Nation Name: Byzantium

Government Form: Loose Monarchy
Demographics: Humans, Elves and elf/human hybrids
Population: 6 Million
Plane Description:
After the cataclysm, the people of Byzantium arrived in the plane of Calth, a lush and deadly jungle world. Calth’s exterior beauty is misleading however as the jungle below is full of predatory beasts and plants. Both the jungle canopy and the floor below is dominated by a multitude of predators, who are adept at hunting and surviving in the jungle. Carnivorous flora is also abundant amongst the canopy and jungle floor. These plants have evolved over generations to hunt the same predators that walk and fly above the jungle.
Huge lumbering bipedal beasts slowly stalked between the trees walking on all fours. These animals were walking tanks whose skin feels like rock. The Ungoro, as the people called it hunts by chasing its prey down and beating it to death before eating its broken corpse. Other beasts, like the “ Saahgento Muurl” in the common tongue are ambush hunters. They walk amongst the branches and stumps, camouflaging their shimmering skin as they move from tree to tree.
The beasts of Calth are only matched by the horrid plants that live on this plane. Some are hunters of opportunity and stealth, like the coffin leaf or “ Collogur riga”, which waits for its prey to rest on its outstretched leaves on the jungle floor. The walls of the leaves then start to emit a slimy mucus before starting to curve around its prey, making it more difficult to escape. After prey is cocooned, the interior of the plant swells the lock the prey in place as it secrets a very corrosive acid to eat its prey live.
The Byzantines were lucky enough to bring a large number of beasts of burden with them. Horses, cows and over livestock thrive in Calth, but are also easy prey for the predators of Calth.
These are simply the apex predators in an entire ecosystem of deadly predators and flora, nothing in Calth is truly harmless and some species have not been seen or documented before.
The people of Byzantium were not prepared for the cataclysm or the pain and destruction it would ultimately cause them. After fleeing to the plane of Calth, the misfortune was compounded as the peaceful nature of Byzantines was met with the harsh reality of unforgiving survival.
Before the cataclysm, the people of Byzantium were dominated by magic, and used it to fulfil all needs. Work was abolished and the society became a collection of magical artisans and entertainers. Growing comfortable with their new way of life a decree was made that no destructive magic would be taught or practiced inside Byzantium. This was first met with skepticism but was then embraced as new forms of magic were researched and more needs were being met strictly by magical means alone. The Byzantine over generations became staunch pacifists, and stayed out of conflicts, preferring the power of economy and diplomacy.
The Cataclysm destroyed Byzantine society and their great magical cities. Forcing the population of artisans, entertainers and diplomats into the unknown gateway to flee the death and destruction of their realm. Upon arriving on Calth, the people were relieved for a moment, only to realize the horror of the jungle. At first only a few people would go missing, vagrants, children and the elderly. As the society grew in size and area, workers and hunting parties started coming face to face with the monsters of the jungle. Large swaths of workers, hunters and civilians began going missing and the predators of Calth began hunting during the day in the middle of population centers. Beasts would sneak, or fly into villages and drag 10 to 20 villagers back to their deaths at a time. Entire cities were destroyed and reclaimed by the jungle.
The Byzantines were not accustomed to this new violent life and were being exterminated by the jungle. Society was broken, the once proud, magic wielding people of Byzantium now lived in fear, huddled in caves and under crude jungle shelters. They were helpless, to what was happening to them, unable or rather unwilling to defend their lives. A breaking point was ultimately met and the highly magical byzantines used their skills for defense. At first, it was just rudimentary destructive magic, but this quickly spiralled into more complex and more destructive magics. The artisans, entertainers and diplomats of Byzantium, became ambush hunters, brutish sorcerers and ruthless strategist amongst the beasts of Calth. Over generations, society was rebuilt and grown around these new principles, magic was still the focal point of Byzantine society. Formerly, this magical skills was focused on improving the quality of life, entertaining and magical goods. The harsh reality of Calth, changed this focus towards, death, destruction and warfare.
The Byzantines have rebuilt their society in a new light, unrecognizable from the former empire. Magical artisans still exist, but they no longer make instruments and architectural works, the artisans of Byzantium are expert weapon smiths and enchanters. Diplomats and entertainers have become patient and cunning hunters, feared by the beasts they hunt. Others have become shrewd but efficient strategists, culling the population of jungle beasts at alarming levels, fighting the jungle as if it was an invading army. The cities, once adorned with golden spires and colorful alleys, have been replaced by grey drab stone structures, heavily reclaimed and camouflaged with moss, shrubs and others jungle flora. The citizens prefer to walk around armed and armored. Grey and green tunics made of a light material keep them cool against the oppressive heat of Calth. The new Byzantines were cut by their environment and forged in the adversity of survival.
Culture and Society:
Byzantines are a laconic people, who are comfortable in their isolation or neutrality. Many would describe a Byzantine as brooding and quiet, both would be accurate without knowing Byzantine culture. To the outside, Byzantines seems cold, calculating, and quiet, however this is just a suspicious reflex upon seeing something new that isn’t trying to kill them. Seeing death on a near daily basis has made them resistant to making new connections quickly. This does not mean they are hostile to outsiders, simply apathetic to those passing by.
Trusting another citizen or person is the biggest complement and sign of friendship a Byzantine can give another person. When the very environment you live in is trying to kill you at all times, you need to be hypervigilant all the time. Removing weapons, drinking, sleeping and general revelry are all signs of trust that are hard earned by outsiders. This coldness extends to other Byzantines from other villages or cities as well, as Byzantines are very clannish by nature.
Large swaths of public infrastructure were needed to ensure safe trading and travel between villages and cities. Large stone roads have been, and continue to be, built. These roads are constantly patrolled and guard posts are equally spaced along the routes. Travel by private citizens is still rare however, due to the danger of traveling even on the patrolled roads.
Magical attunement amongst Byzantines is high, most Byzantines have some level of magical basic skill ( ie. Boiling water with magical fire, using magic to sharpen your sword for you), but large amounts of training and education is required to safely use more complicated and destructive spells and enchantments. There are only a handful of truly powerful sorcerers in the Byzantium capable of vastly devastating spells. Most daily tasks, cooking, cleaning, writing, etc are still completed by magic so autonomous brooms and scrolls with quills are common.
Governance and Politics:
Byzantium is a loose monarchy; the king holds power over all cities and villages in Calth but does not exercise absolute rule. Due to the difficult nature of force projection in Calth, management of villages and cities is largely left up to local leaders and the villagers themselves. Taxes are collected and pleas for help are answered but the cities are largely autonomous.
Technology and Magic:
Byzantium is neutral warlike state that specializes in destruction magic and enchantments. Most magical studies, records, tomes and schools are based around destruction magic. Minor tasks, cleaning, heating water, writing, etc are done via magic. Things like water purification, medicine, architecture, etc are done via simple machines and tech.
Some of the best schools ( So far in this RP) for destruction magic are based in Calth
Weapons artisans and enchanters can enchant weapons and armor at any forge. Only Byzaantine weapon and armor smiths have access to and can make specialized forges that allow for specialized Byzantine enchantments to be made ( At least special for this point of the RP). These specialized enchantments allow spells to be channeled and sometimes amplified through weapons and armor. Armor may have been a barrier for magical energy before but, with specialized Byzatine enchantments, the armor or weapon can act as a conduit to channel magical energy through.
Other disciplines of magic do exist at a basic or intermediate level within Byzantium. For example, hunters use basic illusion magic to bend or stretch shadows as they stalk prey. The study of these magic disciplines are at a very basic level however.
Military Overview:
Byzantium has more of a town guard/ police force than a formal military. Large amounts of people are required to patrol the roads and villages for deadly predators, but these are rarely offensive forces. The common road/village/city guard has a brass cuirass with his shins covered with a similar brass greaves. The tunic or tunic and pants are worn under the armor. Usually road guards carry a 12ft sarissa, sharpened at either end for utility. En masse, these pikes are good at driving away charging beasts and safely cornering them. When broken, or shorter range is required, a gladius is always ready at the hip. The 8ft spear is another common weapon for city guards, were a shorter spear is needed for cramped city streets. The aspis is the main issues shield for city guards, while road patrol guards commonly carry small bucklers on their forearms to carry the sarissa with both hands
Fixed emplacement weapons or siege craft is rare, except for whats called a “spread scorpion”. A torsion machine that shoots canisters of 10-20 bolts in a shotgun like spread in front of the machine. Mainly used in city walls and guard post defense, these machines can be picked up and set up for use in other places.
Additional Info:
- The Byzantines are to busy fighting the beasts of their plane to wage offensive war elsewhere.
( More will come as this Nation develops)