Avatar of Kohaku
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    1. Kohaku 10 yrs ago


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Hello, I'm Kohaku. Means amber in Japanese. I haven't roleplayed in many, many years so I kinda wanted to take a look and see if anything was interesting enough to get back into the thick of things.

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This has all been run by the GM already, I'm just showing you guys to see what you think and if you like any of it.

Alright, so during the two weeks here are some things I'd like to think my character would accomplish lol:

Gemma creates a very simple bow using wood from a tree and reeds that she fashioned into bow strings after five days of trial and error. She made arrows using sharp rocks and more wood. After that she practices everyday to get used to the bow and creates as many arrows as she can.

Gemma and May become rather good friends. They explore together and go hunting and gathering together as well as help care for Sasha.

Gemma could ask Horace and Ysran to help her start digging a watering hole that branches off from the lake so that they can bathe in it and not have their drinking water contaminated. This will obviously take some time, but they could get started on it.

Axes, or rather tomahawks can be created using vines, thin logs, and sharp rocks if anyone wants to do that.
As Gemma helped May turn Sasha, so she could doctor his wound, she grew more weary by the minute. His injury looked terrible and she almost dry heaved at one point. If she had had any food in her stomach she would've surely lost it. She looked up when Ysran spoke to everyone.

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you but I'd like to try and sleep at least a wee bit. I'll try and sleep as close as I can and still be comfortable to Sasha so he won't get too cold and lose body heat."

SHe curled on her side and scooted her body so that her back was against Sasha's unwounded side. Modesty be damned, she thought, survival had to come first and she didn't want anyone else to die tonight. She closed her eyes and tried to let sleep sink in.
Gemma looked around, she felt oddly shaky after her strange bout of fury when she killed that creature. She spotted one of the hides and grabbed it and lay it flat in front of the fire. Then she grabbed a stick and used it to roll a decent sized rock onto the hide. Then she tucked it in like a baby in a blanket, leaving the burning top exposed and carried it over to Sasha and Ysran.

"Here's a rock. Stopping the bleeding I think should come first, then May can clean it and bandage it using her suggestions. I'll gather the leaves and things."

She placed the rock in Ysran's hands, carefully so he wouldn't get burned. Gemma figured she could probably do it herself but she really didn't want to. There was enough blood on her hands already. She left the group, not caring or feeling too much, and went to find the berry bush May mentioned and the leaves and grass May would need to dress Sasha's wound.

She found the berry bushes a ways into the forest and picked several handfuls of leaves, tucking them under her arm. Then she picked as many tall reeds of grass as she could when she found them tickling her calves as she walked. Gemma happened to be looking up when she spotted a tree with large, umbrella like leaves that she thought might hold water. She grabbed five of them and then headed back to the camp.

Without looking at Sasha or Ysran she gave May the berry bush leaves and the tall grass. "I found these, I'm going to see if they will hold water. Be back in a jiffy."

Gemma waded into the water with the large leaves and held one under the water. When she lifted it it broke and she cursed under her breath. She put less water in the next one and lifted it carefully upward. It held this time. "Good," she mumbled to herself. She let the leaves float next to her for a moment while she washed the blood from her hands, trying her hardest to ignore the tears streaming down her eyes.
Ahh, Ok I gotcha.
When the screaming started Gemma tensed up and her mind seemed to fall miles behind her body. Like the men she reached to the fire and grabbed one of the burning logs, not caring about the embers stinging her hand. She gripped it between both of her fists and turned to May. "Run! Get to the water with the others!"

Gemma looked around and saw Horace running toward the bank and one of the other women lying dead on the ground. She saw Sasha fighting and then one more panther creature left. She ran full speed toward the thing and swung her burning log right into its ribcage. It fell to the ground yowling and before it could regain its balance she jabbed the burning end of her stick into its eyes then beat it over the head repeatedly, screaming all the while, till it lay still. Chest heaving, she looked toward the water and saw nothing else moving.

She ran closer to the water to check on the others. "Everyone alright?"
I thought we were all suppose to be non-magic using humans lol? Also, are the characters themselves going to continue shaping the story? I don't want to insert too many details into my posts if it's not what the GM wants and doesn't adhere to their own idea for the plot.
Gemma stared at the flames, trying to process the mans answers to her questions, they were sparse and not at all detailed answers. Though she did wonder how this man knew anything about "summoning" circles. May was right, it did sound like it was from a science fiction novel. Were they all brought here for a reason? If the man was correct, that didn't bode well with Gemma at all. It really quite frightened her, because surely the purpose to gathering them all here must be nefarious?

Gemma was silent for a bit before answering May, getting lost in her own thoughts. She finally looked up when she realized May was still speaking to her and shook her head to clear it.

"No, luv. It's alright, you did exactly what you had to do. If another situation were to arise I would expect you to survive and that means running from those beasts."

Gemma's smile faded a bit and she glanced back at the flames. "The other man who stoppped to help me up ended up saving my life. The monster caught back up with us and tackled him, which gave me a chance to run. So he saved me... at the cost of his own life."

Is this what would eventually happen to all of them? Would they be picked off one by one, or would they get through all of this? Gemma looked at May and then at the others. Strangers she didn't know but who she would have to eventually trust in order to survive.
Gemma sighed as she settled near her place by the fire next to May. She took the plate of food offered with a nod of thanks and began to eat steadily. The meat she realized must be from those strange lizard cats. It reminded her a bit of bear, which she had eaten only once after her Da took one down while out hunting. She hadn't thought of that in years. The berries were sour but as far as she could tell not poisonous, time could change that however if they were very unlucky. She listened to the men's suggestions and nodded here and there. Sleeping would be tricky. She didn't know how the other women felt but she didn't mind as long as there was no funny business. She would hope in light of everything that everyone would be too scared, tired, and hungry to try anything. She glanced at May when the lass suggested she'd take the first watch. Gemma made a snap decision and when she finally spoke it was with a somewhat hushed voice as to not wake the other man who fell asleep so quickly.

"Since there are enough of us, we can take the shifts two at a time maybe? That way someone can always stay at the fire, keeping an eye out, while someone else gathers wood and other necessities. I'll stay up with May for the first watch, I don't think I can sleep much neither. I'm Gemma by the way."

She took a deep breath and at their small food supply. "I know it's not much, but I can hunt. I'm used to a bow but I can make do by setting traps and the like. At the very least, I'll be able to feed myself and May and hopefully have some leftovers to add to the stock."

She hesitates but she's bursting with questions that need answers. "I'm sorry if this has been done to death already... but does anyone know where we are? Or why for that matter? Those circles on the ground, what were they? From what I've noticed we all seem to be from different parts of the world so how did we all end up in this place?"

She stared at the various faces hoping for some kind of answers, some kind of knowledge about what happened to all of them and why they were all there.
Gemma smirks slightly at May, "it's nice to meet ya, luv. I know you were trying to go unnoticed but, hey now we're even, eh?"

She glances over at the men by the fire and tries to quickly assess the situation. "I really don't know if we can trust 'em, but we don't have much of a choice neither."

Gemma sees one of the men leave and walk near where they are to gather firewood. She startles a little when he raises his voice and she steps in front of May, almost protectively.

"Just us girlies here. I'd like it if ya put the stick down there now. We don't mean any harm."

She glances around for any kind of weapon but can't see much in the darkness and just hopes for the best in a shite situation.
Was I supposed to put my first post, here in the OOC first so it could be approved? If so, I am so sorry! ^_^;
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