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*Blasts TNBC soundtrack and Spooky Scary Skeletons for the next month*
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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

Location: Street of New York - Grand Central Station -> Train Platform
Skills: N/A

Stella was simply beaming as it seemed that there was no issue with her bringing along her new little friend. She would have to give them a proper name later, but for the moment, her companions had agreed to bringing them along, and the ticket seller didn't seem to have any issue with the dog. She handed the money that was needed over to Niah, and watched as she handed it over to the ticket seller. She gently pet the little pup in her arms, feeling their little tail go wild at all the attention they were receiving. "Don't worry, I'll come up with the perfect name for you later," she whispered to the little pup and held them out when Niah said she as going to manipulate the mist.

A leash soon appeared in Stella's hand and a rather dapper little vest the proclaimed the pup a Service dog in training appeared, and the pup gently moved to allow Stella to put it on them. "Thank you Niah, and thank you little one." She gently put the vest on first, then attached the leash and looked around. The mortals were none the wiser, and things were going well. She gently pet the pup and looked up at the older two demi-gods. "So, she said we have an hour right? Should we go wait at the platform or can we explore a little bit?"

Location: Street of New York - Grand Central Station
Skills: N/A

Stella was over the moon at the fact that it seemed that her companions were willing to let her bring along her new little pet. She had already accepted that this pup was hers, and the pup was one of the most adorable things she had ever seen in the world. She didn't notice the growing line of people behind them, and their irritation at the fact that they were taking so long. She did look up when Jason spoke again, saying that they probably had enough money between the three of them for the Amtrack tickets to California. She gently pet the little pup in her arms, even as it continued to give her little loving kisses with its tongue along her face.

"It seems that between us we can afford the Amtrack tickets, so we should take those, yes? Also do you think they'll allow my puppy, or does that cost extra?" She would pay the extra for her puppy if needed, but she had no idea if that was even allowed or not. Sure, if her pup was classified as a service dog it would be allowed, but would the mortals even believe that? The dog had just appeared and while it probably looked normal to them, it was still new.

Location: Street of New York - Grand Central Station
Skills: N/A

Stella listened to Niah talk to the ticket agent and heard the disappointment in her voice. It seemed that they didn't have quiet enough from what they had gotten from Chiron, and that worrying. Until she remember the money her dads had given her before she had headed out with her friend. She reached into her backpack and dug around for a moment till she felt the texture of her wallet. She pulled it out and then opened it out and counted the bills mentally. "I have about $200 from when my dad's gave me some money, and I didn't exchange it all at camp for drachmas. I can put some of it towards our tickets, if you want."

Stella's attention was taken away from the other two demi-gods she was with when she felt something brush against her legs. She heard a little bark and she saw the most adorable wolf pup in the world. She scooped the pup up and as it licked at her nose, she melted and fell in love with the puppy. "Guys! I think he's claimed me as his owner! Can I keep him? Can I bring him with us, please?" She looked up at the two older demi-gods and held the little puppy up. She could see his tail was wagging as he kept licking at her face. Of course, to any mortals around, the puppy probably looked normal.

Location: Street of New York - Grand Central Station
Skills: N/A

So, New Rome was near the tunnel. That did explain a bit why it always made her feel weird to go by. If she understood it seemed that the Romans and the Greeks didn't get along all the time, which was why the separate camps. Or at least she had gathered that from the one day she had been there... and from what had been said about the others, and the complaining from this morning. She heard about Mount Tamalpais and frowned a bit. "I heard of it, but, never been myself. I'm usually too busy helping... my dads." She really hoped that they were okay, but she had just spoken to them the other day and they had seemed to be fine.

"The Mist? Okay, if you don't mind telling me more later. Let's get the train then!" Stella smiled a bit, heading to the counter, humming a bit. She did hear the bit about not saying a monster's name, and made sure to try to keep that information in her mind. She had never been the best at mythology, and that might be better for her. It meant she wasn't about to say something stupid and summon a monster to them. Wait...

"...Just saying the name can summon a monster? Really? Wh... that's scary."

Location: The Van
Skills: N/A

"Oh I've never been on Amtrack before! Trains, yes, Amtrack, no. Maybe not train. Does BART count as a train?" Stella paused as she tried to think about if BART was considered a train or not, but those thoughts were dashed away quickly as Niah mentioned that Mortals weren't suppose to know about the camp, as well as Mount Tamalpais. "I guess it makes sense... but I don't think I've been to Mount Tamalpais really. If we ever went to the mountains it was up to Tahoe or Big Bear to do skiing, which we haven't done in years..." She blushed as she realized that she was just yammering on and not answering the question that the older girl had asked of her.

"Uh maybe it wasn't an island? I don't know. Sometimes I think I see things one way and then I see them another. Like... monsters? But then they seem normal? Some times that happens with places. Like... around the Caldacott tunnel. I get the worst headache when we go by there. Is that another demi-god thing?" Stella got out of the van, and then slung her backpack over her shoulder and followed Jason and Niah to the ticket counter. She wasn't sure that she could go get them herself, as she was a twelve year old, and clearly a little lost.

Location: The Van
Skills: N/A

Stella was a little nervous as she buckled up, as both Niah and Jason were older than her, and way more experienced with quests. She had been feeling nervous about potentially being the weak link in their chain. However, when Niah asked her if she had ever been to California she brightened up and grinned. Home... she was going home! That was right! Her quest was going to take her close to her beloved San Francisco, and she would be able to maybe see her dads when this was all over. That thought comforted her and she visibly relaxed into her seat as Jason answered first. Stella had figured that Jason and his sister were from Ireland given their accent, but to hear him confirm it just made her feel a bit better.

"I'm from San Francisco, so California is a bit of my home turf. I know the Bay Area pretty well, or at least I thought I did. Didn't know there was a secret Demi-god camp in the Oakland hills, but that does explain a bit. I always felt... weird when we passed through the tunnel in Berkley." Stella tilted her head as she tried to remember the last time she went through those tunnels. "Also there was that weird island I swore I saw once but it didn't exist on any map. Is that also a Greek or Roman thing?"

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Big House -> The Van
Skills: N/A

Stella smiled a bit as Jason assured her that he was as ready to go on the quest as one could be to go on a quest. She shifted the backpack on her back, hoping that she really did have everything she needed for her first real quest. However, she had done the best she could in preparing, and Marygold had been with her, so she was sure that she had everything she could in her bag. She could see that people were starting to get into the van, but she wanted to make sure that all of her group was there before she got into the car. Thankfully, it seemed that the Roman girl would be joining them in time, as she joined them.

She clambered into the van, setting her bag in her lap as she found a free spot to sit in and buckled up. She looked around the van, seeing that it was quite crowded and only getting more so as more people poured into the van. She wasn't sure what to say to anyone, even as new people sat next to her in the van. She had made sure to be close to her group, or as close as she could, in the van. She was close enough to Jason, as she was sure that the Roman girl might want to be close to her friends. Stella started to fiddle with the seed bag she had, pausing and running her fingers along the string as she waited.

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Big House
Skills: N/A

Stella nodded a bit as Marygold said it looked like everyone was almost there, but it seemed that she was still missing the last person in her group, the Roman girl. Stella did wave back to Jason when he waved to her and she smiled a bit at that, as she felt a bit better now that she saw him again. She knew that he would keep an eye on her, and he really had been kind the day before. She looked up to Marygold again as she spoke but wasn't sure if she should or could really add anything to that. She wasn't sure how long the meeting would take so maybe this was normal?

She looked up as someone mentioned that the last of the Romans were arriving and smiled at that. "Take care sister, and I'll see you when we're both back." She looked up at Marygold one last time before walking over to Jason at that point. She tugged on the straps of her bag again, trying to get rid of the nervous energy she had bubbling up inside of her. "Are you ready to go then once the Roman girl joins us?"

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Big House
Skills: N/A

Stella silently followed Marygold towards the entrance of the camp, as she wasn't sure what she would say if she did speak. She would be going on her first quest soon, and with two older kids that she didn't know very well. She just hoped that she wouldn't be a burden on them, and that between her scythe and her seeds she would be able to help fight any monsters they came across. She was sure that she would be fine, and she was sure that she would be coming back from the quest. She had to keep telling herself that over and over, and keep that smile on her face at that point as they headed to the entrance.

Once there, she looked around to see that Jason was there, but the Roman girl, Niah, didn't seem to be there yet at that point. She tugged at the straps of her backpack a bit, waiting for everyone to gather up there, so that they could soon get going. She looked around at that point, unsure if she should go join Jason, or is she should stay with Marygold for just a bit longer before everyone split up to go into their quest groups.

Location: Camp Half-Blood - Demeter Cabin -> Camp Entrance
Skills: N/A

Stella offered her half-sibling as smile as they assured her that they would keep an eye on things and keep anyone from taking anything from her. She was thankful for that, but she had made sure to take the things she wanted out of her bag, and the things that were left wouldn't be terribly missed. "Thank you, I do appreciate that. I'll see you when I get back then." She offered them a small smile and a wave before she turned to look up at Marygold and offer her a nervous smile, as her emotions were getting the better of her. She took a deep breath to calm herself down before speaking again.

"Shall we head to the entrance then? I've got my things and it seems you've gotten yours." Stella tugged her backpack over her shoulders at that point and then tugged on the straps to adjust them. She stepped outside of the Cabin, giving it one last look before taking her first step out and towards where she remembered the entrance of the camp being. It was weird to think that she had only just arrived and now she was leaving again, after being there for roughly around twenty-four hours. She just hoped that she would return after her quest.
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