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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Pulling one hand from the warmth of a pocket, Major Edward O’Bannion squats down to grab the dead girls chin, pushing the head to the left side until the wounds that were once hidden becomes visible as two small, ovate holes in the right temple ooze red and white. “One of yours, Eddie?” A large burly African American man asked as he stroked his obviously meticulously groomed goatee with his gloved hand. “Double tap to the head, no other signs of trauma or struggle, yep, I’d say sleeping beauty is one of mine, Dog” The Major got to his feet, feeling the clammy summer air of South Boston hit him in a rush. “Whose the primary?” The man identified as Dog pulled off the rubber glove he wore and threw it into the trash. “Orton. He’s on his way to the coroner’s office as we speak, you know him he likes to step ahead of the body. Want me to have him shoot over the paperwork when he gets back to Homicide?” O’Bannion clicked his tongue as he looked down at the dead girl that lay on the corner of Clinton Street. “Mm” He mumbled. “Let me guess, despite this lovely crowd of people we have zero witnesses?...” Dog nodded. “Like lambs to the slaughter. This the forth one in as many weeks. Time for people to start to notice” Dog pulled out a thick cigar from his jacket offered it to Eddie who declined. He put the stogie between his lips and sparked it up before speaking. “MWWS?” The Major placed his hands in his pockets and smiled. “Oh no doubt”

Case 1: The Game

The next morning , bright and early at 7am, Major O’Bannion looked upon the eclectic group gathered in front of hm. A combination of some of the brightest in the department and some who simply knew how to play the game very well. Blessed be this Brotherhood known as the Major Crimes Unit. They worked off-site in a building not too far from Boston Harbour, the Mayor’s gift to them so they would not be disturbed during their prolonged investigations. O’Bannion got up from his seat behind his desk and walked to the otherside where is unit, as well as the SVU which had recently merged with them sat before him. He folded his arms behind his back and smiled.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got a new case on our hands. Each of you has in your hands a file with information sent to us from Homicide. Recently there has been a spate of murders, all female with dark hair and between the ages of 18 and 30 and all with the same cause of death, a double tap from a silenced pistol. Each of the women were reported missing and exactly three days later, their bodies found somewhere near where they lived. None of the victims show any signs of sexual abuse but they do all possess binding wounds, so it looks like they’re being held captive for some reason and then killed. Now that we’re up to four and possibly more that we’ve yet to discover, our beloved Mayor and Commissioner have both been engulfed in MWWS; Missing White Woman Syndrome. Stopping this nutjob is now our main priority. Our first port of call is the latest victim; Twenty seven years old. Nothing remarkable about her circumstances other than she has an older brother who is a State Trooper. She worked at a hotel front desk, The Addison. She was last seen visiting her mother’s grave four days ago before she wound up on Clinton Street, last night. Take some time, go through the file and then come to me if you’ve got any thoughts. Happy hunting kids”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Major Case Unit

Homicide Investigation Preliminary Report

-Due to similar cause of Death.
-Due to similar physical Description.
- Because of Case backlog, the following Homicides have yet to be fully Investigated.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Fox

Little Fox

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Five days ago.....

“Sixty-eight. Sixty-nine. Seventy!”

There was a chorus of various whoops and hollers, though one voice was easily heard above the others. “What, bitches?! What now?! Decir algo! Decir algo! Usted no puede manejar esta mierda! Estoy demasiado! Estoy demasiado cojo mucho por ti!” A young woman with a willowy, athletic figure lowered herself from one of the doorways in the gym, sweat glistening from her taut muscles as she flashed a grin and flexed, kissing her biceps while others mock-bowed to her epincess. Lieutenant Talamantez gave up her flexing and wrapped her arms around the group of men and women that she was proud to call part of her family. They were a rowdy bunch but she loved them to bits and pieces.

“I'll see you bitches later – Pops texted me earlier. Said it was important.” The woman made her way away from her companions and headed to the showers so she didn't go into work smelling like sweat and Big Rick's man musk. Big Rick was small, but he was surprisingly tough and she found that out through being placed in a headlock, having the back of her neck rubbing against his hairy and sweaty pits earlier when she called him Munchkin. But she didn't hold it against him and had gotten him back with a nut tag. She had to take a moment after getting dressed to get her mind straight, not wanting to show up to work with a goofy smile on her face. In her past experience, that had lead her Captains to having a bad first impression of her. Her face was one of serenity with a serious gleam as she made her way out, bidding everyone a farewell.

She checked her phone again, lifting a brow when she saw the address that O'Bannion had sent her. Shrugging, she slid on her helmet and was soon zipping through the streets of Boston on her Ninja. It didn't take her long to get to the building, removing her helmet and replacing it with her cover. She headed indoors, looking around the first floor before spotting the Major. She removed her cover and offered a light smile and lazy salute. “You know, this really feels like a situation where you're about to reveal that you're actually a crooked cop and you want me on your team because, let's face it, I'm amazing.” The Major only rolled his eyes and offered a light smirk in return, moving a hand from behind his back to reveal a thick envelope.

“That only strengthens my theory,” she remarked.

“We've worked together for what... Five years now, BB?”

“It's been a good five years... And nothing you're doing or saying is making my theory go away.”

“You've heard about the Major Crimes Unit.” It was more of a statement than a question but Armonía answered with a nod. “Yeah – Who hasn't?” O'Bannion gave a light nod and tossed her the envelope and motioned her to follow him. She didn't open it but instead copped a bit of a feel. It was papers inside. She wasn't an idiot and she knew now exactly what was coming. “Here's your new office, Lieutenant.” Edward stopped and motioned to a rather nice looking office. The woman didn't step inside, instead holding out the envelope. “I'm not leaving SVU. I appreciate the offer but, no thank you.” The Major pushed the brown envelope back towards her. “You're right. You're not leaving SVU. We're merging it with MCU.” O'Bannion had put up a fight since he formed MCU to merge the two units and finally got the clearance.

“You gonna have me back on the streets?”

“Sometimes. Interrogations, looking after the witnesses, taking care of the live victims, negotiating with the guys in the courthouse and back at the department. That's what I need from you. You're one of the best people persons we've got.”

“Hm...” She took a moment to think about it before shaking the envelope. “What's in here?”

“The rest of the team.”

“I guess I really don't have a choice... You'll still let me work my cold case?”

“Just a change of scenery and team.”

“I'm in.”

“I knew you would be.” The two shook hands before the Lieutenant headed into her new office, hands on her hips. This was going to be... Fun.

After tightening the bun sitting low on the back of her head, she was done soon enough and headed to the locker room, strapping on her belt and taking a little time to clean and inspect her gun. It was a beautiful and classic Walther P99 that her father had given her when she was twelve years old. She loved that gun and often would reminisce about the first time her father had taken her to the shooting range with her brothers. He would have taken her when she was eight but her mother wouldn't let him. She was the last of seven children and the only girl – She wanted a girl that she could dress up and put in pageants, not one that would rather scrape her knees climbing trees and come home with a buck. Granted, Armonía still participated in pageants and was a fan of a nice cocktail dress, but she still followed her father's footsteps like her brothers did. It was the Talamantez way.

She was soon out of there and into her office where she grabbed the file that O'Bannion had left for her. She flipped through it with grimacing as she inspected the crime scene photographs. None of these victims had anything in common with one another besides their cause of death, eye color, and hair color. She bit the inside of her cheek and sighed. She had lost count of the number of cases she had since she entered the Marines' Criminal Investigation Department but not once did she ever forget a case. That was just something you couldn't forget. It did help though – not with sleeping – when handling other cases. One might be surprised at how many copycat murders were committed.

She put her brain to work with her usual Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino from Starbucks in the same hand as the file, the other hand was occupied by a bagel well lathered in cream cheese. She couldn't wave very well so she instead offered a megawatt smile and lifted brows on her way to the Major's office. She gave as much of a hug as she could to those from her SVU unit before taking a seat on Edward's desk. Everyone in Boston PD knew by now that she wasn't always the most professional person. She set gave the Major a grin as she did, watching with him as everyone else filed in. Listening to him, she took a bite out of her bagel and set down the file to sip from the delicious, frozen caffeinated beverage.

As his words came to an end she sat for a bit before reaching out with her leg and lightly kicking his shin. “Hey, pops. I want to head out on this one and talk to the family and friends. I'm taking Duffy with me.” She waved at the Detective that was in front of her. The man was a bit distant sometimes but he was good at his job, she couldn't deny that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 28 days ago

Kevin West was sipping on his Chai-Latte as the Major gave the crew their briefing on the latest murder victim. When he finished speaking Kevin took another sip of his beverage and began going over the files. Once he finished doing his quick scan Kevin stood up and walked over to a nearby white board and began to write several observations on the board.

--All Vics same roughly the same physical build, ethnicity, and hair color.
-- All murdered within a few blocks of home
--Abducted and killed within three days,
--No real attempt at hiding the body. All bodies found in public uncovered.

Kevin studied the board and said, "Possible theories. The perp is fixated on a specific type. Gives them hope by not assaulting them, allowing them to live for a while, and then allowing them to be within a few blocks of home. Three days so it's possible that this person has no real full time job.They're fixated on the victim can't allow for distractions of any kind. The perp wants their work to be noticed otherwise we wouldn't find the bodies."

Kevin paced around for a second and said, "It's almost like a game of catch me if you can. All this is rough guesses anyway, but at least it's a start for theory building."

Kevin finished his Chai-Latte and said, "If you all will excuse me I'm gonna see if I can get lucky with tracing cell-phones through their accounts, and of course the always fun times of sitting in a darkened room and watching traffic cam footage. I'm gonna miss the daylight so much, and the Yankees are in town tonight. I got two seats behind the Sox dugout six rows back text me if you want 'em."

He shot his Chai-Latte cup to a trash can from across the room like he was shooting a basketball. The cup landed dead center in the can. Kevin smiled and said as he was leaving, "Call the Celtics tell 'em I'm ready to sign."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

District A-7, East Boston

Detective Ben Winston walked into the District Headquarters, past the row of suspects waiting to be booked in, and went straight to the elevators, riding it up to the third floor, then walking down the hall to the Homicide Detective, which basically was just a large room divided up by a series of small cubical work spaces of chest high partition walls. The inner wall of the building was lined with small offices for the Lieutenant's, with a breakroom separating them from the Captains office. Ben made his way to the breakroom, not sure what to expect as he poured himself a cup of coffee, one day the coffee could be too strong, the next day too weak, but hardly ever in between.

He was on his way to his own cubical when the Captain stuck his head out his office door and called for him to come into the office, not thinking anything of it, Ben walked in to find the Captain already sitting behind his desk, with a large Manila, Inner-Department envelope laying in front of him. Suddenly Ben got that gut feeling something was up as he looked at the Captain, "What's up Cap'n?", he asked, a bit leary of what the answer might be. "I need you to turn over your case files to Jackson, your being re-assigned", the Captain stated in a matter-of-fact manner.

Ben looked at the Captain with a mixture of surprise and shock etched across his face,"No, no...now isn't a good time, I'm just about to catch a break on the Harrison case", his voice on the edge of imploring. The Captains face was without expression as he continued,"It's out of my hands, this came straight from the PC's office", he slide the Manila envelope across the desktop in Ben's direction, "It's not only you, the PC's re-assigning some Detectives from the other Districts as well...He's starting up a new unit under the insistence of the Mayor, a Major Crimes Unit, your CO's Major Edward O’Bannion, hadn't heard much about him, other then he doesn't like leaving loose ends and he gets the job done, regardless if its by the book or not, so watch your ass Detective", the Captain got to his feet, let a smile break across his otherwise granite features and held out his righthand, "Good luck, Ben, I took the liberty of packing your stuff and sending over to the new unit, PC went's this up and running ASAP... address is in the envelope, if this new unit doesn't work out, your welcome back here". Ben shook hands with the Captain, still not quite sure about the suddenness of it all.


Ben steered the plain grey Crown Victory along the streets of the old warehouse district just off the main route that led to the Harbor, the majority of the warehouses were abandoned, so it was an easy guess that that the near rundown looking building with a couple of cars and a motorcycle parked in front, was where he wanted to go. He pulled up to a stop next the the Ninja Motorcycle, doubled checked the address out of habit before getting out of the car. Satisfied that this was the place, he stepped out of the car, clipped the holstered Sig Saur GSR and his badge to his belt, then walked around to the entrance of the warehouse.

Ben entered the room just as an authoritative looking gentleman at the front of the room wearing a three piece business suit minus the jacket, which was hanging off the back of a nearby chair, folded his arms behind his back and began to speak to the small gathering if people whose attention were now fully on him. The gentlemen speaking didn't beat around the bush, but got straight to the point, as Ben walked closer he was handed a stack of files by one of the members of the group, whom he exchanged nods with before they both turned their focus back to the speaker.

After the abrupt dismissal by the speaker, Ben spotted a desk off in the corner and made his way over to it and sat down, he'd just opened the first file when one of the group broke from the pack and went up to the row of whiteboards and began jotting down his theories after only a few minutes from being cut loose by Ben's observation,was obviously Major O'Bannion. The man at the whiteboards, whom clearly had an affinity for sports, wrote down what was some pretty clear deductions, but necessary observations for the foundations of building a solid case, Ben watched for a moment as he basketball shot his cup into the trash can, then joked about signing with the Celtics, then turned his attention to the first file on top of the stack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As ego-unfriendly as it was, not being the smartest person in the room, and not having to live up to anything was relaxing. He was called in like the rest of them, because he was the best at what he did. And what he ended up doing, usually, was the last part of an investigation and, arguably, the most rewarding: Arresting the sonovabitch, or gunning him down as he resisted arrest. Mark was the muscle of the group. The big huge muscled arms and legs that had the beautiful minds of everyone else working behind him, telling him where to go, what to do. They were all in the genius ballpark, or so their resumes would have you believe. While Mark was something of a smart guy in his own right, with the finest PD shooting record in the country, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Phsychology, he was no rocket scientist. He wasn't anything like that guy, Ben Winston, who could probably hack into the Pentagon to order a sandwich. Or... Harley Quinn.

Good God.

He leaned back in his seat. He even had his own desk no,w even though asking for his own office might not have been appropriate. He knew police tactics like nobody alive too, he supposed, and he knew how to stop someone that knew police tactics, so stick to what you're good at, right? He wasn't a detective, he didn't have a mind for details and the will to beat the law system that seemed to be put in place to make sure that bad guys got away with doing bad things. He looked over the file that was passed to him, and he read it over. The women were all good looking, youngest being 21, oldest 30, so the perp wasn't selecting them over age, at least not in a way that they could define. Sure. Lets find a guy that's hunting down good-looking brunettes between twenty and thirty. Lets give stopping the drug trade a go while we're at it.

Same height, give or take, While they were all brunettes, their names gave little indication towards hispanic origins. Might be something there, Mark mused, putting it down in his notebook. The names seemed to indicate, if anything predominantly Catholic Irish backgrounds. Could indicate a hunting ground? They didn't work, live, or hang in the same areas. If this was a serial killer, he may have just picked the broadest hunting selection ever. Unless there was a serial killer out there hunting ants.

But he wasn't a detective. He would pass his ideas along to someone else and let them hash it out, while he helped in any way that he could. He avoided being crunched in a hug by Smiles-a-Lot and merely smiled at her in return.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 28 days ago

Kevin got lucky with his cell-phone leads and found four cell phones that had been discarded which were traced back to the vics. However there was a lot of damage done to them and Kevin wasn't sure what could be pulled off of them. Once again it was another close but not close enough situation with the suspect playing "pull the rug out at the last minute." They were allowed to find the phones but they were very far from being in working order. Kevin though did notice that the Sim-Cards were in tact. The phones themselves were damaged beyond repair, but the Sim-Cards were the key. They stored a plethora of personal information and that could be a major key in gaining some ground.

Kevin, if he had the time, could probably pull some information off of the Sim-Cards, but he still had the Traffic Cam footage to scour through. He called The Major and told him of his situation and The Major told him to go down to City Hall look over the files of those in the CSI Unit and pick someone to be their Forensics Scientist. They had one lined up but she had to back out due to personal reasons and they needed someone in the lab. The Major told Kevin to send him a copy of the file of his choice. Kevin found what he believed to be the ideal person for the job; Dr. Celia Carter. He sent a copy of the file over to the Major who texted him: "Perfect. Bring her in, and if Palmer gives you attitude call me immediately."

Kevin walked up to the office of Dr. Howard Palmer the CSI Unit director. He was a good scientist and more than capable at his job, but he believed his press clippings a little too much. Not to mention he was very much into office politics in that if he liked you he would make your life there very pleasant, but if he didn't like you you'd spend every waking moment begging for the sweet release of death. Palmer's authority was rarely challenged and if you tried to challenge it usually it was career suicide. Mainly because his brother-in-law was forth in command in at City Hall who was considering a run at the Mayor's chair, and Palmer was not above calling in favors from his brother-in-law.

Kevin touched the screen on his phone and let it slide back into his outside coat pocket,knocked on the door, and Palmer said, "Yeah it's open."

Kevin opened the door, entered the office and closed it. Palmer was "busy" reviewing files, but Kevin noticed a web browser opened to a site called "party girls." Kevin looked at him and said "Hello Dr. Palmer. I'm here on official MCU business."

Kevin flashed his ID and dropped a transfer order on his desk. Palmer looked up at him and said with great sarcasm, "Well hello Boy Wonder. What can I do for the great and mighty MCU?"

Kevin and Palmer had a bit of a history with another.The CSI Unit was ready to discard what appeared to be a busted lap-top at Deputy Mayor Byerson's murder. Kevin said he could get some items of it, and the lead tech let Kevin have a shot at it. Kevin worked for three days straight and was finally able to salvage some data which helped move the investigation into overdrive. Palmer has never forgotten or forgave Kevin for showing up his department. It was only because of his brother-in-law he still had a job.

Kevin replied, "Simple I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to be, so sign off on the transfer of Dr. Celia Carter over to MCU and we'll be outta here."

Palmer just glanced at the transfer and said, "No. Sorry you can't have her. She's too valuable to my department."

Kevin stepped forward and said, "Valuable for what? You and your other cronies have done everything in your power to keep her down here for almost five years. She has the potential of being one of the best techs here and you all see her as nothing more than a glorified lackey. She leaves with me that Transfer order says so."

Palmer nodded and said, "Is that a fact." He took out a lighter and burned the order. As he dropped it in the trash can Kevin said, "You're burning an official Transfer Order."

Palmer replied, "Oh darn I was making a copy of the order, and the copier over-heated and burned it. Sorry old equipment. You see we aren't getting anything really this year, because of that damn MCU project you're involved with West. You all think you're so damn special well let me tell you what Boy Wonder your Major O'Bannion isn't going to make it work over there. He's just another badge to me I couldn't care less about him, you or the rest of the misfit club. So hit the bricks Boy! I have many bullets to shoot you all down with. When you're looking for us to process something for you sorry we're backed up."

Kevin nodded and said, "You don't sound bitter. Much. Still smarting over being passed over for the MCU slot I see." Palmer glared at him for a moment. Kevin knew Palmer was a finalist for the MCU Forensics position, but O'Bannion shot him down. The Major didn't want City Hall politics in the MCU.

Kevin pulled his phone out and hit the touch screen twice and Palmer asked, "What's that?"

Kevin touched the screen and suddenly the audio of Palmer's rant about MCU was coming out of his phone. Palmer's eyes grew huge and Kevin said, "The picture ain't gonna be worth anything, but the audio is perfection. I just sent a copy of your rant to Major O'Bannion, and my guess he's already sent it up the chain of command."

Palmer shrugged his shoulders and said, "So what's he can do about it? Like I said I got many bullets to take care of you all. More than enough to shut you all down, and by the time it gets to anyone with any real power MCU will be a memory."

Kevin nodded and said, "That might be true, but have you read your rules and regs concerning MCU? It was sent out to all department heads. I liked the one about Transfers specifically heading five, paragraph two, sub-section B. You know the one that states all transfers to MCU must be approved by and orders notarized by Commissioner Wallace. "

Palmer looked as though he had just seen the end of the world. Kevin said, "That's right you just destroyed an official document from Commissioner Wallace. You may have many bullets, but in the end a good sharp-shooter only needs one to do the job. Tell the Commissioner I said hi when he calls any minute now."

Palmer's phone began to ring and he picked up the phone slowly and said, "Palmer...yes Commissioner Wallace...yes sir...no sir that won't be necessary it'll be fine. No sir...no sir...yes sir... Another copy for our records will be most useful sir thank you sir...I..well sir I....yes sir....yes sir...yes sir...yes sir...thank you sir. Right away sir...good b....." Palmer sat there with his mouth open and Kevin could hear the dial tone. Palmer hung up the phone and said with great fear in his voice without looking at Kevin, "You can go get Dr. Carter she's now a member of MCU. Down the hall third door on the left."

Kevin replied, "It's been a pleasure and a nightmare." Kevin turned and began to leave as Palmer said, "One day. One day it's all gonna end for you all at MCU, and then I'll..."

Kevin turned back and interrupted, "Yeah yeah and you'll get us and our little dog too. Give it a break Palmer. If you're gonna make threats like that be original." Kevin shook his head and rolled his eyes as he walked away. Kevin walked down to Dr. Carter's office and noticed it was not only the only office without a name plate on the door, but it was right next to the supply closet.

Kevin knocked on the door and heard someone say, "Come in."

Kevin entered the glorified broom closet and saw a woman typing up a report...on a typewriter! She wore a lab coat, had soft dark blonde hair, with dark green eyes, and appeared to be very frustrated.

She turned to Kevin and asked, "Can I help you?"

Kevin just stared for a moment and then snapped back to reality. He pulled something out of his pocket with his left hand and said, "MCU West Detective Kevin."

She just looked at Kevin for a moment and said, "Okay your driver's license photo looks better than mine, and I don't think your first name is MCU. According to your driver's license photo it's Kevin,"

Kevin blinked twice and then he looked over at his left hand and said, "D'Oh!" He put his wallet away and pulled out his MCU ID and said, "Detective Kevin West MCU. Please stop what you're doing Dr. Carter. You're no longer a part of this department you've been officially transferred to MCU by order of Commissioner Wallace."

Dr. Carter asked, "I'm working in the MCU Forensics lab with all the tech, tools, other scientists, and a real computer?"

Kevin shook his head and replied, "No Dr. Carter you're not working with other scientists. You are the Forensics Department. It's all you Dr. Carter you run the entire place. We work one case at a time which means you call the shots in the lab. You answer to our C-O Major O'Bannion and the Commissioner only now."

Dr Carter tilted her head back and a single tear ran down her cheek as she smiled and mouthed, "Thank you. I finally get to use all my skills."

Kevin asked, "Do you need to pack any personal items Dr. Carter?"

Carter with her head still tilted back replied, "No. I don't trust anyone enough here to leave out any personal items." She looked at Kevin and said with a crooked smile, "My name is Celia and I prefer you'd use that or CC your call Detective West."

Kevin said, "Only if you call me Kevin. At MCU we don't stand too much on formal titles amongst ourselves although we call our C-O by rank though. Your ID and other items should be ready by the time we get to MCU."

Celia nodded and said, "Good enough for me Kevin." Celia stood up and said, "Let's get out of here. We got work to do."

Kevin and Celia left the lab and Celia followed Kevin's car to MCU. He led her into the lab and when Kevin cut on the light Celia stood there in stunned silence for a moment. She finally said, "Oh my this is just incredible. It's unreal." Celia looked over at Kevin and said, "Thank you Kevin."

Kevin replied, "Celia I just made the recommendation Major O'Bannion was the one who made it happen. I'm sure you'll see him and the others soon enough. Right now though we have a case to solve."

Kevin explained the case and gave Celia the cell-phones with the Sim-Cards. She just looked them over and said, "It's gonna be difficult." Celia looked at Kevin and said with a crooked smile, "But not impossible for me to do. Get on out of here Kevin I got work to do." Celia put on rubber gloves,cracked her knuckles, and said, "This is gonna be fun."

Kevin nodded and said, "Okay I'll be scouting traffic cam footage." He gave her his card and said, "If you find anything let me know." Kevin shrugged his shoulders and said, "Since I'm the only person you know here. You know I figure it'll be ummm yeah ummm."

Celia pulled out her phone and programmed his number in it. She wrote down her number on his card and gave it back to him with a smile. Kevin quickly programmed it in and said, "Right I'll ummm I ummm check on you later."

Celia nodded and said, "I'll be here."

With that Kevin left as Celia began to take apart the phones and studying them closely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alec had been under for a long time, 11 months. The Silent Church gang had locked up the East Boston underworld for more than 30 years. Yet had only taken six months of information from one source to break them apart. For that time, Alec had become a surrogate son to the gangs leader, Quintin Morris. Spending the first five months of his cover in a jail cell to make his game more realistic, Alec met Quintin inside and not too long after his “release” he was inducted into the Silent Church. For the next six months, he fed information to the BPD until finally, the time was right and raids were conducted. Not a single man escaped justice and Alec knew he had done his job. He was looking forward to a well-deserved break, maybe a little trip to California, he heard the town of Justice was ok for a fun weekend. This however did not come to pass. As he slowly began to take the time to shred the remnants of his cover, the young officer was approached by Edward O’Bannion who made him an offer that was way too hard to refuse.

Now he sat in this derelict building that should’ve been torn down years ago, listening to a man who was almost booted from the department for actually doing the job he was paid for. The Major was a legend, everybody knew it. Quickly, Alec scanned the file he was handed. On the other side of the room he heard his name uttered between The Major and Talamantez. His dark eyes flickered across the room to the blonde bombshell, Ana before returning to Armonia who was now beckoning him over. He closed the file and tucked into under his arm as he got up from his chair and moved over to their table in O’Bannion’s makeshift office. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yes son” The Major grinned a toothy grin as he flicked his hands back. “My dear daughter here wants to do follow up on the friends and family. She taking you with her. Since I know people are your forte I agreed” Of course that last remark was dripping with sarcasm, Alec was great with people…when he was undercover, people in his everyday life…not so much. “Remember the rules of the Lexicon, my son, my daughter and you will be fine. Go forth my children, rattle some cages and let’s hope a dead bird falls out somewhere”

Alec exited the building with Armonia by is side. “We’ll take my car” He popped the button on his key chain and unlocked his rather unremarkable, standard issue Lincoln town car and climbed into the driver’s seat. “First and only rule of my car, I control the radio” He started the engine and the radio began to play Wakey!Wakey! – War Sweater.

“So where to first?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 28 days ago

Kevin sat at a computer console of the MCU HQ with his feet up running his fingers on the rim of a coffee cup. The room was almost pitch black except for the glow of the computer monitors and the light from a desk lamp next to a yellow legal pad and a pencil. In the background playing very quietly was the Bruce Springsteen CD "Nebraska" which was on repeat.

Kevin felt as though he would never make any sense of the footage waiting for what he called the blip. A blip was something that just popped off of the screen that would stand out and get the wheels really moving. However with the footage being from such a wide expanse of time and most of it at night was proving to be a challenge for Detective West. Just then though he finally caught his blip.

He smiled slightly as he said, "A van. That's it there's my blip." Kevin very quickly pulled up the footage of the other cams around the approximate times of death and found the same make and model of a van driving away. However in this case the van was a different color which made Kevin smile even more as he said, "Oh my man you are smart. Yes you are my man, but I'm smarter." Kevin also noted though that the license plate of the van was different each time. He wrote down the plate numbers and pulled up the addresses. Kevin realized that the plates belonged to other vehicles but they were within a couple of blocks of where the bodies had been found.

Kevin nodded and sat up as he said, "Okay here's how it goes.The killer stops off switches plates with another vehicle just before he reaches the traffic cam. So when he drives by it's 'look at me, look at me, it's me but not the real me.' Very clever my man. Then he lets the vic go and does the deed. Takes off down another road and says to the traffic cam, 'okay I did it and you know it but you still can't catch me.' Again very clever my man and then you switch plates again and go home."

Kevin puts down his legal pad and let out an exhale and studies the screen. This time with all four screens showing the same van in a different color. One was black. one was dark gray, one was navy, and then one was dark purple. Kevin nodded and said, "All right my man your van color trick. You can't use the same van twice technically, but if you make changes like to the color and the vehicle tags it's a different van. You need to use dark colors so not to draw attention to yourself, and you go to a different paint shop. You can't go to the same paint shop over and over my man. That raises questions you can't hide from. Which means you got bucks to burn if you're getting the van repainted on a weekly basis. Oh my man you're a sick puppy aren't you. You're doing this because you're wealthy and bored just playing a new game with the only group that has no choice but to play with you."

Kevin shook his head and said, "You sick bastard at least the psychos have mental issues to blame for their problems, but you're doing this just because you can." Kevin then began darting his eyes back and forth on the screen. Kevin then realized something and under his breath said, "That's how you determine it all." Kevin quickly grabbed a calendar and then looked at the dates the bodies were found. The bodies had been dead for less than 24 hours and Kevin knew he could be on to something.

Kevin said, "Lunar phases that's it. First body found 24 hours after the first phase, second body found 24 hours after the full moon, third body 24 hours after the last phase, and last night was a new moon." He looked back at the calendar and said, "If we don't move it we're gonna have another dead body in 8 days."

With that Kevin quickly typed up his report. He then paged the Major and said, "Sir please report to the video room asap sir. You're gonna wanna see this!"

Just then CC called him and asked, "You got a minute?"

Kevin replied, "I got something to show the Major what's up?"

CC replied, "I think I got something too, but I want verification when you get a chance can you come to see me?"

Kevin said, "Oh yeah you bet....I mean sure no problem."

Kevin could almost hear CC smiling as she said, "Thank you KW."

The line went dead and Kevin looked up and said, "Can you be any more obvious West?"

He shook his head and awaited the arrival of the Major.
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