Alright there's that.
Name: Adam "Lift" Hill
Age: 17
Living in a city for most of your life will make you paranoid, and for those with super powers, with more then good reason. Adam spent most of his life trying to hide his powers, terrified of what the world might do to him if they discovered what he could do. As a child, he wasn't so good at hiding things. He would often say things and ask questions about things most children would never notice or think about, alongside levitating random objects at the drop of a hat. Sometimes literally.
He was far to perceptive for a three year old, and although his parents were the only ones to know of the telekinetic powers, any time he was jolted, his telekinesis would suddenly launch objects into the air. Many people grew angry with him. They didn't know of his powers, but they didn't like all the questions he was always asking, telling him his 'Meddling' was trouble, and so he began to clam up, until he stopped talking all together, at least until he arrived at the academy. Alongside this he began using his powers less and less. He couldn't turn his enhanced perception off, but he could ignore it, and simply use his telekinetic powers only when need be.
He can learn a lot from others just by interacting with them for a few minutes, which is a bit of a problem. His telekinetic powers on the other hand are easier to deal with, though he doesn't use them much in daily life, even after he was located to the Academy.
Adam has perception far greater then the normal human being. He can learn far more about people in a few minutes then any Psychiatrist, and he can often piece together a persons motives relatively quickly, which could make him possibly one of the greatest detectives around, though he is far from perfect and has often garnered to much information at once, which gives him a major headache and can often be confused when someone is being far to truthful. He was also granted the power of telekinesis, though he has sometimes hidden this as super strength by lifting an object with his mind, but holding it with one or both of his hands to give the illusion that he's all brawn and no brain. He can lift any non living material under 300 lbs.
Although quiet, Adam is a rather interesting person when people get to know him, as he's rather charming and funny, if a bit self conscious and slightly arrogant. He has something against liars, possibly because he see's through almost all lies, and for that reason has a hard time lying himself, leading to many awkward situations. There's a small joke about his telekinetic powers and his last name, meaning some people call him 'Lift' and although he shows some distain for the nickname, he's never bothered to do anything about it. For whatever reason he insists that Trench Coats are 'cool' when others bother him about the one he constantly wears.
AH! A teenage Sherlock Holmes with powers! lol Looks pretty cool. I say he's in but I'm going to let Raptra take a look at him too before officially accepting :)