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CS Done.....


We gonna be in a pre-established conferance, or you gonna make one up?
Grrr, double post.
Name: Scott McKenna.

Year: Freshman.

Major (+Minor): Criminal Justice (+ psychology)

Gender: Male.

Hometown: Spartanburg South Carolina.

High School: Spartanburg High School.

Position (+ Number): Defensive line/ 99

Height / Weight: 6´4"/ 255

Scott was raised in the backwoods of South Carolina, where his father was the local sheriff. An avid outdoorsman, Scotts father taught him the skills needed to hunt and survive in the isolated woods around their rural country home. Scott enjoyed being outdoors so much that schoolwork never came easy. It took being threatened with being kicked off the team for him to knuckle down, ending up with a 3.0 GPA. After graduation, Scott jumped at the chance to go to Sentinel State, more for the fact that the school hired a former Bureau Chief for the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit to run the Criminal Justice Department, the full ride Athletic Scholarship to play football was a plus.

It is rare to see a defensive lineman dominate opposing offenses, but Scott has all the tools to do so. He will float from his natural defensive tackle spot, out to defensive end and may even line up on the guard or center from time to time. Scott has the speed to play end, the instinct to read and react at the defensive tackle spot and the brute strength and force required to play on the middle of the defensive front. He also has great open field speed for a big man, as shown by his 40-plus yard fumble return for a touchdown during the last game of his HS Senior year . He racked up a total of163 tackles, 37.5 tackles for loss, 10 sacks, one interception and three forced fumbles and was named to the US Army's All American Team.

.When not on the football field, Scott's country upbringing shows in everything he does. He is quiet, and polite, never forgetting his manners. On the field, Scott transforms into an intense, no nonsense, defensive monster, who enjoys nothing more then sacking the opposing teams QB or tackling their runningback, behind the line of scrimmage.

Damn, no cheerleaders??????
Guess that leaves me.......
Hope ya'll don't mind a hairy legged cheerleader.
Ditto what she said ^
The way I read it, its only been recently formed by the PC.
District A-7, East Boston

Detective Ben Winston walked into the District Headquarters, past the row of suspects waiting to be booked in, and went straight to the elevators, riding it up to the third floor, then walking down the hall to the Homicide Detective, which basically was just a large room divided up by a series of small cubical work spaces of chest high partition walls. The inner wall of the building was lined with small offices for the Lieutenant's, with a breakroom separating them from the Captains office. Ben made his way to the breakroom, not sure what to expect as he poured himself a cup of coffee, one day the coffee could be too strong, the next day too weak, but hardly ever in between.

He was on his way to his own cubical when the Captain stuck his head out his office door and called for him to come into the office, not thinking anything of it, Ben walked in to find the Captain already sitting behind his desk, with a large Manila, Inner-Department envelope laying in front of him. Suddenly Ben got that gut feeling something was up as he looked at the Captain, "What's up Cap'n?", he asked, a bit leary of what the answer might be. "I need you to turn over your case files to Jackson, your being re-assigned", the Captain stated in a matter-of-fact manner.

Ben looked at the Captain with a mixture of surprise and shock etched across his face,"No, no...now isn't a good time, I'm just about to catch a break on the Harrison case", his voice on the edge of imploring. The Captains face was without expression as he continued,"It's out of my hands, this came straight from the PC's office", he slide the Manila envelope across the desktop in Ben's direction, "It's not only you, the PC's re-assigning some Detectives from the other Districts as well...He's starting up a new unit under the insistence of the Mayor, a Major Crimes Unit, your CO's Major Edward O’Bannion, hadn't heard much about him, other then he doesn't like leaving loose ends and he gets the job done, regardless if its by the book or not, so watch your ass Detective", the Captain got to his feet, let a smile break across his otherwise granite features and held out his righthand, "Good luck, Ben, I took the liberty of packing your stuff and sending over to the new unit, PC went's this up and running ASAP... address is in the envelope, if this new unit doesn't work out, your welcome back here". Ben shook hands with the Captain, still not quite sure about the suddenness of it all.


Ben steered the plain grey Crown Victory along the streets of the old warehouse district just off the main route that led to the Harbor, the majority of the warehouses were abandoned, so it was an easy guess that that the near rundown looking building with a couple of cars and a motorcycle parked in front, was where he wanted to go. He pulled up to a stop next the the Ninja Motorcycle, doubled checked the address out of habit before getting out of the car. Satisfied that this was the place, he stepped out of the car, clipped the holstered Sig Saur GSR and his badge to his belt, then walked around to the entrance of the warehouse.

Ben entered the room just as an authoritative looking gentleman at the front of the room wearing a three piece business suit minus the jacket, which was hanging off the back of a nearby chair, folded his arms behind his back and began to speak to the small gathering if people whose attention were now fully on him. The gentlemen speaking didn't beat around the bush, but got straight to the point, as Ben walked closer he was handed a stack of files by one of the members of the group, whom he exchanged nods with before they both turned their focus back to the speaker.

After the abrupt dismissal by the speaker, Ben spotted a desk off in the corner and made his way over to it and sat down, he'd just opened the first file when one of the group broke from the pack and went up to the row of whiteboards and began jotting down his theories after only a few minutes from being cut loose by Ben's observation,was obviously Major O'Bannion. The man at the whiteboards, whom clearly had an affinity for sports, wrote down what was some pretty clear deductions, but necessary observations for the foundations of building a solid case, Ben watched for a moment as he basketball shot his cup into the trash can, then joked about signing with the Celtics, then turned his attention to the first file on top of the stack.

Major Case Unit

Homicide Investigation Preliminary Report

-Due to similar cause of Death.
-Due to similar physical Description.
- Because of Case backlog, the following Homicides have yet to be fully Investigated.

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