Avatar of King Tai


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Did not realize I've been gone for over a year. Not sure if I'm completely back here but just visiting. Apologies to all who I ghosted. I'll reach out to a few once again. I'll keep you posted.
4 yrs ago
Managed to drop 33 lbs and have 17 more to go to reach my goal!
5 yrs ago
I feel the only ones that are not complaining about the mandatory lockdowns are the gamers and people like me who likes staying home not doing shit.
7 yrs ago
My fondest childhood memory.......... not having to pay bills
7 yrs ago
ME: I got paid today!! MY BILLS: Nah! "I" got paid today!!


(Currently under construction)

Don't have much to say right now but while this is under construction, wanted to mention that my circumstances have changed now that I have a newborn baby in the house. With that said, I will be on when I can and my posts may not be consistent or fast on a daily basis. That goes for both group and PM RPs. If I take forever posting, my apologies in advance. But I will try and inform ones I work with of my current status and when I'll attempt to post again.

Appreciation to the ones I work with
Thanks :D

In the meantime:

If you want to add me on Discord, you can reach me with: King Tai#7510

If you have interest in RPing with me, I have a page that you can sneak up on: RIGHT UP IN HERE!

Most Recent Posts

Xia Alexander

Monday Evening - Luna Sports Facility (Her office to Baseball Bananza)

The weekend wasn't so bad. Just spending time with the her girlfriend and constantly getting annoyed by her cousin who seems to get off from the random arguments and bickering he'd cause. Saturday wasn't so bad. She spent the night with her lover, watching some movies and keeping things a bit positive. Might say there were a few tender moments they had so that Xia could reassure Marlin that she was still with her. Other than that, it was another typical weekend. Sunday, nothing major happened. Xia would spend the evening thinking of possible ways she could get her business to become bigger to the point that she could make her own massage parlor or basically use her home as such.

After a nice long day, Xia was getting prepared for heading out to catch the baseball game for a little. She was not a huge baseball fan but hey, it's still a sport and she loved competition. She was closing up for the night after getting her shower and getting her clothes on that she'd wear this evening out. Short shorts with a a baseball jersey of a team from back home. It was an open shirt with a black undershirt and sported a blue cap. Getting her gym bag closed, she was about to head out. It was a bit quiet though. Usually there were still a few staff still around but maybe some were leaving early but regardless, something felt a bit off. Xia walked around the locker room. Is anyone else in here? She asked but there was no answer. She scanned the area and gave a sigh before turning around only to immediately see out the corner of her eye, a tall figure behind her wearing a hoodie. Oh fuck!! She quickly turned screaming and swung her arm to punch the figure in the face, dropping the guy.

Hearing the groaning, Xia was in fighting stance ready to whoop someone's ass but this individual was holding his face. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" The person said, leaving Xia to still stay in her stance. What the hell? Who are you and why the hell are you in here? She asked. The guy looked over. "I was waiting out in front but there was no one at the desk. I was wanting to speak to a trainer...someone by the name of Xia Alexander...I was needing to see her because my doctor recommended her for me to meet with." Xia stared at him and sighed. Come on get up... She said holding her hand out. The male took her hand and he stood. Someone would've met with you. But you need to be careful. Sneaking up on a black girl will get you an ass whoopin. I'm Xia...the one you're looking for. The guy stared at her. "Oh...sorry about that. I was too hasty and wanted to meet with you."

You said that your doctor recommended me right? "Yes, yes!! Doctor Cook. He said he knows you. I was in an accident and he said I need rehab and you're on the top of his list to come and see." Xia raised an eyebrow. Oh...I see.. She motioned for him to leave the locker room area and to head back out in the front. Yeah I know Dr. Chauncey Cook...pretty cool and funny guy. And I do specialize in physical therapy. Do you have an appointment? She asked. "No...I was just coming in to see if you could see me asap" With a bewildered expression she had, Xia looked him up and down. Um...things don't work that way here, sweetie. You have to call in to make an appointment. It's not a first come first serve basis. "Can you just...slide me in somewhere?" He asked. What's your name? "I'm Stanley Perrin..." He told her. Okay...look Stanley, I can't just slide someone in like that. You'd still need to make an appointment. That's our policy for that. Not that I don't want to help but I have several clients and I can't just fit you in because it will throw off the others that already have appointments.

Stanley was starting to look a little flustered and anxious. "Please!!! I can't use certain medications for my pain because it will have negative effects on me. All I'm asking is for a bit of help please!! I'll get on my knees to beg if you'd just see me asap!" Xia was getting a bit uncomfortable with this guy by how he was acting and one of the other trainers came out. Xia are you okay? He asked. Xia looked over. Yeah I'm....I'm fine...just speaking with a potential client. She said as the other trainer stared. Xia sighed once again. Stanley...calm down okay. Look... She grabbed a pen and paper. If you give me your number and I'll write your name down. I'll give this to one of our people at the front desk and see if there's any openings tomorrow to put you on. I'll have someone give you a call tomorrow. Is that okay?

Stanley stood up. "Yes! That's fine! Thank you!!" He told her, giving her his number. She wrote all the information she needed before taping the note on one of the desk tops. Someone will check first thing in the morning and get back with you okay? Now...I have to leave okay? The guy nodded. "Alright....thank you....you're very kind!" he said while she nodded. Uh-huh...thanks...you take care and I'll see you soon. As he left, she looked at the other trainer as if she just ran into some nutcase. She slightly chuckled and shook her head before getting on her phone. She sent Marlin a text.

"Baby, I'm leaving the gym. I'm heading to the game right now." While she was leaving, the same guy, Stanley, was watching Xia walk off. His eyes didn't leave her, following her movements while taking in her physique and pretty facial features until she'd turn the corner and was no longer in his line of sight while keeping himself hidden from the view of others before he's leave as well.


I'm still here. I plan on having a post up between tomorrow and Tuesday.
If I had enough time, I'd join this.

Good morning. I'm stopping by to let you know I'm gonna have to drop out from this RP, bro. I don't think I can keep up with what's going on and I have a lot going on in rl and too many other RPs that I'm trying to manage. I appreciated you allowing me to be involved with this RP and making me Co-GM. I may join again if things slows down. But for right now.....sayonara

Thanks for the fun times! :)
Name: Ras


Race: Beast-kin: Tiger

Age: 30

Magic: Telepathy - can simply sense other's presence but can release a telekinetic force from his palms but at a distance of a few feet as of right now.

Sexuality: Straight

Weapons: Mostly his claws, teeth, tail, and body. (With his size and training, he's mostly a melee unarmed fighter.)

Backstory: Ras was born to a tiger beast-kin monk nomad. His mother trained him in the ways of their art of being a monk to train body and mind so that they can use their body as a weapon. Ras was abandoned at a young age of close to 10 years of age when he mother left him on the mountains to find for himself since his kind were solitary. With gaining the magic of telepathy, he's started harnessing his skills even though he still has much more to learn. After coming down from the mountains 10 years ago, he witnessed a problem when a band of human thieves were in a village robbing and plundering thanks to the orders of an Orc/ human halfling. he took the fight into his own hands to face the leader with his skills. The strength and skill of the halfling and the injuries that Ras sustained while fighting and defeating this foe awakened a new calling for the beast-kin. This forced him to gain more experience by traveling and helping others so that his magic and fighting skills would grow but he wondered what kind of destiny was before him.
After studying the map, Ras was mostly to himself as he meditated.

I'm gonna drop out from this RP. My motivation to post here and my overwhelming capacity for RPs (Mostly 1x1s) has become a bit too much to manage along with keeping up with the fast pace of this RP. I enjoyed it and it's no one's fault. My inspiration kinda dried especially trying to balance RL with RPing. I appreciate the patience you all have had with me. Thanks and take care.
Tororo felt that the lizard must hate the fact that he was unable to kill him or hurt him like he wanted. But with what he said, Tororo only felt this so-called dragon was not as tough as he claims if he needs to try underhanded tricks like attack someone while they're sleep. He felt that if they were in a body of water, his advantage would be much much higher but hey...he's not gonna worry himself about something that couldn't kill him.

Dong Da looked over. "I think we are getting close to finding my long lost creature." he said.

Kaala looked over. "Why were you two fighting?" She asked. Dong Da looked over. "The dragon thing wanted a fight and well...Tororo was curious about it's strength and well...Tororo is still intact and only have a few scratches on his shell. He's a strong dragon but he can't kill Tororo that easily." he said.

Kaala looked on. "Everyone can be beaten...even Tororo and that dragon...but that's not the point right now...there's a hard hitting creature out there I need your help with..." she said.
<Snipped quote by King Tai>

You channeling the man with no name with your speed there?

Maybe >_>
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