Avatar of King Tai


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1 yr ago
Current Did not realize I've been gone for over a year. Not sure if I'm completely back here but just visiting. Apologies to all who I ghosted. I'll reach out to a few once again. I'll keep you posted.
4 yrs ago
Managed to drop 33 lbs and have 17 more to go to reach my goal!
5 yrs ago
I feel the only ones that are not complaining about the mandatory lockdowns are the gamers and people like me who likes staying home not doing shit.
7 yrs ago
My fondest childhood memory.......... not having to pay bills
7 yrs ago
ME: I got paid today!! MY BILLS: Nah! "I" got paid today!!


(Currently under construction)

Don't have much to say right now but while this is under construction, wanted to mention that my circumstances have changed now that I have a newborn baby in the house. With that said, I will be on when I can and my posts may not be consistent or fast on a daily basis. That goes for both group and PM RPs. If I take forever posting, my apologies in advance. But I will try and inform ones I work with of my current status and when I'll attempt to post again.

Appreciation to the ones I work with
Thanks :D

In the meantime:

If you want to add me on Discord, you can reach me with: King Tai#7510

If you have interest in RPing with me, I have a page that you can sneak up on: RIGHT UP IN HERE!

Most Recent Posts

In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@KatherinWinter Feels like you're aiming that comment at me lol
In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Just work and daddy life. yeah I still have people I've RPed with since day one on here and honestly I get on here mostly to check notifications. I don't RP here as much as I used to but I try and stay active.
In Spliced 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@Always Sup :)
Xia Alexander

Sol City Memorial

Carlo fueled with anger and ready to handle whoever did this to his family, stared Marlin down when she woke up. Yeah, he was that rude guy that would wake your ass up in the middle of your sleep to argue or start some shit only because he was petty like that. When Xia's English love spoke, he gave her a smug expression on his face when she mentioned that at the scene finding her phone, which, on the phone, she had more texts towards 'Marlin (Aka Future Eng. Wifey)' on her phone and 'Mommy', it was definitely the case that they'd call those two first. Carlo was on her phone which read 'Bastard' as his contact name so of course no one would call him.

Carlo folded his arms man I ain't doing shit for you, I'm not fuckin do-boy. He said to her as like clockwork, his aunt called him back Yeah auntie? I just got here...I'm talking to her now...auntie you can't be serious? I'm not doing that! I- but-....yeah...love you too... he hung up and asked what she wanted. his aunt basically told him that whatever marlin needed, accommodate her to make her comfortable since she's likely going to be with Xia the whole time taking care of her. He knew if Xia's mom called Marlin and he was not being a help to her, his mom would call him and he'll never hear the end of it. The fuck do you want in your coffee? He asked and then went to go and get it like a good boy.

When he came back and gave her one, He checked her out and heard all about how bad she was and how she has not awakened yet. he was still being mean when he pretty much shoved the coffee to her and still cursing from what all he heard, the way she spoke to him, he looked over. Just because I got you some damn coffee, don't mean you can order me around alright. I'm gonna help you with shit because my aunt said so and it's for Xia's sake. And then this person that did it....something don't seem right. She's a friendly ass person and cool with everyone. The way she got fucked up, it had to be more than that. they wanted her to suffer. If they just wanted her bags, they won't go that damn far to take it unless if had gold or some shit in it. You said she felt a bit off right? like something was following her? I didn't hear anything about this shit until now and didn't know she was in any real danger. He told her.

So...that person is obviously still out there. I'm still pissed and i don't like that I'm being kept out of the loop. So...if I'm gonna be helping you with her, then do me a favor and keep me informed. He said. her attitude towards him was scary but his anger was making him stand firm. And you said it was an uber driver right? i'll ask what he looks like and if anyone have seen some suspicious shit. I wanna find out if she's been around someone that wanted to mess with her too. he told her.

He had to give it to Marlin though, his hood mentality and trying to be hardcore was not working because this girl was going to keep his cousin on lock and that was the bottom line and with his aunt backing her, there was nothing he could do about it.

Xia gave a groan, slightly moving her head but she didn't look like she woke up yet. Carlo came over. "Cuz...hey..." he said as Xia's fingers slightly moved to hold onto Marlin's hand but it was a very weak hold. She groaned some more as the morphine was in her system and opened an eye lazily barely can see. ba-by? She whispered


Name: Elrey Cooper
Gender: Male
Nicknames: New Fist of Fury
Race: Human
Class: Fighter (Boxer)
Alignment: Whoever that is not against him
Age: 17-22
Size: Average
Body Type: slim but toned
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: black
Eyes: golden
Handedness: both
Scars: his left cheek
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Loud mouthed, impulsive, lover of fighting, confident, good hearted
Mannerisms: smashing his fists together, cracking knuckles, and menacing smiles
Likes: Fighting, getting stronger, facing new challenges, eating high protein, and girls
Dislikes: losing fights, boring people, being taken pity on, not being allowed to do as he pleases

Fight style: He uses what he calls Hybrid boxing. (Uses elbows, wrestling grapples, leg blocks, along with boxing as the primary style)

Special ability: Burst - An enhancement ability that Elrey can control to give him a boosting increase to his strength and speed up to 5 times it's base (Which is about Olympic to peak human level). His toughness increases as well. He can use this when executing attacks and evasions to gain an edge in fights. He can use this according to the boxing style (Slugger, swarmer, and out-boxing). The downside to this ability is that if used too much without a break, the recoil is being fatigued and the cooldown of using the ability is up to 5 minutes
Xia Alexander

Saturday - Sol City Memorial

Even though the calls have gone out to 2 people, Marlin and Xia's mother, Xia was still out cold. The poor girl has a broken right hand, damaged in two places. Contusions all over her body, bruises, cuts that needed sticking on her face, a nice shiner on her left eye, busted lip, broken rib and 2 bruised ones, a concussion, internal damage as well. All in all....she was fucked up. Xia has not awakened since what happened to her and after Marlin got there, Xia had a dream she was hearing her speak to her.

The nurse filled marlin in on her condition. It was critical but stabilized some and in time, she'll heal. They didn't know when she'd wake up but they were going to need her to stay a few days to keep watch of her. They were hoping she wasn't epileptic or anything serious like that but they needed to know some things about Xia. her mother was able to provide the information being how close she was with her mom, she was the emergency contact. Her mom was going to have to make a trip up there but for the time being, she was going to call up Carlo. Carlo was on the phone with her.

Auntie...I was at work, I didn't know this shit happened or I would've murked dem motha fuckas on sight. I'm on my way to the hospital now. Wait....marlin's already there? You talk to her on the phone and I'm now just getting this information. Look I know that snow bunny is her girl and all but I'm family. I mean I'd love to be in the loop too! Auntie...I'm not raising my voice at you...just kinda hurt and I'm pissed off my cousin got got like that. I'm gonna find out who did this and show them how we do shit in South Florida. Auntie don't worry about that. let me handle it. I'll talk to you later...I gotta go alright. I love you... Hanging up, Carlo was cursing as to why Marlin was contacted first? Then the fact that Xia's mom contacted Marlin after Marlin made it to the hospital, they didn't waste time calling him up.

As he would get to the hospital, he rushed over.Xia Alexander... He said as the lady looked her up and was given direction to find Xia. He rushed to the room and minutes later, he came in to see Marlin. Hey....crazy how you were called before I was even called. How fucked up is she? Asking her about Xia's condition as he went over to look at her and his expression changed to sadness after worry to see his cousin in this state. She of course, was still out but Carlo was getting pissed the more he looked at her. Yo Marl....you know who did this? And do you know who found her? I wanna know if they saw anything... He asked. Carlo was getting back to that thug mentality he had back at home wanting to find who did this so he could settle the score in a brutal way.

Xia Alexander

Saturday - Mixed locations

Some time has passed and Xia was preparing to leave to head to her girlfriend's house after talking to her as she just needed to feel a little safe and unwind from the stress and the weird things that has been happening to her. Being in that big ass mansion could make her feel a little better and hearing that beautiful accent of Marlin's could soften her up some.

As she was home getting ready to leave, she still had the weird calls coming through but of course, blocked them afterwards and started to head out the door. She looked around and hesitated to leave but she needed to just go and head to Marlin's house immediately. She waited for an uber, looking around and sighed not liking that she had to wait like this. They said they were to be there soon but still no transportation. She thought about just calling Carlo but she could depend on him all the time, he had his own life and shit to do.

While waiting, there was still a feeling she was being watched as behind her, someone spoke. "Hey Xia!" Xia jumped and turned to see Stan. Shit...Stan...listen...you need to stop doing that okay? What are you doing out here? She asked. "Just going for a walk. I took your advice to still exercise outside my therapy..." He said as he stood there. "Need help?" He asked. Xia smirked and sighed. No I'm good...I'm just heading out... Stan smiled. "Really? Where you heading to?" He asked her. Xia turned Stan...that's...none of your business...look um...this week coming up, I won't be in. If you still need help, one of the guys can help you. I just need to get a week to unwind... Stan stared. "but...I...I would rather have you to help me. I don't feel comfortable with anyone else helping me. Xia you can't just leave me with a stranger. You're the best!"

Stan, a good half of those people there are more than capable to help you. Some are better than me. You don't necessarily need me. Stan looked away for a moment. "But if I don't have you, I'm not going to progress as well. You can't take off. If you take off, I'll take off and then I'll just hurt myself. This is how you do your patients?" Xia turned to him. Stan...calm down okay? You'll be fine this one week without me...like I said, the people at the gym are more than capable of helping you. Stan's face was looking a bit disappointed and then started turning a little angry. "You're going to go hangout with your girlfriend this week? I got it...you'd rather be out for the week to have lesbian sex than to help your patients. Guess that's how dikes roll...laugh at me so you can go home to some bitch."

Xia started to get annoyed and offended. Alright, you're way out of fucking line with that. It's none of your business what me and girlfriend do and you're not going to guilt trip me into do what you want. I'm taking off and you're going to have someone else help you while I'm out. And the way you just offended me and my girlfriend maybe I'm not the one for you. You could easily find someone else to help you. "I'm sorry alright...just stay another week okay?" Xia turned her back to him. Bye Stan... She said being done with the conversation and was officially annoyed that the uber still didn't come. She started to walk as Stan had a smug look and turned around to text something and walked off like he just took care of business.

Xia walked a few blocks down and thought about texting Marlin as she took her phone. Baby...I'm probably going to need a ride. Uber is still not here and I still feel like I'm being watched. I will let you know in 10 minutes if I need you to pick me up. I love you. She typed.

Xia was at the corner of 88 st. and Zilla ave. She still had her duffle bag on her. The air was quiet and as she turned, Xia was clocked in the face with something blunt as she fell over with a sharp throbbing pain on the side of her head and face as she looked up and saw two figures with hoodies on as they tried to grab her things. She was dazed but being a former MMA fighter, she fought through it and held her bag as the struggle started. One of the guys spoke. "Let go of the fucking bag, cunt!" He said as he threw another punch as Xia grabbed that guy's arm and yanked him to try and bring him down but the other guy placed a rear chokehold on her to let go. She elbows the guy that grabbed her in the gut and face before kicking the other as she screamed out still struggling trying to fight these larger guys. With a kick to one of their nuts, and a few punches and kicks she lands to the other, she didn't go without getting hit either, taking a few punches to the face and gut but with one of the guys that got kicked in the balls kneeling, he watched his partner struggling with this feisty gal. He grabbed the lead pipe that was originally used and clocked her to the side of the head again from behind dropping her but she was still moving.

She groaned getting on all fours but just barely as the larger guy pinned her on the ground. "Hand!!" He said as the other guy grabbed his own weapon, a hammer he had in his pocket and before Xia could respond, she heard the most devastating noise and felt the intense pain of the hammer stroking her hand twice breaking her hand as Xia screamed out in pain with a tear rolling down her face and was then kicked in the ribs a few times before getting kicked in the face and getting knocked out. "Bitch!...the fuck is she...a martial artist or something...look let's just go..." He said as the guys rushed off with Xia's money. Stan a few minutes later came to notice that Xia was out cold and beaten and bloody. "Xia!!!" He shouted. The uber driver came up. "The hell?" He said as Stan had him help to get Xia taken to the hospital.

It was maybe hours later but Marlin would get a call that Xia was in the hospital badly beaten.

Hello there. Long time no see :)
Xia Alexander

Week leading to Thursday - Mixed locations

If there was anything this week could be described as for Xia, it would be...a roller coaster. With the events going on in town as of late, Xia, despite her intentions of wanting to get some unwinding relaxation with her girlfriend, things just have not been going her way. She may have been able to hangout for lunch or maybe spend one night throughout the week with her, but most of the time, she spoke to her by phone. Not that things weren't still good between her and her English muffin, it just feels like the full moon has been out for the last couple of nights.

Marlin has been dealing with her family stuff, which Xia was not able to keep up with as of late but also, weird things have been happening. Recently it seemed that her room has been a little off. Maybe she's been tired but it seemed she couldn't find a certain pair of panties and shirt she usually had around. Her things in the bathroom seemed to be slightly moved. Her bed, even though it was made up, just seemed like someone laid in the middle of it. Maybe it was Carlo coming over to fuck with her things like he always did but...just something was off about her apartment and it's been like this for about 2 weeks now.

Stanley, the guy she started doing rehab for, a few times have asked personal things that she had to set him straight on. Mostly talking about her relationship with her girlfriend which she was not comfortable talking to him about. Most guys, if they see two women kissing, they want to get involved in it. Maybe he was that kind but she was keeping her relationship with Stanley professional. He still seemed weird though, she ran into him about 4 times in different places she went to visit...mostly coffee shops, stores and whatnot. Recently, she had an issue with some of her things she uses for her massage therapy going missing. She felt someone broke into her car.

It's just been one thing after another. Then also got strange phone calls where someone would call and when she answered, no one would say anything on the other side. Even more strange, it would be different numbers. Soon, she'd block each of them. She called Marlin and left her a voice message as she was on lunch on Wednesday Hi baby, I really miss you and need you. I'm sorry about us not being able to spend the time we used to have. I think I'm going to take a week off work. It's just so much stuff going on and maybe I'm just tired but things seems to be misplaced, gone, I'm getting weird phone calls and I'm just feeling things aren't going my way.....our way for us. I don't know what I did to piss the universe off but I'm about over it. And....like I mentioned before...I feel I'm being watched at night when I come home...might be losing it but...I swear I feel someone's eyes are on me. Call me back when you get a chance. Love you babe. Bye She said hanging up and giving a sigh. She would go to the front. Renee...I'm gonna take off for today, I just need to get some air and unwind... She said before leaving to head to the park.

@PrinceAlexus Through phone message
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