• Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Kilo6
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    1. Kilo6 11 yrs ago


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Skylar said
Good ideas. Especially since Nordamark's Colossi sky-battleships are real logistics nightmares to supply and maintain. Cheaply available Kavuria would be a godsend in that regard. And Nordamark banks, such as the Ironclad Guild (notorious for their nigh-impregnable steel vaults) would be more than happy to protect Arkil finances and provide loans to businessmen looking to expand into Nordamark.Meanwhile the Nordamark luxury and recreation businesses could be getting a major foothold into Arkil cities and into its social elite. Happy people are always a nice thing to have, although it may lead to some interesting complications between our respective intelligence agencies at parties.

Sounds perfect! We already have a plot developing before even the OOC is getting started!

Seriously, this RP got me back into Civilization V just from the hype. XD
Skylar said
Okay, working on putting up my nation. A rich kingdom based upon rich ocean-trade and purveyance of luxuries and pleasure, now trying to keep up in an industrializing world despite its shortages of coal and ore and dependency on mercenary forces to fill out its army, navy, and sky-fleet.So who wants to trade with me? Or take loans from my banks?

Perhaps The Arkil Federation could be helping to modernize Nordamark's airship fleet, like transferring from helium to Kavuria, allowing them to build airships that don't need to dedicate so much space and weight to the limits of helium. Or something like that. With a cheap supply of Kavuria available from the Federation, it would benefit both nations, with Nordamark saving money on helium along with having a much more modern, easily managed airships fleet and the Arkil Federation having another trading partner. Not to mention a lot of the private industry of Arkil is gonna want to store some of their money somewhere secure! XD
AYoungWarthog said
*glares at Kilo* And who the hell are you, and why should I, King of not Giving a Fuck, care?

More people! Yay!
Ollumhammersong said
A lot fo those ships of yours kilo seem far more Desiel punk than found in Early-mid Steampunk capabilities.

So? They're still powered by steam, they're awesome fantasy airships, and we're all here to have fun and play around in this neat fantasy world. So I think all that matters is how they preform over how they look, and they are well within that ridiculous scale fun steampunk style limit that our GM has set for now.


Also they look really cool....

So yeah....

Ima keep em. XD
Location of the Arkil Federation

My NS is coming along as I move down the list. Man I'm actually getting hyped by this one!
Scratch that, I think I'm finished and ready for review! I might make a few more edits here and their as I reread the NS, but its essentially done.

Nation's Name
Arkil Federation
Nation's History
The Arkil Federation is a relatively new addition to the world stage in comparison to other nations. It didn't originate from kingdoms of old united, tribal people leaving behind their spears, or even around a new found church. The Arkil Federation is a nation born from settlers who fled to these previously uncharted lands for freedom. At first, the small nation lived in isolation, with a relatively small population. Though as people around the land of Arkillia learned of the nation's ideals of freedom and democracy, many people immigrated to the Federation. Soon the nation began to grow rapidly, with this population growth came industrial, economic, and territorial growth. The nation's culture grew more and more hateful of religion as many people where non-believer refugees from other theocratic nations.

Eventually the Federation invaded and annexed its oppressive theocratic neighbors in a series of wars now known as the Liberia Wars. At the end of this conquest, the new Federation was stronger than ever, now that all the lands of Arkillia had been united. The world of steam and invention soon followed, leading to a break through that allows the modern airships of today. An Arkillian named Joseph Kraft was a former miner, now chemist. He took it upon himself to try to solve the main problem around creating a practical airship, lift. From simple hot air to explosive hydrogen, the airship seemed plagued with all sorts of practical problems. As a native Arkilians, member of the people of the sky, he felt his natural duty was to find a solution. And he did.

After years of experimentation, he figured out how to turn a previously useless ore, Kavuria, into a usable "lighter than air" gas. It had a much higher weight capacity than Hydrogen and was much less dangerous. However, the substance was toxic to breath and refining it into a usable form took years ot perfect. But now the nation the Arkil Federation has mastered the process of mining, refining, and using Kavuria. It caused a boom for the airship industry in the Arkil Federation, such that it is now as essential as any sea going vessels to their trade. Being landlocked, it was their way of bypassing the need for a naval port and being able to spread their trade across the world. With one of the most modern airship fleets in the world, the people of Arkil have truly entered their natural realm. What will the future hold for the people of the sky?
Form of Government
Democratic Republic
Political Status
Stable representative republic
Political Overview
The Arkilian government is a democratic republic of sorts governed by three main branches. An Executive Branch lead by the president who serves ten year terms, a Legislative Branch made up of representatives from fifteen different regions. Each region has two representatives. Finally, a Judicial Branch, lead by seven grand judges that are appointed by the president . This branch decides whether a particular law, act, or legislation coincides with Arkilian Constitution of Civil Freedom. Foreign policy consist of an "open arms" outlook, being very willing to trade and negotiate with other nations and races. They have a less imperial goal set now that the land is united, and thus oversea colonies and such are not a major focus for the Federation.
Current Political Leader
President Kai Avonsta
Notable Figures
Air Marshal Atheria Kalvesto
General Alex Hlemstein
Que Leader Walter Barkstone
Total Population
Employed Population
Military Population
The Specie's Information

The native Arkilians of the Arkil Federation are known most notably for their bird like features. While very human like in physiology, but their bones are actually much stronger and they usually have small feathered "wings" sprouting an inch above the ears as seen in the sample picture. They also have a short, feathered tail. While essentially the same as a normal human when it comes to body strength, their muscles are oddly much more dense. Because of these distinct differences, but looking very similar to normal humans, their traditional name is "Qui Ex Caelo" which translates to "Those of the Sky". They all seem to exhibit a total lack of fear of heights, and in fact, usually report being much happier and healthier when at higher altitudes, even breathing better when usually Humans experience shortness of breath.
Army Overview
The Arkil Federation's army is known as The Arkilian Federal Guard. They handle most ground operations during any military campaign, ranging from artillery to infantry. Overall, the military is built to be diverse and rugged, much like their troops.

~The Infantry~
The Arkillian Guard

The standard uniform of the infantry, they are a diverse, adaptive group that is given standard, decent training and simple, yet tough equipment. The guard take both men and women and are generally known for their straightforward reliability.

The First Reconnaissance and Foreign Expeditionary Battalion "Raptors of Arkillian"

An elite group of sharpshooters, marksman, and survivalists, these soldiers are hand picked by the commander whether it be from the front or from training. Members must undergo an incredibly arduous training program before joining, regardless of previous experience. They primarily focus on deep reconnaissance and assassination of high value targets on the battlefield. With this, they have become expert survivalists, being able to live off the land, away from supply lines, for extended periods of time. Often it is said that one Raptor marksman in a church tower with a canteen of water and a can of beans could hold pack an entire enemy battalion for weeks. Whether this is battlefield myth or not cannot be determined. They are usually distinguished by their unique camouflage pattern and they're standard issued blades.

Standard Weapons of the Arkilian Federal Guard infantry
A: The M-308 Songbird Rifle.
A .308 bolt action rifle, it is the most common firearm of the infantry and is well known for its reliability in poor conditions due to the simplicity of its design.
B: The Wilson 44 Repeater Rifle.
A lever action .44 lever action rifle. While less common, it is still used, mainly by squad leaders, and provides rapid fire.
C: The B-12 Repeater
This is a lever action shotgun used by trench runners and other specialist infantry for close quarters. It can fire either a 12 gauge slug or shot. Not very common
D: M-124 Gatling Gun
This hand cranked Gatling gun fires 20mm cartridges at a high rate of fire through a belt fed system. Usually used defensively as it takes a tractor to move one these around.
E: M17 Sparrow
This is the first magazine fed pistol used by the Arkillian Guard. Holds fifteen .45 rounds and is fairly reliable under normal conditions. It's a work in progress and is given to normal infantry.
F: The Officer
This is the standard side arm for officers and high ranking enlisted men. It is a six shot, .45 revolver that can be either hand reloaded or loaded with a speed loader. Typically passed from generation to generation, but is fairly wide spread overall.

~Armored Vehicles~

Marker 9 Tank
This armored vehicle is one of the two armored combat vehicles. The Marker 9 fills the role of the more traditional tank. It provides cover and fire support to advancing infantry. The top turret holds a 47mm cannon, the smaller forward guns are twin 12.7mm machine guns, and the large cannon near the bottom is a 75mm howitzer. It is well balanced in terms of armor, with each side having fairly good protection, but the most it can stand are low caliber cannons. This tank can reach a top speed of 12mph.

Mafers 2 Assault Gun
This armored vehicle is designed as a mobile seige weapon as opposed to an actual tank. It has strong frontal armor, but the sides and back can only protect against machine gun fire at best. This vehicle is armed with a single 76mm howitzer and has a top speed of 15mph.


The Mk-20 Mobile Mortar
An 80mm mortar that can be towed around by a crew of three. It is used in a variety of roles whether offensively or defensively.

7.7cm Flak Cannon
Both the most common and oldest artilery piece, it is mainly used in assaulting enemy strongholds or defending a stronghold. It can be moved short distances by infantry, but is more commonly transported via tractor or horse.

The 105mm Howitzer
This common howitzer is also very versatile in its potential roles. Recently an airburst ammunition was developed for it, making it a deadly anti infantry weapon. Typically towed by tractor.

The M-11 Morser Fortress Gun
This massive howitzer fires 30.5 cm shells and is only used in defensively in major strongholds. There has been talk of perhaps mounting onto a railroad system for offensive capabilities, but with the firepower support of airships, there is little need for a mobile version of this beast.

Air Force Overview
Now the Arkil Federation may have a decent ground military, but what they are truly known for is the massively impressive fleet that guards the skies above and rains hell down below. The Arkilian Airborne Fleet is the main focus of the overall military, with great funding and research put into making the best airships they possibly can. Here are the current classifications of the fleet:

Typical Arkil Trade/Civilian Airship
This airship is the most commonly scene design from Arkil. They are produced to transport large amounts of cargo and sold to other nations. Speed varies based on cargo, but without all the armor and guns of military airships, they are typically much faster and more maneuverable. As they say, time is money!

The Arkil Destroyer
The most numerous combat airship of the fleet, this serves as the backbone to the Airborne Fleet. These airships are commonly scene patrolling the airspace or escorting fleets. Main Armament consists of three 105mm cannons and a secondary armament of four turrets that house twin 7.7cm Flak cannons. They can reach a top speed of

Arkil Light Cruiser
These provide the more common "heavy muscle" in battles. Armed with six 150mm cannons and one single 38cm cannon as well as four 7.7cm Flak cannons, these ships are essentially stronger, heavier destroyers. They have a top speed of 35mph.

Arkil Heavy Cruiser
An out of date ship, these used to provide the heavy firepower of the fleet They are armed with three turrets that contain twin 18cm cannons, four broadside turrets with one 8.8cm cannons, and two turrets that house quad 7.7cm Flak cannons. They can reach a top speed of 25mph

Arkil Battleclass
This is the newest edition to the Airborne Fleet. This is the largest airship class of the fleet. It is heavily armed with a front-top turret with twin 20cm cannons, a front-bottom mounted turret with twin 38cm cannons, six flank mounted 8.8cm turrets, and eight flank mounted 7.7cm flak turrets. Due to its heavy armor, subsequent massive size, and low speed, the Arkil Battleclass are few in numbers and not often seen in small engagements.

Aircraft have also seen a rise in popularity and support in the Arkil Federation, thus two main designs are used for combat operations:

A12 Avansta
This serves as the main fighter of the Arkilian Airborne Fleet. Armed with two 12.7mm machine guns and four 7.62mm machine guns, this aircraft is fast and turns tight. However it has very little armoring, so it doesn't take much to bring the aircraft down. It can also be outfitted with up to a 100kg of bombs.

Va2 Vansta
This aircraft is the second generation of dedicated bombers in the Arkilian Airborne Fleet. This is the first aircraft of the fleet to use metal plating for protection against light machine gun fire. It is also protected by three strategically placed gunner seats, each with a single 7.62mm machine gun. It can carry about 1,134 kg worth of bombs. This bomber is, of course, much slower than its fellow fighters, but boasts of great maneuverability at slow speeds.
Nation's Location
Nation's Geography
To the north west, the nation is covered in pine trees and is very mountainous and rocky. Typically stays chilly during the summer and very cold in the winter. As you move westward, the land becomes less dramatic and the pine forests turn into more vibrant deciduous forests over rolling hills. To the south the weather is more four seasnonal temperate and varies between forests and fields with small streams and rivers running through them.
Economy Overview
Internally, The Arkil Federation has a Mixed Economy with various areas being either Market or Traditional economies. The Government does regulate various areas of the market, but ultimately it is a free market. The nation tries to create a "Balanced Trade" which goes by the motto "Do what you do best, buy the rest". Thus Arkilian exports usually focus around the aviation industry, ranging from selling commercial airships, airship components, and most importantly, refined Kavuria. While the substance Kavuria is widespread in the world, Arkil's refining techniques have made it much cheaper to buy than attempting to produce your own, usually giving nations more options to focus on other aspects of their economy while receiving cheap Kavuria to float their airships.
Nation's Major Export:
Airships (commercial), Experienced Aviation workforce, Refined Kavuria (Grades A-F. This marks of the quality, thus efficiency of it. The higher the grade, the bigger your ship can be for less Kavuria), Aliminuim Alloys, grain, and rice.
Nation's Major Imports:
Stronger Steel Alloys, various food items, Furs, Jewelry, Naval goods(ranging from ships to machinery), concrete, heavy machinery, gold, copper, and exotic goods.
So what are the population limits for nations?
Cool! I'll provide a little fantasy technobable for the wonder element of Kavuria, the stuff that won't blow up like Hydroge, in my NS XD
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