Laura Miller
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Family:Her father and mother names are Nathan and Lily respectively. She also has an older brother by the name of Jack who works overseas for a large multinational corporation.
Personality:Laura has a cheerful and bubbly disposition that usually brightens up the people she meets. She is hardworking and honest and always completes whatever she sets out to accomplish. Down-to-earth yet mischievous, she loves teasing people she knows. Her jokes are otherwise harmless, meant more for the fun factor than anything else. She is always seen as the joker of the group, even when nobody finds her jokes funny. A trustworthy and loyal friend, she is one to confide in and a good listener. She is prone to being over-emotional at times and that can lead to impairment of judgement when making certain decisions. A character who appreciates and understand the value of having fun, she can always be seen having fun whenever she can, making the most of what she has in her current circumstances.
Bio:Born in Sydney, Australia, Laura lived there until she was ten before the family immigrated to the United States when her father got a job posting there. The entire family then relocated to the bustling city of Philadelphia. They were a medium-wealth family, and enjoyed the luxuries a family such as one could afford. They neither had too much nor too little. The Miller's family life was simple enough yet satisfactory. As Laura grew up, she got involved into sports and began to learning to play and ejoy baseball. Another popular subject she knew and came to enjoy was guns. Her father, a gun aficionado came to teach his only daughter how to handle and manage several types of guns ranging from pistols to rifles, much to her mother's disapproval. She taught it was very unladylike of her to be around guns all day.
Another thing to add to the unladylike list was her fond for anything mechanical. She loved repairing items and could be seen either helping out her father has he repaired the broken down household appliances among others. Her brother shared her interest in guns, and the father and his two children would often go off hunting and camping or into the shooting ranges with their guns. When Jack graduated from University, he got a lucrative job offer from an overseas based multinational corporation, and so he left the states for his new career. Laura was left home alone with her parents as she eventually graduated from school. After graduating from school, she went on to work as a mechanic in an automobile shop.
Job Before the Outbreak:Car Mechanic
Disability/Fear:Laura has a fear of heights, and tend to often get vertigo when she gets up to high places or heights. She also tends to have a fear of the sea, and would avoid it whenever she can.
Weapon of choice:Being the gun nut she is, she has a gun license and Sig Sauer P226 pistol. She also has a machete that she carries around with for close encounters. She used to carry it around when she went hunting with her father and brother.
Supplies:A backpack containing a water canteen, some preserved cans of food, a torchlight, her wallet, her phone, two sets of spare underwear, her journal, and few ballpoint pens to write with. These were the usual stuff she carried with her when she went hunting and camping in the past.