Despite all that #27 did as far as hitting his own pressure point for pain suppression and hitting a part of his brain that would push him to believe his body is stronger and faster than usual, he did the best he could. looked more like a berserker and was quite handy with his threads throughout the fight with the head of the guild. He may not have been able to beat him but being that he has no powers, he held is own and used whatever tricks he could. In the end, he finds out that he and the others still failed which...honestly it didn't surprise him. Thinking about his own flaws, and after listening in on the conversations, #27 retreated to his room to work on a new idea for a weapon or tool to assist him. Again...he wasn't working with hi-tech weaponry or magic or some special powers here but he was going to do what he could to keep up and apparently be smarter.
#27 usually didn't sleep much but he would eventually after he's finished his plans and notes of what he should work on next.
#27 was born into this life in the facility that raised and trained him. He never knew his parents but all he remembers were the killing he's caused. Trained to never surrender and show no mercy, he was trained for suicide missions. He figured his forte and built himself around dealing with pressure points, threads, long needles, and his swift quiet movements in battle. He never had much friends...if that even existed. His comrades were more like brothers and sisters according to their handlers and well...the true test came during their graduation ceremony where they were in a battle royale against each other, forcing them to kill the ones they trained with and called brothers and sisters. This was to test their character as an assassin. After he along with a handful of others passed, he was given the field name "Fix". Managing missions after missions for his director, Fix one day was given a mission to kill of a politician.
Fix went to handle this assassination for his organization, of course, succeeding. He killed the politician and his wife along with the guards but as he was about to leave, a little girl saw him walking through the kitchen and she stood there staring. She had to be no more than 7 or 8 years old. Fix pulled out his thread to kill her but what she did next baffled him. She walked over to give him a cupcake and her stuffed bear. Standing still looking at these items, Fix found himself being pulled into the entertainment room and the girl wanted him to sit and watch a kid show with her. The girl had autism and didn't realize the danger she was in. She didn't see a killer, she saw someone who could watch TV and eat a snack with her. Oddly, Fix watched the show until it went off and heard someone coming into the house. May have been someone who was checking up on the politician because he failed to answer back but by this time, Fix got up and left the girl in the care of who was coming in to see the horrors Fix left behind.
#27, after leaving noticed the stuffed bear in his hand that the girl gave him. This had a bit of impact as to why he started to change and wanted to leave that agency, ultimately killing his handler to be free. This was part of what Fix went through on his road to freedom.
#27 usually didn't sleep much but he would eventually after he's finished his plans and notes of what he should work on next.
#27 was born into this life in the facility that raised and trained him. He never knew his parents but all he remembers were the killing he's caused. Trained to never surrender and show no mercy, he was trained for suicide missions. He figured his forte and built himself around dealing with pressure points, threads, long needles, and his swift quiet movements in battle. He never had much friends...if that even existed. His comrades were more like brothers and sisters according to their handlers and well...the true test came during their graduation ceremony where they were in a battle royale against each other, forcing them to kill the ones they trained with and called brothers and sisters. This was to test their character as an assassin. After he along with a handful of others passed, he was given the field name "Fix". Managing missions after missions for his director, Fix one day was given a mission to kill of a politician.
Fix went to handle this assassination for his organization, of course, succeeding. He killed the politician and his wife along with the guards but as he was about to leave, a little girl saw him walking through the kitchen and she stood there staring. She had to be no more than 7 or 8 years old. Fix pulled out his thread to kill her but what she did next baffled him. She walked over to give him a cupcake and her stuffed bear. Standing still looking at these items, Fix found himself being pulled into the entertainment room and the girl wanted him to sit and watch a kid show with her. The girl had autism and didn't realize the danger she was in. She didn't see a killer, she saw someone who could watch TV and eat a snack with her. Oddly, Fix watched the show until it went off and heard someone coming into the house. May have been someone who was checking up on the politician because he failed to answer back but by this time, Fix got up and left the girl in the care of who was coming in to see the horrors Fix left behind.
#27, after leaving noticed the stuffed bear in his hand that the girl gave him. This had a bit of impact as to why he started to change and wanted to leave that agency, ultimately killing his handler to be free. This was part of what Fix went through on his road to freedom.