Avatar of KnightsTemplar
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Didos said
Don't die on me!

Believe it has...
Can we get an update on what section of the map is still available?
Hmm, looks interesting so far.
Sorry, been busy with Family stuff.
Will be able to concentrate back on RP by the end of this weekend.
By the time the Head Coach blew the whistle and told the Team to hit the showers, Scott felt pretty confident that he had made it to the top spot on the Offensive Linemens shitlist. Since the QB was off limits for this scrimmage, he made it his mission to reek havoc along the line, easily shedding blockers and slipping pulling Linemen on both ends of the line and getting to the runningback before or at the line of scrimmage and with the exception of a few lucky run plays by the Teams star RB, the Defensive line and Linebackers had pretty much shutdown the Sentinel running game, something that opposing Defenders had yet to, earning them a wide grin from the hardass DL Coach.

On pass plays, he made sure the QB felt his presence in the backfield and on more then one occasion, trading heated words with the QB's pass protectors who were not happy about getting their asses chewed on by the OL Coaches after each play. Scott was also impressed by the way the Defensive Coach stood back and let the Junior Linbacker, Brick, call the majority of the defensive plays, which to Scott, meant the Junior LB knew his shit if the Coach had that much confidence in him, which in turn made Scott feel more confident knowing there was someone behind him calling the defense that knew what was going on, the fact that he called alot of defensive fronts that allowed him and the rest of the DL to tear apart the Offensive Line was a big plus as well.

Back in the Locker room as he was buttoning his shirt, he was surprised to feel a hand on his shoulder, then see Brick standing there, introducing himself and holding out his hand. Combined with his play on the field, and now being the first of the Upper Classmen on the Team to welcome the two Freshmen to the Team, Scott took an instant liking to him. Scott finished dressing then headed for the Dorms, half expecting repercussions from some very pissed off Linemen, he'd glance over his shoulder now and then as he made his way through the Campus grounds to the Athletic building that housed the Team members.
Even before the whistle had stopped, Scott exploded out of his stance and slammed into the middle post of the five post tackle sled with a loud grunt, he kept his legs driving to maintain leavage against the sled and bulldozed it across the practice field roughly five or six yards before the Trainer riding the sled had to slap him on the back of the helmet to get him to stop. During stretch exercises, he noticed the glances and the exchange of comments between the upper classmen as they sized up the new crop of freshmen on the team, which was to be expected, but he did get alittle irritated by the way the starting QB and RB looked his direction, then made some comment to eachother and chuckle and Scott made it a point to introduce himself to them sometime during the practice, and not in a pleasant way.

For the next hour or so, the Defensive Line Coach ran his line of new players through tackle dummy drills, the Sentinel defensive unit had suffered the most loss of players to the NFL draft, particularly along the line, so the DL Coach seemed more like a Marine Corps Drill Instructor, making it clear in a loud boisterous voice that he had little time to get his line together and even less time for bullshit, as he stormed back and forth among his freshmen players, giving pointers and tips to some players and jumping the ass of a few others during the course of the drills.

After a ten minute water break, the Coaches called for a scrimmage, first team offense against the Defensive Coaches choice of players, which surprised Scott, normally the freshmen class was given at least a week to get familiar with the Team Playbook and acclimated to the Teams style of practice before being thrown against the Starters, but Scott wasn't about to let his chance of earning a starting position go by, so when the DL Coach called his name and told him to get his ass out on the field at the rightside DE spot, he strapped on his helmet and ran to the defense huddle, his eagerness earning him an amused look by the Junior Linebacker named Brick.

The Tightend caught his attention as he watched the offense came up to the line and get into their stances, the TE seemed to have more pep in his step and looked to be antsy, Scott also noticed the way the TE's eyes scanned across the middle of the defense scheme and Scott's first instinctive thought was pass. He quickly turned and took a step back toward the Junior Linebacker and hurriedly told him, "the TE's got that, 'I'm getting the ball', look in his eyes", then quickly spun back around and got in his stance, lining up toward the outside of the TE and waited for the ball to be snapped.

The ball was snapped and just as Scott suspected, the TE came up out of his stance, not even making a pretense of throwing a block, but going right into running his pass route. Scott shouted out, "PASS!!!...PASS!!!, then took off like a shot. Now in pass rush mode, he slipped behind the TE as he took off on his route, surprising the offensive guard, who was expecting the TE to at least give some help on his rightside, but Scott was done around him and aiming for the fullback who had moved over to block after seeing #99 slip the guards attempt at a block. Since the Coaches had made it clear beforehand that this was only a practice scrimmage and the QB wasn't to be tackled, Scott slowed up just enough to lower his body and catch the FB under his pads and steamrolled him back into the QB, who just managed to get the pass off before having to dodge the FB.

Whether or not the pass was caught, Scott didn't know at the moment, he was busy getting in the QB's face and pointing to the 99 on his practice Jersey and once he got the QB's attention, "See this number, better get used to it, your gonna see alot of it", he taunted before turning and trotting back to the defensive side of the line.
Your no fun :p
Bring Colin across the middle and I'll clean his clock for him....
and use thier mascots for diabolical kinky torture
Cool, thanks....

Now lets beat up on the Oklahoma Sooners, lol
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