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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“In Boston, there are good guys and there are bad guys. Sometimes it takes more than a badge to tell the difference” – Traditional

Status: Open

The Story
The scene is Boston, Massachusetts. Five times every three days another citizen is shot, stabbed or bludgeoned to death. At the centre of this storm of crime is the city’s newly minted major crimes unit. A small group of hard men and women who fight for whatever justice is possible in the deadly world that sits upon the streets of Beantown.

The rising crime rate, coupled with the desperation of a mayor looking to take the governor’s seat, forces the hand of the Police Commissioner to use what little funding he has to create the Major Crimes Unit. Under the command of Major Edward O’Banion and small in size compared to other divisions, it is an eclectic mixture of rookies, veterans, careerists and mavericks from all over the varying police departments. Ranging from homicide detectives, desk sergeants and beat cops, this band of sworn peace keepers are now the first line of defence against the criminal element. They are the ones who can see the poetry in the meanest of streets.

Far from perfect, many of the MCU have their own issues to deal with, ranging from alcoholism to adultery to skimming drug money. Many officers are broken down morally by the job of law enforcement and those in major crimes are no exception. Walk down the right back alley in Boston and you can find anything, walk down the right back alley and something else could find you…

The Short of It
Set in a fictionalised version of Boston, MA that has been ravaged by crime, this is the story of a squad of sworn police officers dedicated to the protection of the city. Think a cross between The Wire, the Shield and a little Sin City. We would play as either the members of this unit, their loved ones or as other professionals such as those employed at local hospitals and law firms. Set out in an almost episodic fashion, as GM I will create “cases” for the police to investigate. Some cases may only last one “episode” others may span further. As much a character driven world as story driven, we would explore the personal lives of the extremely authentic and human characters we would be portraying.

The Lexicon

The Lexicon is the unwritten rulebook of the major crimes unit. All detectives must follow these rules in order to be considered a “true and natural police”

Character Sheet (All character sheets must be sent to myself first)
Appearance: (Real Image Please)
Quote: (By/About or that sums up your character)
Nicknames: (If Applicable)
Rank: (If Applicable)
Years On: (How many years have they been on the force? If applicable)
Place of Birth:
Skills: (a short summary of your characters skills, I don’t want a bunch of badass sharpshooters or awesome drivers either, please try and be diverse)
Personality & History:
Extra: (anything you might want to add)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DizzyIsabella
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DizzyIsabella She's a kind heart - but that mouth..

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My lady will be up tomorrow, probably!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 28 days ago

And with that mine has been sent in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


“There is nothing as deceptive as an obvious fact”

Name: Ben Winston
Nicknames: N/A
Rank: Detective Sergeant
Age: 35
Occupation: Boston Police Detective.
Years On: Twelve years
Place of Birth: Webster massachusetts.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I will make the CS and the GM is going to be the commissioner or the leader of the Lexicon?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I believe the GM is going to be in charge of the Major Crimes Unit, the Lexicon is more or less just a set of guidelines for them to follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Citali
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Citali II tea & tattoos II

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“My name's Harley Quinn. Like the villainess in Batman. No, it's not a coincidence. I chose it.... Why? Well, because I have fallen in love with the Jokers of this world. Mostly mentally; I'm intrigued with their psyches, but on the rare occasion, I have fallen in love romantically.”

Name: Harley Quinn Rosales (originally Sophia Rosales)

Age: 33

Occupation: Forensic Scientist

Years On: (current) 5 MCU, 2 years Boston PD

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts

- Work within a team to document and analyze a crime scene via mapping out the scene, collecting trace samples, documenting
- Usage of forensic technology to analyze various samples obtained from a crime scene (ie: gas chromatography, genetic fingerprinting, spectroscopy)
- Analyzing and connecting the hard evidence to come up with a story for possible causes/ motives for the crime; relaying that story in court and being able to back up evidence during cross examination
- Decent marksmanship with handgun
- For her own indulgences, Harley will first analytically analyze a case and then mull over it from a psychological standpoint. When asked, she will voice her thoughts, but will rarely voluntarily share.

Personality & History:
Harley's mother was from Colombia and was sold to a pimp in Boston via a sex traffic trade. Harley was a result of one of her mother's clients and fortunately for Harley, her mother decided not to terminate the pregnancy like a lot of her cohorts did. In her younger years, Harley witnessed different men coming over to their house multiple times in the week and was told to go upstairs to her room until her mother let her out again without an explanation. The one time she asked her mom what was going on, her mother beat her with threats to abandon her, scaring the six year old girl into never bringing the subject up again. The only thing she knew was that those men, whatever they did, left her mother void of emotion, almost always seeking alcohol as a vice as soon as they left. School was the only place where Harley really found answers to her questions. She had a naturally inquisitive mind with a quirky personality, at times socially awkward personality because she rarely paid heed to social norms.

This trend continued into high school, with the addition being her discovery and eventual love for comic books. As a 17 year old, Harley was now old enough to understand her mother's situation, and though her mother refused to speak with Harley about that aspect of her life, they had a loving relationship. However, one day that was cut short as Harley returned home to her mother dead on the ground with a gunshot wound to the head. She was taken away by social services, and later told by police that her mother's case deemed unsolvable. Of course that didn't sit well with the woman. She had never seen her mom's pimp, as he was meticulously secretive about his work, but judging from the often wealthy clients that came to see her mom, she could only assume that this man held some power. She would not be surprised if that power extended into the police force and someone was bribed to tamper with evidence to allow this man to continue his “business”. This began her obsession. Harley managed to enroll in Boston University double majoring in biochemistry and psychology, and later got her masters in forensic science.

Of course, the memories of her mother's business followed her into her adulthood. She remembered those men vividly as if she had met them herself. Every smirk, every touch, every dirty whisper, her mother pretending to enjoy them; those memories haunted her in her childhood and when she was finally old enough, it turned into an obsession. She needed answers; Not even to a particular question. She just had an unsatiated need to study those men, men like them and their motives. Throughout her undergraduate and graduate studies, Harley read plenty of literature about the psyches of different types of criminals for leisure and for research papers. Like a puzzle fitting together, she was slowly able to answer questions about various traits she observed when she was younger with the men her mother met and those outlined in her books. That feeling of finally having an answer to something that puzzled her resembled a high.

It was during one of these seasons, while she was a grad student, she ran into a man that resembled one of her mother's frequent clients. Against better judgment, Harley got herself involved with him. She justified her experience by telling herself that there was only so much she could learn from books and if she was honest with herself, it gave her somewhat of a thrill. It started with seemingly innocent run ins and conversations, and eventually developed into something more. He was manipulative, dark and handsome, with a honeyed tongue and full of empty promises, and yet she thought in some twisted way she was in love. His demeanor, each quirk, his mannerisms, she archived it all in her mind, often recalling her books. It wasn't until a couple of months after that, when he was arrested for the rape and murder of another woman that she was shocked into the realization of what she had gotten herself into. It very well could have been her dead. She was lucky. With the fantasy shattered, she chose to wear her weakness like a badge, not out of pride bur rather as a reminder to herself, and changed her name legally to Harley Quinn, one of her favorite comic book villainesses who fell in love with the Joker.

Shortly after finishing school, she joined the police academy and was sworn into the Boston police department. She was a sub-par police officer, lacking the gut instinct and physical prowess an above average cop usually had. However, her drive to learn kept her with the police force. She wanted to learn how to think like a cop in addition to a scientist, and gleaned what she could from her partners and superiors. A bonus was that she learned how to become a decent shot. Those two goals were the only things that kept her with the Boston Police Department for a couple of years before she transferred to the MCU to fill in for a forensic scientist position in the crime lab at the age of 28. Despite her education, Harley chose to work strictly as a forensic scientist, rather than a criminal psychologist, fearing the repercussions if she tempted herself again. The remnants of her obsession with criminals and their psyches are still present but toned down, and she dedicates her knowledge and efforts into the arrest and conviction of criminals. However, from time to time she finds herself being drawn by the siren song of the mysterious figures that are a part of the criminal underground.

Harley is polished and professional in professional settings with superiors and during trials. With her colleagues, she is a bit more relaxed and light-hearted, often enjoying playful banter and a good laugh. True to her childhood years, the woman is still oblivious to some social norms, that or she doesn't care, no one can really tell. Thus, she is comfortable with doing whatever is needed in order for her to get a job done, even if it means she could potentially face repercussions. Naturally, Harley is a woman who would rather listen than talk, as she is a person who chooses her words very carefully. However, she has learned over time that after a few alcoholic beverages that filter is close to non-existent.

Extras: True to her Latin heritage, Harley loves to dance. Aside from dark and mysterious criminal minds, her kryptonite is salsa music. She also has a small jester's hat tattoo on her inner left wrist in lieu of her name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rare said
I will make the CS and the GM is going to be the commissioner or the leader of the Lexicon?

I'll be playing a detective and also overseeing things as the major in charge of the unit but he will only appear when necessary.

The Lexicon is simply the guidelines to which the unit works by.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Xtreme said
I'll be playing a detective and also overseeing things as the major in charge of the unit but he will only appear when necessary. The Lexicon is simply the guidelines to which the unit works by.

Yeah, I realized that after I posted xp
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll be having my CS up shortly...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“In God we trust; all others we run through NCIC.”

"People get arrested. Dogs get put down," As said to his father before killing him.

Mark Brennan




Boston Special Weapons and Tactics Unit (S.W.A.T.)

Years On:
10 Years

Place of Birth:
East Boston

Sharpshooter: Over 2000 hours of shooting practice, with both long range and short range weapons.
Police Tactics: Building breaching, city blocking, etc
Negotiator: With a degree in psychology, he is the go to guy for hostage negotiation.
Hand-to-Hand Combat: Kick-boxing in his spare time, as well as disarming, grappling and jiu-jitsu training.

Personality & History:
His childhood was not a happy one. His mother, Karen Halstrom, came from a broken home, and yet managed to be successful despite it, graduating from highschool and going on to college while keeping a job. The fact that she had gotten pregnant in her last year of highschool with her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Carl Brennan, didn't help, but she worked past it. Carl had dropped out of highschool and gotten involved in drugs and the dealing of the same, and Karen quickly decided that he wasn't a good influence on her already iffy finances, as well as on the child. And at first it seemed that Carl either cared enough for his child, or didn't care at all, and left the two to their own devices. Until Carl got into a debt that he couldn't pay off, and decided to rob from Karen. He broke into her house in a Heroin-induced state and shot her, and promptly broke down crying. Mark called 911 and saw his father imprisoned for murder.

Karen's parents were nowhere to be found, so Mark was passed on to his grandparents on his father's side who, despite their son's bad behavior were good people. They owned a farm 30 miles out of Boston, and they saw young Mark as their second chance to raise a child right, after their dismal failure with their son. And, as it all turned out, they didn't do that bad a job at it. They raised their grandson on their own principles, based off of the American Constitution and the Bible, and while Mark never took to Christianity all that much, he was raised an honest kid, with strong morals and a firm determination not to end up like his father, as well as being a top-notch marksman, able to hit a hare in the ear with his little .22 rifle at the age of 12, and only getting better and better as time went on.

He applied for and graduated in the police academy after highschool, at his grandparent's insistence that American men should either serve in the Armed forces or in the Police force, maybe both. He served as a beat cop for three years until he got involved in a hostage situation in which he managed to negotiate two hostages out the bank robber's hands before putting a bullet through the man's head while he was hiding behind the third. He was given a medal for his action, and was given a place in the Boston SWAT team.

He was awarded several more medals through the years for bravery in the line of duty as well as proficient handling of tricky situations. There was the small matter of when his father got out of jail on parole and was found three days later with a doubletap through his chest, but that was mainly overlooked by most people. He served with honor and dignity otherwise, and while his crude language and run-ins with the press despite his successes kept him from being anything resembling a posterboy, he was a 'good cop' and a good man to the rest of the Police force, well liked by most, and avoided by the rest. He was far from perfect. A bad marriage and a divorce had him devoted to his job, and while he was a good cop, he wasn't against turning a blind eye to the more harmless infractions committed by his fellow officers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“What you do, is true blue police work….what I do? That’s a darker shade of blue” – Alec Duffy

Alec Douglas Duffy

Various Undercover Aliases. Nomad (Call Sign)



Police Detective

Years On:
8 years

Place of Birth:
South Boston, Boston, MA

Undercover Ops: Born and raised amongst the criminal element, Alec was more or less born with the skills necessary for undercover operations. Able to blend in effortlessly using manipulation, coercion, charm and physical prowess, he is often the prime candidate for undercover work.

Physical Ability: Built like a truck at 6’3 and with plenty of strength and muscle, Alec is good to have in a fight. Trained in boxing from a young age, he is a brawler by trade and can get down and dirty with the best of them.

Firearms Training: Alec has the standard firearms training of any police officer but is a little bit more seasoned in the usage of guns as he has had to use his a fair few more times than most.

Analytical Ability A keen observer of the human condition, Alec has a knack for understanding people and situations fairly quickly, an advantage in his line of work.

Personality & History:
Alec Duffy was born in South Boston on a warm July night in 1983, the only child of a German prostitute and her Irish mobster lover. Alec’s father had another family, a true family that he loved. Although everyone knew of Alec’s existence, they never acknowledged him. The closest he ever came to being part of a real family was when he was allowed to use his father’s surname as his own. He was nothing more than Jimmy Duffy’s little bastard as far as anyone else was concerned. The lack of a strong, paternal figure in his life left Alec with a penchant for adaptability. Without a strong father figure or male role-model, his sense of identity and self, became more capable to adapt and influence giving him certain "chameleon-like" tendencies that would serve him well when infiltrating a criminal organization in the future.

Growing up on the outside of love, watching as his half siblings got everything they wanted hardened something within Alec’s heart. He watched as the criminal scum he shared blood with continued to evade any kind of justice for his actions. Seeking vengeance at his abandonment, Alec was determined to get even. First, he anonymously tipped the police on a recent murder that his father had committed, claiming that the murder weapon was buried in the backyard. Indeed it was and Jimmy Duffy is now serving life in prison. Second, when he left college at the age of twenty one, he signed on with the Police Academy. Alec, although not exactly studious, was a gifted member of his academy class thanks to his already bountiful knowledge of Boston’s criminal world as well as a highly intuitive nature.

Upon graduating, Alec served in patrol for two years, working his beat and becoming extremely comfortable with the people of the street, many of whom he still uses as informants to this day. Eventually becoming bored and wanting to satisfy his intellectual vanity, the young Southie made the transition to gangs and narcotics where he got his first taste of undercover work. After a few more years, eventually Alec was chosen to join the undercover operations division full time. From then on, he became exposed to long term and prolonged investigations which in turn frayed his edges quite deeply. When the major crimes unit was formed, it was decided that an undercover officer would be needed for their potential sprawling cases and Alec because of his clearance rate was chosen to join up.

To stop himself from falling to deep into his cover, Alec has developed a very detached persona. Although he is open and friendly with his co-workers, he is extremely detached, barely having any sort of emotional connection with any of them. He is a man of few words but when he does speak, people tend to listen…

- Trained in Boxing from the age of 8
- Alec’s true birth surname is unknown as he legally changed it
- He often works with headphones in, another mechanism to keep himself detached from everyone else
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 28 days ago


Quote: “Don’t let the nerdy exterior fool you. The guy can more than hold his own, and we're glad he's on our side.”

Name: Kevin West

Nicknames: “KW” “West” (although some call him “Westie” he hates that one)

Rank: Detective

Age: 28

Occupation: Detective/ (Audio, Video, Computer expert)

Years On: 5 (3 as a Detective)

Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, Pa

Skills: Kevin is a more then capable detective. With a keen sense of observation and when called upon knows how to handle a firearm. His real skills lie in the realm of electronics. Whether it is pulling a voice off of an audio recording for vocal print, unscrambling video, pulling up a deleted file off of a hard drive, or hacking into a system Kevin is one of, if not then he is, the best on the force. Many at City Hall have said they are grateful Kevin works for them, otherwise he could be very dangerous in terms of the damages his skills could do.

Personality & History: Kevin is what one might call a “giant pain in the ass.” He is very detailed oriented and has his own peculiar ways about him, but they NEVER interfere with his working on a case. All of that being said Kevin is liked and respected by his peers, because they know he can deliver to them what they need and when they need it. Kevin doesn’t say a whole lot but will occasionally slip in a sarcastic remark from time to time, and when a case is done likes to hang out with the crew at O’Shaunessy’s Irish Bar.

Kevin was born and raised in Pittsburgh by a single mother and is the youngest of four kids. His father was a construction worker who died in a building accident. His mother, Hannah, was a nurse who didn’t always have time to spend with her children. Kevin’s older brother Sam and older sister Erica were busy with their own pursuits in athletics and music trying to earn scholarships. So that meant that Kevin was primarily taken care of by his 13 year old sister Catherine. Catherine didn’t always have a lot of time for Kevin so she would let him play on her old lap-top. However the more he played on the lap-top the more Kevin understood how it worked. Soon he was taking apart the lap-top and putting it back together, and in many cases adding software or making it run even better than before.
Kevin knew he had a gift for computers and media software when he hacked into the elementary school’s mainframe and changed grades for himself and his friends. Kevin also liked playing with audio and video files. He knew he had a gift when he took the audio of his principal’s speech in junior high and made it sound like he was declaring war on the Governor; while the Governor was in attendance!

Though Kevin had a habit for mischief it was never malicious and not intended to hurt anyone. He knew right from wrong and was very smart. Kevin graduated as Valedictorian and was awarded a full scholarship to the University of Pittsburgh. While he was there he took a job working as a dispatcher for Campus Security on weekend nights, and became fascinated with police work. Kevin eventually switched his major from Computer Science to Criminal Justice and excelled at the detective aspects of his work.

When it was time for Kevin to graduate he applied for the Police Academy in Boston, because he felt it was time for him to explore the world outside of Pittsburgh. Also because his girlfriend at the time was getting ready to go to law school at Harvard. Kevin at first found the physical rigors of the academy a bit much, but in time he proved to be up to the task. What really impressed his instructors was his intellect and his repeated skills in media equipment.

Upon his graduation Kevin applied for and was accepted by the Boston Police Department. Kevin’s first two years on the force were uneventful and Kevin began to question if he made the right choice. That was until Deputy Mayor Byerson was murdered. Kevin was at the crime scene when they came across a busted lap-top. CSI was doubtful they could pull anything off of it, but Kevin said he could. The lead tech agreed to give Kevin his shot, and Kevin not only salvaged the lap-top but he was able to use it to find key pieces of evidence. This impressed the entire Boston PD and the people at City Hall. Soon after Kevin was looked to for his expertise and within a matter of months he was promoted to Detective. Kevin is a Detective and goes out into the field but when a computer or media issue arises he is the first person called upon.

Extra: Kevin was engaged but it was broken off by his choice (she was cheating on him), he likes Springsteen, Football, and of course video games.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Fox

Little Fox

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“I am a peaceful person. I don't believe in senseless violence or torture towards any living creature. But when you bring yourself to rape, murder, molest, and beat another creature... You become subhuman in my eyes. If I had it my way, I'd put a fucking bullet in your stomach and watch you bleed out.”

☆Lieutenant Talamantez to a suspect

Armonía Rosa Talamantez

Baby Beast, BB, Art, Lieutenant Smiles-A-Lot, and Ro among other things.



Police Officer; Special Victims Unit

Years On

Place of Birth
Dallas, Texas

♢Hand-to-hand combat; 15 years boxing, 12 years Krav Maga, 10 years Tae Kwon do training.
♢Investigation; Raised with a number of Criminal Investigators, Police Officers, G.I.s, and Lawyers, she's spent her life training. Her friendly demeanor often helps in getting victims to open up.
♢Firearms; Can handle many small firearms as well as military grade weaponry as well as identify them and tell you what you want to know about them.
♢Keen; Everything is a clue to her. She's very attentive to evidence presented, crime scenes, and the behavior and backgrounds of suspects.
♢Engineering & Construction; Four years of training.

Edgar Talamantez (Father)
Maria Talamantez (Mother)
Eduardo Talamantez (Brother)
Emilio Talamantez (Brother)
Alejandro Talamantez (Brother)
Fernando Talamantez (Brother)
Ricardo Talamantez (Brother)
Ramiro Talamantez (Brother)

Nía is a pretty sweet young woman and always has a smile on her face. She has a strong sense of family values with a strict moral compass. She's very approachable and most people who meet her end up either liking her or being extremely annoyed by her, but either way she doesn't care much. She's very much the "one of the guys" type of girls who enjoys hanging out with her fellow law enforcers at the lake with their families, playing video games on the weekends, or heading out to the shooting range. She can often be found in the gym competing with them for physical fitness. When you piss her off, a simple apology will spare you physical pain, but she's the type to hold a grudge. At work, she's very focused and has a one track mind. When it comes to sexual assault victims she gets overprotective and while nothing has made it on official records, she has a history of getting violent with violent offenders. Especially when children are involved. Outside of work she's extremely fun and can be a bit wild, never the designated driver for any reason.

The last of seven children, Armonía was her mother's prayers answered. Or that's what Maria thought. While she wanted to dress her daughter up with pretty bows and dresses and put her in pageants until the day she died, Nía had different plans. She was a daddy's girl through and through and would rather head to the shooting range or go hunting than walk a runway and smile. She came from a family that was male dominated and her aunts were disappointed when she would wrestle in the mud with her brothers and cousins rather than help with cooking. She eventually made room in her schedule for domestic skills but most of her time was spent becoming a weapon of mass destruction. She was involved in many sports at school, her father taking them to court when they first denied her a spot on the football and wrestling teams because she was a female. She was seventeen when she graduated and entered the Marines for Field 13, Engineer, Construction, Facilities, and Equipment. She wasn't allowed in Infantry and figured that she could pick up new skills there. In four years years she made Sergeant and eventually joined the Criminal Investigation Division, assigned to work with NCIS. She kept that MOS for six more years before resigning as a Captain. She moved back to Dallas and stayed a while before she ended up moving to Boston. She had initially gone to meet an old war pal of hers but ended up staying when Kayla was found, raped and murdered, and the police department failed to find Kayla's killer. It's been five years and she's still searching.

| She refuses to ever admit that she was in any sort of beauty pageant |
| She still has all of her old photos, trophies, medals, and ribbons and will sometimes compete with her local dojo if she can |
| She's allergic to daisies and banana peppers and peanuts |
| She won't admit that she can play piano and guitar |
| Her singing has been said to drive suspects to insanity |
| Her favorite teams are the Dallas Cowboys, Miami Heat, Boston Red Sox, and Mexico's National Football Team (El Tricolor) |
| She has two cats and two dogs |
| She drives a black and white Kawasaki Ninja sometimes but mostly her Dodge Charger |
| She doesn't like talking about politics or what happened while she was deployed or working for NCIS |
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have just one question... She... isn't a police officer, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Fox

Little Fox

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Art's CS said Occupation
Police Officer; Special Victims Unit

Looks like she is.

More specifically, she's a Lieutenant and she is in charge of the Special Victims Unit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Right....normally I would have argued that it would have taken a bit longer to reach Lieutenant in a police force,but the Special Victims Unit tends to be under staffed, so someone with her credientials would have reached the top quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Fox

Little Fox

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yeah... I come from a police and military dominated family myself. Sorta did my research.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deamonbane
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Awesome character, btw. Sounds like herand my character won't get along at all...*grins* In a plot friendly way, I mean...
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