards him as her father started to welcome the stranger but was cut short by the news that they were here for his daughter, his daughter he was supposed to marry off in less than three weeks. He delivered his message and turned to his dragon feeding it treats and checking the saddle’s strapping for chaffing. A few steps away Rey’s mother and father were in deep argument over the turn of events as the caravan leader kissed her forehead whispering something in his native tongue, to her it seemed like both a blessing and warning.’

Rey was so absorbed within the memories of the past few weeks, her left hand idly petting the small dragon curled up in her lap that she heard little of what was going on around her, the soft red robe had triggered the memory of the dragon’s scales, the same one that circled high above her head with it’s kindred. Her eyes focused on the small one in her lap, Owain.

’They had lead her into a small room, nothing but a lone pillar and a plush pillow, it was the item on the pillow that caught her attention a bright green, the color of the forest in summer. The three robed figures behind her gave instructions for her to simply touch the egg and the rest would take care of itself. Tentatively she listened to them, her breath hitching with each step she took, her hand reaching out shaking as it drew closer to the shimmering egg.

A sharp light filled the room blinding the occupants momentarily as the egg rose slightly before shattering, reacting instinctively Rey caught the small creature before he could hit the pillow, his scales and eyes mimicked the deep rich color of the egg. It was that moment she knew her life would never be quiet the same.’

The voice of the boy next to her brought her back to reality as he introduced himself and his dragon, Heirnisch was his name, and the dragon was Hrox. She would remember those names; they would hold a purpose in the future. Following the boy’s example still unsure of what was all said she transferred the small green dragon from her lap to her shoulder before standing straightening her robe. ”Well Met.” She greeted bowing slightly towards the three that sat on their thrones, her voice was smooth and strong showing no signs of hesitation, nor did it waver with anxiety, ”I am Eliysis Reyan Kristansa, First Daughter of the Water of the Berisama Clan. As I served my clan, I will serve you the same. My partner has decided the name Owian is to his liking.” The first words were an echo of the oath all men took before joining a lord’s service or that of a mercenary group. Bowing against the slender girl returned to her seat.
I should have one up soon enough. Morning everyone.
Morning! I ended up sleeping forever..I'll get started on a post now.

Edit: @ShidenBlades I finished the backstory part of my CS btw.
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