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Hello, I'm kidgoat and I deprive myself of social fun on a daily basis so I'm going to try and break that habit here. I probably won't be that talkative though I'll try my best.

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I'll probably get something out during the weekend, I'm a bit busy at the moment.

I completely forgotten Fae were their own species- I was just using the word as a stand in for magical creatures. It's fixed now. Since he's otherwise good to go, his sheets been moved over!
He's here! Sorry that it turned up later than expected, I was having some trouble figuring out the backstory. Some details might need to be rewritten but the general info is there, it's already long to begin with and I want to get this out before too much time passes. If it isn't the type of premise that would work here I could change his story to be closer to a common dragon life.

It did, thank you! I'll have my character in by tonight or tomorrow.
Yes! A few quick questions before I settle on a concept:

- Since dragons are magical creatures, can they have a few traits drifting away from reptilians like their body structure or areas of hair/feathers? And could there be signs of magic in their dragon forms such as patches of ice jolting from the skin, steam from underneath their scales, or maybe a bio-luminescent glow?

- How far does the range of magic go in humans? Is it closer to the usual elemental magics or can we get a bit creative with it and go for something like controlling sound or pressure, spreading or healing illness, creating illusions or anything else that doesn’t border on godmodding?

- When it comes to wingless dragons, can they only fly in a manner similar to Chinese dragons or can their magic help them move in the air by other means?

Editing in a couple more questions in case you didn't read the others yet, more might come along as time passes:

- How long can a dragon live without realizing they have the glamour of man? I imagine they'd have to find out at some point but if no one ever taught them would they still learn around the same age as other dragons or could it take decades longer?

- Not knowing about the glamour of man and probably rarely seeing them in their true form, what do humans actually think of dragons? Do they just see them as animals or to they recognize that dragons have intellect similar to humans?
I'm pretty interested, How often do you want us to post?

It’s still a bit lacking in some areas, but considering this was supposed to be up a week ago I don’t want to delay them any longer, so they're here now!
I'm not sure if odd stated it in the opening post yet, but the rp has been moved over to discord now since it'd be easier to keep track of the different areas I think. The lore is much more explained there and there's been some new mechanics in the works.
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