Avatar of KnightMagi
  • Last Seen: 1 day ago
  • Joined: 4 days ago
  • Posts: 1 ( / day)
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4 days ago
Current I have a terrible habit of leaving things unsaid for the sake of peace.


Hey there, call me KM, Magi, or Jim.

A bit about me!

I've worked on aircraft as a mechanic and flight crewman since 2019. I was in that line of work for about 3 years. For the last 2~ years I have worked on computer software, components, general IT stuff as well as the SATCOM world now. Sometimes I assist with simple things like "My computer wont connect to the internet" and sometimes I deal with some more complex things like "How do I adjust frequencies to connect my dish to satellite X from location Y?".

I enjoy playing MMORPG's in my free time such as WoW, and FFXIV. I've only ever hit endgame content in WoW though. I mostly play on private servers now as I have become slightly bored with retail and while I enjoy classic WoW, TurtleWoW is infinitely better in my opinion.

I've recently taken to reading a lot more, primarily fiction, usually involving magic, knights, dragons etc. however there are a few space-age reads that I've been quite entertained with! I am always open to book suggestions as well, I wouldn't mind sharing my limited collection with you as well.

I'm a 28 year old man, new to RP and looking to progress my skills with writing in a fun and creative way. I'm sure my avatar is probably weird to see, given this is an RP forum I can imagine the majority of avatars are OC's and commissioned pieces. I made mine when I was bored at work on my phone. Until I can have an avatar commissioned professionally this is what I'll be using.


I have a preference for anything in a D&D world or medieval world. I enjoy magic, I enjoy knights, and I like slowburn stuff. I know it's a very simplistic few statements but until I get more experience in RP it will have to suffice for now.

I am not too sure what style of roleplay I'm most interested in as I haven't participated in one yet. I will update this section as I have more experiences with others.


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