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*Blasts TNBC soundtrack and Spooky Scary Skeletons for the next month*
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...I'm crazy. Got a doctor's note and everything.

Been role playing for over fifteen years, no stranger to forum rp'ing, as that is the way I learned to roleplay.

I don't bite, so don't be afraid to say hi.

I mostly prefer 1x1's, and am on PST. (Hello from the West Coast of the USA.)

If you are interested in rps, really, don't be afraid to say hi!!

Or if you just wanna talk, I'm usually very open.

For those of you still here, have some Pusheen!

Most Recent Posts

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> Strawberry Fields
Skills: N/A

Stella did feel a little bad as she walked off at that point, but she wasn't sure that she could really do combat practice at the moment. Her mind was swirling a bit with thoughts, and gardening would help clear her mind. She looked up as her half-sister, Eva, spoke to her and waved a bit before walking over. "Hey Eva, I came to do some work out here. I wanted to get my hands in the dirt today." She smiled softly, and then headed over to pick up a basket and gently handed it to Arbor.

The pup gently held the handle in his mouth and followed Stella around. She gently plucked ripe berries from the vines and placed them into the basket. She knew she'd want to go digging up any weeds and the like in a bit, but she wanted to get to the berries first. She hummed to herself as she worked, and deposited the berries into the basket. It was getting her mind off of things for sure, and it was helping.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> Main Part of Camp
Skills: N/A

Stella gently pet Arbor more, trying to distract herself a bit at that point, and felt him nuzzle in closer. "Yeah, I'm going to the fields... I'll see you guys later, unless anyone wants to join me." She decided to peel away from the group and head off to the fields. She did say good bye to Andy and hugged her before walking off with Arbor, and kept him nice and close. She needed her pupper with her as she took the path away from the arena and to the fields.

She started to feel better as she could smell the blossoms on the wind, and her pace picked up a bit. She always felt better when digging around in the dirt, and that probably had to do with whom her mother was. She could see some of her other siblings, and a few of Mr. D's kids out in the fields, and waved to them as she went to join them.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Beach to the Main part of Camp
Skills: N/A

"Exercise sounds good to me. C'mon Arbor~" Stella gently dug her feet out of the sand, and stood up and brushed herself off at that point. She was glad that Andy did to agree to Strawberry cake, now she would just need to make sure she got enough of them and the time to bake them for Andy's birthday when the time came. Of course there was time before that, and also a quest apparently that hadn't started yet.

She started walking with the others and paused as Kristen address Janelle. Stella looked to the side at that point and started petting Arbor for comfort. She always felt a little awkward around Janelle, as Janelle had been Jason's sister. That loss still stung a bit when Stella thought about it, and it still haunted her nightmares. Seeing Jason...

She pushed those thoughts away and then pet Arbor some more, even as he started to whine a bit. It was as if he could sense his owner's distress, and he nuzzled in closer to her. She shuffled her feet a bit as they got closer to the arena and then pulled off to the side. "Ah... maybe I'll got pick those strawberries instead. I said I'd help out with that today..."

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Beach
Skills: N/A

"Funny enough, strawberry. My dads make this really good strawberry one for my birthday every year, even if Strawberries aren't in season for my birthday. They will make sure to freeze some of the best ones from our greenhouse to save for the cake every year for me... or... at least they did..." Stella trailed off at that, and felt guilty. This was suppose to be helping Andy feel better, and yet she was just making herself feel bad as well. This past birthday she hadn't been home, so she had missed out on the cake that she was speaking of, and it made her long for home.

"We'll get her back... and Niah's nice. I think the three of them would be lovely additions. I can ask Marygold for you later, if you want, since I see her daily." Stella offered Andy a small smile and dug her toes into the sand again. She wiggled them around for a moment as she let her thoughts drift off a bit, about the task ahead, since Andy had brought up Mads. She was still a bit nervous about the idea of going to the Underworld... but she did now have a new item to aid her in their quest.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Beach
Skills: N/A

The sand between her toes felt warm... but it was summer so it made sense that it would feel that way. She could hear the waves crash on the shore as her thoughts drifted for a moment. She knew today was a big day over in the Roman camp, as well as she was happy to hang out with Andy, but she wanted to get her hands in the dirty and into the strawberries again soon. She could feel her hands itching to get dirty again, to feel earth between them, to manipulate the plants, to make them grow bigger.

Stella had chosen not asked the question, but it seemed that Kristin was willing to ask it. She turned her head to look at Andy as she was asked about whom she wanted there to be at the small party, and frowned a little. It wasn't that she was worried about whom might be invited, she was more worried about how her friend might react, or what she might say or think. There was enough going on... and this as suppose to be something to help lift her spirits, not drag them down.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Beach
Skills: N/A

Stella listened to what Andy said and nodded. "Small gathering, but with you not as the center of attention. I think we can do that... and I can make a cake for you then. No song, and not a lot of people." Stella offered a small smile to her friend and gently pet Arbor more at that point. She was glad to hear there was a kitchen in the Big House, that she could probably use. She would make a point of asking Chiron later, since Mr. D sometimes still seemed to grumble around campers it seemed.

She wanted to ask Andy if there was anyone she wanted there... but she felt it was probably wrong to ask such a thing in the moment. She curled up a bit more and wiggled her toes into the sand. She wasn't sure what else to say. She knew Andy had it rough, and there was probably someone she wanted there more than anyone. They didn't talk about him a lot, but Stella knew that Andy and Arthur had been the best of friends.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Beach
Skills: N/A

Stella looked over at her friend and raised her brow a bit. The fact that she didn't like her birthday until last year, that didn't seem like a good time. She gently pet Arbor lovingly and scratched behind his ear softly, and nuzzled up against him lovingly. She was trying to think of something she could do to help make her friend's birthday better. Arbor nuzzled into the pets he was getting and murred happily, relaxing more at that point.

"Would us doing something for your birthday help make it better? I could try making my dad's cake... ...if I got access to the kitchens. Wait where can we cook? I know we have the right ingredients, as we have plenty of strawberries. I'm sure someone won't mind if I use a few for a cake." Stella smiled softly as she looked at her friend, and leaned up against her knees a bit.

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Beach
Skills: N/A

Stella was glad they had reached the beach, and leaned down to remove her shoes and socks and held them in her left hands. She let the sand gently work between her toes as she took each step, and warm up the soles of her feet. She gently wiggled her toes with each step, and let the sensation warm her up, and comfort her. She was glad that she had the option to go home if she really wanted, but she wasn't really to leave Andy alone yet. Especially with her birthday coming up.

She sat down on the ground and gently pet Arbor and ran her hands along his back lovingly. She was glad for the reassurances that everything would work out, but would it? "Thank you Kristin. How are you doing, Andy? Wanna pet Arbor a bit?" She looked over at her friend, and gently tilted her head a bit. She could tell that there was something on her mind, but she didn't want to pry too deeply, make her feel like she had to talk.

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"Oh! Otou-san means father. I have two dads... Papa and Otou-san. And a goddess mother." Stella looked over at Andy as she explained the meaning of the words she had used to her friend. She guessed she had never really explained to her before what the word meant when she had mentioned it, or it had never really come up. She looked to Kristin as she explained that she could go home, she could be a part time camper, and she looked over at Andy.

"I... I could be part time, but... I don't think I could do that right now. Not until this quest is over, and once we're sure that certain people are back here." Stella knew that Andy had two people in the underworld at the moment, and they were going to rescue one of them soon. The other? Well, Stella had no idea when he'd be returning. But she wasn't going to leave her new friend alone, no way.

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"I'll make sure to leave a nice offering for mom later for the gift then... Super handy." Stella smiled softly as she moved to gently fold up the cloak and tuck it away in her little bag, since she had brought it with her. She had planned to garden so she had her garden tools on her, so it made sense that she would bring her own supplies to do so. Arbor followed them all and kept close to them all. "Let's go to the beach then."

"Oh yeah, I'm liking it here at camp, even if I am missing some things... like being able to see my otou-san's flower instagram. I really wish we could interact with technology more. But the gardening here is amazing! And the sights, the creatures, the strawberries! Oh the strawberries are amazing!" She turned with the group towards the beach as they all walked together, happy for the reprieve from her reoccurring nightmares, and the upcoming quest to the Underworld.
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