Constance Monroe

Location: Evergreen Room
Skills: N/A
Constance looked over at the door as it opened and looked over at the rather meek looking woman there. Before Constance could say anything she had introduced herself as Renee, set down a bag and backed out. Renee... she was the teacher, right? Constance scoffed to herself as she walked over to the door Renee had walked through and locked it, effectively locking the other woman out. Clearly the woman had been invited as a seat filler. What would a preschool teacher have done to earn the award that Constance was up for. Some of the others she could understand. Surgeons saved lives, other entertainers did work, but a teacher?
She took another moment looking at herself in the mirror before she heard a knock at the door. "Ah, perfect timing." She walked out of the bathroom and to her door and opened it.
"Your Luggage, Mademoiselle." The maid offered Constance a smile as she gestured to the small pile of luggage by the door, before starting to bring it in. It took a moment, but soon all the bags were inside the room.
"Ah, thank you." Constance gently reached into her pocket and pulled out ten Euro note and handed it to the maid. The maid looked puzzled for a moment before tucking it away.
"Merci Mademoiselle. Do you need anything else at the moment?"
"No, thank you." With that, the maid departed and Constance went to lock the door to her room. She picked up her two garment bags and swept across the room to put them into the wardrobe. Those dresses had to be in the best condition for the next few days. It was then she spotted the pile of papers on the desk and walked over to look them over.
She looked at the card with the wi-fi information and went to type it into her phone. No use using up her precious date when they were offering free wi-fi. The second card had the options for that nights dinner on it. She did have to mull that over for a moment. While steak would probably be the tastiest, and given the La Lune reputation the chef would be incredible, red meat was always the fattiest of the bunch. Fish might have been a safe options, but they were in France. It meant some buttery creamy sauce with the fish, and that was too many calories for Constance. She picked up her pen and checked the vegetarian option. The safest option for her calorie wise. She had already splurged that day with the grapes and champagne. She was going to have to get up early the next day to jog it off, or find another way to burn off the calories.
She picked up the next paper to see the itinerary and paused. Relax? Enjoy yourself? Enjoy the pool? No, Constance thought. She would spend the day keeping herself limber and stretching. She couldn't truly afford a whole day to relax.
The next paper was a history of the Chateau but when she picked it up, what was under it caught her attention. It looked like an innocent photo. She went to pick it up, and saw there was another, and another. There were several photos there, and with each one her expression grew more and more panicked. How... how had anyone known?
She looked around the room and her eyes landed on the trashcan. Thankfully she had a lighter in her purse, and the trashcan was a beautiful metal container. She dashed over as quietly as she could, photos in hand and then over the trash can lit each one on fire and let it drop into the receptacle, one by one. She watched to make sure that each photo burned up into nothing but ash, and then paused. What if the butler or maids saw the ash? No. She couldn't be caught.
She lifted the bin and carried it to the bathroom and to the toilet. She lifted the seat and then dumped the ashes into the water, brushing it out with her hands. No one was going to see these photos. No one. Once she was sure all the ashes were in the toilet, she flushed. Twice. With the evidence disposed of, she walked back over to her room, set the bin back down, and then went back to the bathroom and washed her hands. She looked up at herself in the mirror and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Perfect. Now... time to change before dinner."