Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Zombie Exodus

The Plot:

It is the dead of winter in the US, though the news has told people of the new H1Z1 outbreak Christmas had just ended the day before, and snow has been falling for days. You are either at home spending time with your family, or out having a meal and enjoying the season when suddenly you start to hear news of the H1Z1 virus has finally hit the US. Will you just simply wave it off? Or do you take it seriously and try and board up your house as things start to become very crazy as the dead start to come to life. As the situation Philadelphia worsens will your character flee from the city? Or will they stay where its safe.

TimeLine of Events Thus Far:

1. Respect your fellow RPers.
2. Take all adult stuff to PM's.
3. No fighting in the OOC or you will be kicked.
4. No gun toting kids, carrying 300 weapons or anything crazy its suppose to be realistic!
5. All injuries should be realistic, example if a character sprains their ankle it should slow them down and be painful to walk on and would take time to heal.
6. Most have one disability or fear, can be anything you can think of no one is perfect.
7. Most importantly have fun!



Age: ((6 years or older.))

Appearance: ((Picture only, and whatever else you want to describe about your character's appearance)

Gender: ((Obvious, is obvious))

Family: ((Can list names or just number of family members.))

Personality: ((A few words or more to describe your character.))

Bio: ((Small paragraph or more about your character from early life to when the RP starts.))

Job Before The Outbreak: ((Anything from cop, to actor, teacher, doctor, college student, scientist, etc))

Disability/Fear: ((Everyone must have one, no such thing as a perfect human! Also will have impact on survival. Examples: Asthma attacks, diabetes, visual impairment , addiction to alcohol, addiction to nicotine, PTSD, fear of heights, claustrophobia, fear of blood, pregnant, etc.))
Weapon of Choice: ((Unless you are a cop or some form of law enforcement guns will be hard to come by and limited ammo on those who play military or police officers.))

Supplies: ((What do they have on their person?))

Theme Song: ((Totally and completely optional if you wish just something for fun and just show us a taste of whatever music you like. :) ))
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Miller Anderson



He mother and father are called, Anna Anderson and James Anderson respectively.
He has a big sister who is abroad for work, named Samantha Anderson.

Miller's disposition is lazy and lackadaisical, he only exerts the needed amount of energy to get by the day and only ever overuses energy on things he has a massive interest in. He calls this 'energy saving', others just call him lethargic and lazier than a sloth. He likes to banter and tease with his friends, as getting a reaction is always funny to Miller. In times of stress and worry, he will temporarily dispose of his lazy nature and exerts all energy.

His family, well known as the best Forensic scientists in the city. Their parents had always tried to raise their children well and seek out their own paths in lives. Growing up their parents were never really strict, only that they needed to do well in school. This had cause Miller to be relatively lazy in things he is not interested in, but he does look up to his parents and he took the same path of learning Forensics. His sister had instead had more of a penchant of being a Lawyer, and excelled at it. She was so popular that she was hired abroad to be a lawyer for some rich family.

At a particular incident during his childhood, he was on a trip with his parents in Philippines, where they were staying at the countryside. He was busy playing around with his sister and her friends, when he suddenly just dropped into a hole. The hole was dark, and he was stuck in there for more than a few hours. This event had somewhat traumatized Miller growing up and it would take a few therapeutic lessons to fix, but the fear remained.

In university, Miller was the top of his class in Forensics, earning the top seat at the subject. On his other subjects, he does above average but nothing too special as Miller never really took special interest in most of the other subjects at hand. He had an oddball roommate named 'James Williams' who he thought was just some bookworm but was relatively cool and Miller could get along with him well enough.

Job Before The Outbreak:
University student, majoring in Forensics\Part-time waiter at a some big name french resturant

Irrational fear of the dark, stems from an incident in his childhood.

Weapon of Choice:
A firm and strong metal bat is what he uses the most. He also tends to use a machete or any sharp weapons he can grasp.

Basic necessities, like water, food and the like. He has found a few medicinal supplies.
Owns a beat down rucksack where he keeps his supplies and weapons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: James 'Jamie' Williams

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Family: Rose Williams;; Mother. Victor Williams;; Father. They are both back in Chicago, and from when he last heard from them, they're living an average, nice life.

Personality: James is an ambitious, down-to-earth young man;; There isn't over-all, much to say. He doesn't much enjoy dramatics, and can be a bit short-tempered with the people he conceives to be annoying. Otherwise, he's usually cool-headed, focused on the tasks at hand, while being laidback with those he calls friends. He doesn't enjoy dishonesty when it's directed towards him, and as such, he only has a few friends - but those few friends are close-knit and trustworthy. People can sometimes be intimidated by him, but that's mainly when he's annoyed. Over-all, he's adaptable to many situations, and has an over-all good heart;; which is why he has plans on serving his country fully once he graduates uni. He's a good listener, but this can almost make him seem emotionally reserved - but that's not the case. He laughs and grins, and things such as that. He just keeps his softer emotions to himself, and doesn't like showing weakness to others. When situations get dark or serious, he's usually the one to adapt quickly, working to control the situation - or, if he cannot, or if more able people are doing it - he'll take care of himself.

Bio: James was eventually born in Chicago, to a middle-class family in the suburban area. His father was an Airman in the military, and was thusly hardly home, and his mother was a hard-working woman that slaved as a full-time maid, to both her home and her job at the Chicago Town Cafe. He went to school at Chicago High, and had average to above average grades - the standard GPA for smart dudes. He played all kinds of sports, such as rugby, football, and even soccer for a time, until he graduated high-school at the age of 17, with a few scholarships in a few colleges and universities. It was around this time that he moved to Philadelphia, establishing a job as a Starbucks employee, and officially getting into Philadelphia University.

He had plans of serving in the military, the goal inspired by his father's service. The man was honest, and James had learned more about him after he was honorably discharged due to a leg injury. Life was looking up, as the years moved by. In his freshman year of University, he met a guy that would eventually become a close friend, Miller Anderson. He did good in University, quickly rising up in the ranks as a Marine ROTC cadet, whilst playing football whenever he wasn't too busy. On breaks and weekends, he either hanged out with his friends, or headed out to the gym or shooting range. His future was set in stone, he was getting good grades, had good friends...and then the talk of the virus became more pronounced. He eventually thought nothing of it, although he became more cautious around others, and made sure to stay clear of any sickness or rumors of disease. Unknown to him, things would become a lot more heated in the coming days.

Job Before The Outbreak: University student, ROTC cadet, and part-time Starbucks employee. He had joined the Reserves for the Marines a few months ago, as the 'pre' conditioning for his future career, and had plans of entering the active Marine duty itself once he finished his senior year in University. But, you know, this shit happens.

Disability/Fear: He has a personal fear of his close friends and families dying, and it tends to hit him more emotionally. Due to this, he tends to do dangerous things, if it means saving his family or close friends.

Weapon of Choice: He has a gun license, and legally owns a Glock 21. It's usually in his night-stand, beside his bed, and he has an ammo box in the top of his closet. Other than this, his dorm has multiple kitchen knives and blunt objects, if those counts as weapons?

Supplies: A multi-tool, because stuff tends to break in modern days. He also has his wallet, with a few hundred dollar bills inside, and a picture of his mom and dad. I'm a bit confused. If this is starting during times of peace, where there's no panic, looting, all that stuff, why would we keep supplies on us?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 5 mos ago


Josephine “Joseph” Smith



Joseph Smith – father
†Carrie Smith – mother (deceased)
Anna-Michael Smith – cousin
Timothy Smith – uncle
Mary Smith – aunt

Joseph, having been raised by a rough parent, was quite rough herself and not all that pleasant to be around. She is sarcastic and blunt, cutting people down to the bone sometimes, which is why she prefers the company of thick-skinned individuals. When she is blunt and sarcastic, she is usually vulgar, spewing out obscenities here, there, everywhere, and obviously not caring about how people feel about it. She's been told once that such words were not ladylike - she spat on his face and told him to shove his gender roles straight up his ass. Joseph hates gender roles and insists that, despite her actions being associated with men usually, she is still a woman - just a masculine one. She hates being affectionate and doesn't like her space being intruded upon, often times punching someone in the face to get them away. She is stubborn and opinionated, sometimes forcing her liberal opinions on others even though she despises when people force their opinions on her - often times, she is frustrated when people don't see things the way she does. But she has her good points too - she is brave and loyal, willing to go to death and back for people she claims her allies. She is confident in her body and personality and is hardworking, often times working her fingers to the bones, and clever. When associating with people, she comes off as indifferent and cold, though she doesn't mean to, she just finds it difficult to express her feelings.

Joseph was born in Tulwa, Alabama to a family that lived on the outskirts, surrounded by the woods. When Joseph was around three years old, her mother developed cancer and, unfortunately, died, leaving Joseph in the care of her father. Her father was a man with a rough personality, and many would say he was a redneck. Often times, he would chew tobacco while watching TV or leave early in the morning to go hunting, leaving Joseph in the care of her aunt. When Joseph reached the age of nine, Joseph Sr. started bringing Joseph with him to hunting and allow her to watch TV with him, though he preferred to do alone because he hated when people talked. As such, Joseph grew up on hunting, knowing how to handle a gun by the age of ten, and deer for dinner, or whatever else they caught that day. When Joseph was twelve, she showed an interest in bow hunting, and so her father bought her a bow and spent an hour a day giving her tips before he went inside, leaving Joseph to practicing until dinner time. It soon became Joseph’s favorite way of hunting. Around the age of thirteen, Joseph Sr. had bought an American Foxhound puppy for Joseph which she trained to help her deer hunt and became her best friend. During high school, Joseph did well in the academics, but often times would skip to hunt or fish with her dad, leading to many suspensions and a near-expulsion. When she graduated high school, Joseph didn’t know what to do with her life and so she pretended as if she didn’t need to do anything, filling her time with hunting and fishing while living with her dad.

Job Before The Outbreak:
Waitress at a local diner called Kicknee’s ; hunter

Insomnia, Joseph has trouble sleeping and is subjected to sometimes passing out from exhaustion or lacking energy

Weapon of Choice:
Bear Crux bow with around thirty arrows

Lighter, a couple of protein bars, and a water bottle


(Joseph's American Foxhound)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

May I have multiple characters?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@TheIrishJJYep you can. :)

@Apokalipse@Dirty Dan@Inertia All are accepted :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Father :
Name: James Holtz

Age: 39


James is a slender man, who stands at around six foot. He likes to wear smart clothing, and is always wearing a kippah.

Gender: Male

Alice Holtz - Wife (deceased)
Thomas Holtz - Son
Possible grandchild

Personality: Thomas is a moderatley devout Modern Orthodox Jew. He is a generally optomistix person, but his mood can become angry at the drop of a hat. He is eady to get along with, and is passionate about his job as a doctor.

Bio: James was raised in Michigan in a Jewish family with many brothers and sisters. He always wanted to be a doctor, and when he finished high school he went to university to get qualified faster. Whilst there, he met a Jewish girl, and they fell in love. Whilst they were still in university, they got married and had a child, Thomas. They aimed to raise him a correct Jewish way. Thomas decided to stay with his wife and child in the UK, and became a dual American-Bitish citizen, like his child. Unfortunately, when Thomas was ten, Alice died, and Thomas began to be rebellious. This became worse when James was told that his child had made a girl pregnant. This angered his so much that he decided to move back to America, taking up a job in Philadelphia. They have lived there for the past four years.

Job Before The Outbreak: Doctor at a local hospital.

Disability/Fear: Bad eyesight, requires glasses for everything.

Weapon of Choice: James is not traied in any fighting, but when he was a teenager he got into fights with his brothers, meaning thay he is slightly good at hand to hand combat.

Supplies: James carries a wallet that has a couple of bank cards, roughly one hundred dollars, and a picture of his late wife, Alice. He also has his phone.

Name: Thomas Holtz

Age: 18


Thomas is around five foot eleven, and has a slim build, with a bit of muscle. He has a young appearance, and will mostly dress casually. He always wears a kippah.

Gender: Male

James Holtz - Father
Alice Holtz - Mother (deceased)
Possible child

Personality: Thomas is shy, but also has a rebellious side. He will rarely refrain from swearing at his father, and has also gotten into many fights with people. He does, however, respect his religion and keeps to it as much as possible.

Bio: Thomas was born to two Jewish parents whilst they were in university in the UK, causing him to speak with a British accent. His father was studying medicine and his mother was studying journalism. When he was born they made sure that they raised him in a Jewish way. When Thomas was ten years old, his mother died in a car accident. After this, he began showing some rebellious behaviour. Two months ago, he had sex with a girl, and it resulted in him getting her pregnant. When he told his father, he decided to move them back to the US, and got a job at a hospital in Philadelphia. They were in the US within a week. Three years ago, Thomas began to develop schizophrenia, and is now on medication for it. He has had no contact with the mother of his child since he moved, but gave her his new address.

Job Before The Outbreak: Student in his last year of school.

Disability/Fear: Schizophrenia

Weapon of Choice: Thomas has been in more than a few fights, and goes to the gym every once in a while. He is alright at fighting with his hands and feet.

Supplies: Thomas carries around his schizophrenia medication and a wallet that contains roughly fifty dollars, a picture of his mother, and a picture of him and his friends from thr UK. He also has his house keys, and a set of keys to his father's car. He also has his phone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@TheIrishJJ Accepted. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by innertt
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Aww man, I won't be able to make my CS till a little later today! Don't close without meeee!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Komo
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Komo Chill vibes MKII

Member Seen 10 days ago

Laura Miller



Her father and mother names are Nathan and Lily respectively. She also has an older brother by the name of Jack who works overseas for a large multinational corporation.

Laura has a cheerful and bubbly disposition that usually brightens up the people she meets. She is hardworking and honest and always completes whatever she sets out to accomplish. Down-to-earth yet mischievous, she loves teasing people she knows. Her jokes are otherwise harmless, meant more for the fun factor than anything else. She is always seen as the joker of the group, even when nobody finds her jokes funny. A trustworthy and loyal friend, she is one to confide in and a good listener. She is prone to being over-emotional at times and that can lead to impairment of judgement when making certain decisions. A character who appreciates and understand the value of having fun, she can always be seen having fun whenever she can, making the most of what she has in her current circumstances.

Born in Sydney, Australia, Laura lived there until she was ten before the family immigrated to the United States when her father got a job posting there. The entire family then relocated to the bustling city of Philadelphia. They were a medium-wealth family, and enjoyed the luxuries a family such as one could afford. They neither had too much nor too little. The Miller's family life was simple enough yet satisfactory. As Laura grew up, she got involved into sports and began to learning to play and ejoy baseball. Another popular subject she knew and came to enjoy was guns. Her father, a gun aficionado came to teach his only daughter how to handle and manage several types of guns ranging from pistols to rifles, much to her mother's disapproval. She taught it was very unladylike of her to be around guns all day.

Another thing to add to the unladylike list was her fond for anything mechanical. She loved repairing items and could be seen either helping out her father has he repaired the broken down household appliances among others. Her brother shared her interest in guns, and the father and his two children would often go off hunting and camping or into the shooting ranges with their guns. When Jack graduated from University, he got a lucrative job offer from an overseas based multinational corporation, and so he left the states for his new career. Laura was left home alone with her parents as she eventually graduated from school. After graduating from school, she went on to work as a mechanic in an automobile shop.

Job Before the Outbreak:
Car Mechanic

Laura has a fear of heights, and tend to often get vertigo when she gets up to high places or heights. She also tends to have a fear of the sea, and would avoid it whenever she can.

Weapon of choice:
Being the gun nut she is, she has a gun license and Sig Sauer P226 pistol. She also has a machete that she carries around with for close encounters. She used to carry it around when she went hunting with her father and brother.

A backpack containing a water canteen, some preserved cans of food, a torchlight, her wallet, her phone, two set of spare underwear, her journal, and few ballpoint pens to write with. These were the usual stuff she carried with her when she went hunting and camping in the past.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Around when do you think the IC will start?*

*no rush c:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Nallore Thanks!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So, is this starting before the zombies destroyed America? Sorry, I'm a bit confused, Nallore.

For instance, are we supposed to keep supplies on us as we go through our daily life, or...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cosmos
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll have a CS up later too! (:
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@Dirty DanThe RP is going to be starting a day before outbreaks start to happen across the US, so you guys can have sometime have your characters do whatever they want or even bump into one another briefly. I'm thinking after everyone makes at least 3 posts or more then i'll have zombies starting to nom on people. Most zombie RPs that I have seen always seem to have them start sometime after the apocalypse happens so I wanted to go different and have it at the start.

Also to everyone I lowered down the age to six in the CS's but just so you know if you choose someone to play that young then they would be in the most danger and wouldn't know how to defend themselves. So no gun carrying toddlers lol atleast not yet, kind of go as Carol from the Walking Dead at the start hes just a kid and now hes a badass. I also made an optional edition to the CS just something fun no need to add it unless you wish to.

@Apokalipse I'll have it start sometime this evening as long as I don't end up crashing that is.

@innertt Take your time no rush at all. :) I'll be working on mine this afternoon.

@Cosmos Good to have you aboard, take your time with the CS. :)

@Symphoni Accepted. :)

Feel free to ask any and all questions you would wish to ask and i'll answer them to the best of my abilities. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Theme song huh,
probably This
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Dirty DanThe RP is going to be starting a day before outbreaks start to happen across the US, so you guys can have sometime have your characters do whatever they want or even bump into one another briefly. I'm thinking after everyone makes at least 3 posts or more then i'll have zombies starting to nom on people. Most zombie RPs that I have seen always seem to have them start sometime after the apocalypse happens so I wanted to go different and have it at the start.

Also to everyone I lowered down the age to six in the CS's but just so you know if you choose someone to play that young then they would be in the most danger and wouldn't know how to defend themselves. So no gun carrying toddlers lol atleast not yet, kind of go as Carol from the Walking Dead at the start hes just a kid and now hes a badass. I also made an optional edition to the CS just something fun no need to add it unless you wish to.

@Apokalipse I'll have it start sometime this evening as long as I don't end up crashing that is.

@innertt Take your time no rush at all. :) I'll be working on mine this afternoon.

@Cosmos Good to have you aboard, take your time with the CS. :)

@Symphoni Accepted. :)

Feel free to ask any and all questions you would wish to ask and i'll answer them to the best of my abilities. :)

Alrighty. Is it fine if I write his essential food/water supplies in the IC, once the actual zombies bust out? He'll probably put everything in his University backpack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@Dirty Dan Yep that's fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by innertt
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Admittedly, Melissa isn't the best character I've made... but I thought she might sound fun, lol. Anyways, let me know how these look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cosmos
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Alexandra “Alex” Metcalfe



Kieron Foster – Father
Willow Metcalfe – Mother
Jordan Metcalfe - Brother

Alexandra is quietly forceful, original, and sensitive. Tending to stick to things until they are done. Extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable. She has well-developed powers of concentration. Alex is extremely intuitive about people, and concerned for their feelings. Well-developed value systems which she strictly adheres to. Well-respected for her perseverance in doing the right thing. Very individualistic, rather than leading or following. However, she doesn't get along touchy people, hating her space being intruded upon. She is rather confident but not cocky and is hardworking, usually accomplishing any task she sets her mind upon.

Alexandra was born and raised in Manhattan, New York along side her brother Jordan with their mother and father. Their father worked as a lawyer and was the most hardworking man Alex had ever met before. Her mother however was a housewife, she looked after the children whilst her father always seemed to be out working. During childhood, Alexandra nor Jordan ever saw their father a lot of the time and this often caused a lot of arguments between their parents. When Alex reached the age of twelve, she had noticed her parents were arguing a lot more than usual. Her brother still very little, she was alone and often hid away from her arguing parents. Due to her small frame she often hid in wardrobes or cupboards. Her parents not long after divorced, her father leaving them alone with their unemployed mother. The idea of moving away then came into play and the family of three packed their bags and moved away to Philadelphia. With Alex's father having not left the family any money, they began to struggle a lot early on. They lived in a one bedroom apartment with her mother sleeping on the sofa. She picked up a job to try and support Alex and Jordan but with her not having worked a lot, she began to get overly stressed and turned to alcohol. Alexandra, reaching her teens, often had to pick up the pieces of her mother and took up an early job to help provide for her family. She developed a anxiety disorder and often couldn't leave her mother or brother's side without getting a panic attack. Alex then went on providing for her family and juggling with school at the same time until it all got too much and she sent her mother away to get medical help. Leaving Alex to provide only for her and her brother. Their mother after coming out of rehab has moved back in with them and they have not been in contact with their father since he left.

Job Before The Outbreak:
Barwoman at a local bar.

Anxiety Disorder, often has panic attacks. Also, afraid of the dark and is very jittery.

Weapon of Choice:

A backpack containing a lighter, five cigarettes, wallet, keys, water bottle and a picture of her and her brother.
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