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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

Constance Monroe

Location: Evergreen Room
Skills: N/A

Constance looked over at the door as it opened and looked over at the rather meek looking woman there. Before Constance could say anything she had introduced herself as Renee, set down a bag and backed out. Renee... she was the teacher, right? Constance scoffed to herself as she walked over to the door Renee had walked through and locked it, effectively locking the other woman out. Clearly the woman had been invited as a seat filler. What would a preschool teacher have done to earn the award that Constance was up for. Some of the others she could understand. Surgeons saved lives, other entertainers did work, but a teacher?

She took another moment looking at herself in the mirror before she heard a knock at the door. "Ah, perfect timing." She walked out of the bathroom and to her door and opened it.

"Your Luggage, Mademoiselle." The maid offered Constance a smile as she gestured to the small pile of luggage by the door, before starting to bring it in. It took a moment, but soon all the bags were inside the room.

"Ah, thank you." Constance gently reached into her pocket and pulled out ten Euro note and handed it to the maid. The maid looked puzzled for a moment before tucking it away.

"Merci Mademoiselle. Do you need anything else at the moment?"

"No, thank you." With that, the maid departed and Constance went to lock the door to her room. She picked up her two garment bags and swept across the room to put them into the wardrobe. Those dresses had to be in the best condition for the next few days. It was then she spotted the pile of papers on the desk and walked over to look them over.

She looked at the card with the wi-fi information and went to type it into her phone. No use using up her precious date when they were offering free wi-fi. The second card had the options for that nights dinner on it. She did have to mull that over for a moment. While steak would probably be the tastiest, and given the La Lune reputation the chef would be incredible, red meat was always the fattiest of the bunch. Fish might have been a safe options, but they were in France. It meant some buttery creamy sauce with the fish, and that was too many calories for Constance. She picked up her pen and checked the vegetarian option. The safest option for her calorie wise. She had already splurged that day with the grapes and champagne. She was going to have to get up early the next day to jog it off, or find another way to burn off the calories.

She picked up the next paper to see the itinerary and paused. Relax? Enjoy yourself? Enjoy the pool? No, Constance thought. She would spend the day keeping herself limber and stretching. She couldn't truly afford a whole day to relax.

The next paper was a history of the Chateau but when she picked it up, what was under it caught her attention. It looked like an innocent photo. She went to pick it up, and saw there was another, and another. There were several photos there, and with each one her expression grew more and more panicked. How... how had anyone known?

She looked around the room and her eyes landed on the trashcan. Thankfully she had a lighter in her purse, and the trashcan was a beautiful metal container. She dashed over as quietly as she could, photos in hand and then over the trash can lit each one on fire and let it drop into the receptacle, one by one. She watched to make sure that each photo burned up into nothing but ash, and then paused. What if the butler or maids saw the ash? No. She couldn't be caught.

She lifted the bin and carried it to the bathroom and to the toilet. She lifted the seat and then dumped the ashes into the water, brushing it out with her hands. No one was going to see these photos. No one. Once she was sure all the ashes were in the toilet, she flushed. Twice. With the evidence disposed of, she walked back over to her room, set the bin back down, and then went back to the bathroom and washed her hands. She looked up at herself in the mirror and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Perfect. Now... time to change before dinner."

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Arena -> Cabin #4
Skills: N/A

Stella was thankful that they were being given time to pack up what they needed, as she was sure that if she had tried to leave just then and there, they would have been woefully unprepared. She heard the others talking about the Argo, and blinked for a moment before hearing about the Flying Ship. She wanted to ask a bit more about it, but felt Andy tug her off to go to their cabins. She silently agreed, the priority was pack first, ask all the questions she had later.

She waited outside of the Zeus cabin, leaning against the wall, petting Arbor for a moment, trying to organize her thoughts. The Underworld sounded like a scary place to be, and yet, they were going there to rescue friends and family. Did that mean that she'd see Jason there? Her grandmother? That nice man who use to give her honey candy? As she pulled herself out of her thoughts, she found that her index finger was bleeding, as she had chewed it down to the quick again. "Oh shiitake mushrooms!" She cried out as she realized what she had done. She shoved her hand in her pocket before Andy came out, so she didn't have to explain.

Once they got to her cabin, she dashed inside and pulled out her own backpack and sickle. She tucked the sickle away into her bag, and put her knife away on her belt, somewhere less obvious. She shoved some extra clothing in there, including her "Keep Berkeley Weird" sweater her otou-san had sent her recently, some extra shoes, and some extra of other things. She made sure to put her seed bag into her pocket as well, and with that zipped her backpack close. Before she headed out, she wrapped her finger in a bandage and made sure it was secure. She didn't want anyone to worry about her. She walked out and looked to Andy. "Ready when you are."

Constance Monroe

Location: Château de La Lune: Foyer -> Evergreen Room
Skills: N/A

July 1st, 2025

Constance had been in her flat, sipping her tea when she had received the letter from Eleanor La Lune, inviting her to France for an award ceremony. She had to smile to herself as she was finally getting the recognition she deserved after that performance she had just finished. So much time and effort had gone into making it as perfect as she was. She was so close to becoming prima ballerina that she could taste it. Everything she had been working for, everything she had sacrificed, and it was almost in her grasp.

She checked over the invitation again and looked at her calendar. The timing couldn't have been better! She had just finished this production, and as waiting for auditions for the next one. She had just enough time to go to the award ceremony, win, and come back and be named prima finally. Of course she was going to win, there was no doubt in her mind, as she was perfect. Everyone told her so, and all her critics praised her as such.

She looked over the letter and smiled more. The prize money was nothing to sneeze at either, and it would set her up for her retirement, as well as anything else she might want to cover in the future. The most important part however, was still the prize. If she could show the world that she had earned it, then everyone would have to acknowledge what she knew about herself, that she was truly the best. All the hard work and effort, all the years of pain had been worth it to be on the top. To be the perfect ballerina her parents had wanted her to be and of course, what she had always wanted to be as well.

The flight to France had been a short one, but easily one of the best of her life. Honestly, she could have just taken a train, but this had been much more luxurious. She enjoyed champagne on the flight, and nibbled on chilled grapes, some of the freshest in her life. She could get use to pampering like this, and she was sure that winning the award would help open doors that let her live a life like that. Especially if she invested the money wisely. Of course, she was thinking like she had won it already. Once there, she got into a limo and looked around. She recognized maybe two of the faces there, but barely. She was sure that one of the other women there was a dancer but... not a ballerina like her, and no where near as good as her. Constance didn't recognize any of the others, but maybe... oh yes, that one face. He had been on YouTube yes? She didn't use it except to watch other ballerinas, and their failures.

The boat ride had been alright, as boats were not her favorite methods of travel, but she would accept that she would have to ride to make sure that she got her award. Upon arrival, she smiled as Eleanor herself greeted them. The smile that graced her face faltered for a moment as she realized the rest of the group that she had traveled with were also there for the award. That made little to no sense to her. None of the rest of them were in the same field as her, so why were they there? She shook the thoughts of her head, and her smile graced her face once more before anyone could realize. She was going to be named the winner.

She walked over to the room assignment board and saw that she had been assigned the Evergreen Room. She did pause when she saw that she would be sharing a bathroom with someone called "Renee," in the Plum room. She wrinkled her nose, but hoped the other woman wouldn't mind her taking over the counter space. She needed it for her products. Keeping her body in peak perfection took work, not that anyone got the privilege of seeing that.

Her sensible shoes clicked along the floor as she headed up the staircase and towards her room. She was going to have to freshen up after everything, especially if she wanted to look her best for dinner. She was thankful someone else was going to take her luggage to her room, as she had packed as if she was going away for a month, not several days. She always had to look perfect, and she hoped that the accommodations would allow her to make sure that she could work her portable steamer and iron.

"Now. If I wish to impress, which dress should I wear?" She stood in front of the mirror, musing for a moment as she did.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Arena
Skills: N/A

Stella was a bit breathless as she got to the Arena and saw that Andy was running up to her. She looked at her friend, able to tell that she was excited, and on edge a little. "I heard about Thanatos, that's why I came here. How are you doing? What's the plan?" She looked at her friend as the two dogs seemed to enjoy each other's company for the moment. She heard Zeke, (or she was pretty sure his name was Zeke, she hadn't spent too much time with him) speak up, asking if everyone had everything they might need and thought for a moment.

"Um, if I'm going I need to run to my cabin really quick for my scythe... otherwise I should be fine." She patted her pocket, finding that cloak from earlier still there. She had a feeling that it was going to come in handy on this quest. She did also want to get some other things, like snacks, but it seemed that they might be leaving as soon as they could.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> Strawberry Fields
Skills: N/A

Stella smiled a bit at Eva's words, and pet Arbor and relaxed a bit. They went to head towards the dining pavilion, and she looked around and smiled a bit. However, she could hear some campers talking about Thanatos being there, and she gasped a bit. If he was there, that meant... The Doors right? He had to have found the doors, if he was there? "S...Sorry, gotta... gotta go. I'll see you later. C'mon boy!"

Stella heard that Thanatos was at the arena from some of the campers that were there, and dashed off in that direction. Food could wait, everything else could wait. She needed to be there for Andy, that she was sure of. Arbor was hot on her heels, yipping a bit as he was excited, but he wasn't quite sure what was going on, he just knew that Stella was excited, so he was excited.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> Strawberry Fields
Skills: N/A

Stella listened to Eva as she told her about the archery lessons, and then also that she would go with her no matter where she would go. "Thank you Eva, I do appreciate it. I'm thinking I might go to the rock wall... I just get the feeling that climbing might help a lot." Stella chuckled a bit softly at that and then helped finish packing up the crates and reached over to pet Arbor lovingly and nuzzled him gently.

"I might go after lunch... I'm not sure if I want to start climbing on less than a full stomach." She continued to pet Arbor more, as his tongue lulled out of his mouth. She relaxed a bit more, enjoying the moment, and the smell of the strawberries in the air.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> Strawberry Fields
Skills: Plant Growth/ Manipulation

Stella turned to the plants in front of her and smiled a bit as Eva told her that she knew she could do it. She gently ran her hands over the strawberries and focused for a moment, letting her magic work through her hands, and focused. However, it seemed that remembering Jason has shaken her more than she thought, and the vine and berries in her hands and in front of her withered away and shrunk up in her hand. She gasped at that and Arbor let out a whine and laid down and put his paws over his nose.

She shook the thoughts out of her mind and focused again, and the vine soon came right back to life, and the berries not only came right back but ripened to the perfect ripeness in her hands. She let out a happy sigh at that and started to pick them off the vine and put them in her basket. "Not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of the day. Maybe the climbing wall... Maybe I will go spar. I also might go to archery lessons if someone is teaching them."

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> Strawberry Fields
Skills: N/A

Stella listened to Eva as she talked, and worked with her as she went to stack the strawberry into the crates, and gently soon finished filling up the crate she had been working on. She followed her to the van, and then and then put the crate that she finished filling up and slid it into the van. She was thinking over what Eva said, and knew she was probably right. Janelle could probably use a friend, but was she that friend? They were a few years apart, and Janelle was a teenager... would she really want to hang out with a twelve year old?

"I'll... I'll try talking to her later then. I think I need to get my head on straight and figure out what I'd want to say to her first. I don't want to mess this up." She looked up at Eva and offered her a small smile. "Thanks for listening." She headed back over to the strawberry field and went back to plucking the beautifully ripe berries from the vine and putting them into her basket. She was getting calmer among the plants, getting lost in her thoughts as she worked.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> Strawberry Fields
Skills: N/A

Stella nodded as Eva said to follow her and she did so with her basket full of berries. She smiled and waved to her other siblings that were there and started helping to put her berries into the crates. She made sure to look them over, making sure that only the best got sorted out for shipping, but to be honest between Mr. D's magic and the care of her siblings and Mr. D's kids and the satyrs, the berries were in great shape and there were not any that she had to toss aside.

She paused when Eve asked her why she had changed her mind, and Arbor nuzzled and nudged her, as if to encourage her to tell the truth. "Uh... Janelle was there. I'm... I'm never sure how to act around her these days. I know I didn't know her well, but... I... I know it wasn't my fault either, but... I was on the quest with her brother and he... he... he didn't come back. And I did. I don't think she holds ill will against me, but I... I can't imagine it can be easy."

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> Strawberry Fields
Skills: N/A

Arbor's tongue lulled out of his mouth as he was petted, and he seemed to arch up into the petting. Stella giggled a bit as his grass fur was ruffled up at that point. She looked at her half-sister and then nodded as she said they were going to load up the van. "I can help pack up the van if you want. I'm not planning on doing much else today. I was thinking of sparring but well... that didn't seem to happen." She sighed as she went to go back to picking.

"The walk went well, going to have to plan to make a cake for Andy for her birthday when it comes up. She's never really had a cake before. So I'm gonna have to make her a strawberry cake that my dads made for me for my birthday every year." Stella continued to gently pluck berries and put them into her basket. She hummed a bit at that point, relaxing a bit as she kept working, letting herself get immersed in the greenery around her.
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