Location: Street of New York - Grand Central Station -> Train Platform
Skills: N/A
Stella was simply beaming as it seemed that there was no issue with her bringing along her new little friend. She would have to give them a proper name later, but for the moment, her companions had agreed to bringing them along, and the ticket seller didn't seem to have any issue with the dog. She handed the money that was needed over to Niah, and watched as she handed it over to the ticket seller. She gently pet the little pup in her arms, feeling their little tail go wild at all the attention they were receiving. "Don't worry, I'll come up with the perfect name for you later," she whispered to the little pup and held them out when Niah said she as going to manipulate the mist.
A leash soon appeared in Stella's hand and a rather dapper little vest the proclaimed the pup a Service dog in training appeared, and the pup gently moved to allow Stella to put it on them. "Thank you Niah, and thank you little one." She gently put the vest on first, then attached the leash and looked around. The mortals were none the wiser, and things were going well. She gently pet the pup and looked up at the older two demi-gods. "So, she said we have an hour right? Should we go wait at the platform or can we explore a little bit?"