@Symphoni@Mateotis With all the psychos around, it looks like the people who may not actually be insane (well, at least not completely) should watch each other's backs. ^^"
@Kingfisher I really like the idea. Great choice of actor/photo model, too.
I totally agree! Your character is pretty cool. I used yours as a guide while making mine :)
@CandiBarr Get me a CS and we'll go over it, but I'm sure you'll do just fine here. I'm not the elitist I try to pretend I am. If you'd like, rather than just roleplaying, I'd be willing to go over your posts with you and provide you the tips and tricks that I use (Privately, over PM.), and we can even collab if you'd like.
PM me if you'd like me to mentor you, otherwise, you seem capable enough. I look forward to your CS.
Winner post. I know you extended that offer to Candi, but I would like it as well if that is possible. I'm always looking to get better at roleplaying and writing.
With that said, I'm definitely interested in joining. I'll get a CS up soon.
Hey! This looks really immensely intriguing and interesting. I would love to join! My character's bio is below.
Laura Thorne
Criminal Nickname: Incendia, Firebug, Torch Preferred name: Laura
Year Born: 2075 Age when incarcerated: 24, Placed in Cryostasis on February 24th, 2097
Physical Attributes:
Standing at 165cm(5'4")and weighing around 68kg(150lbs), the subject is known to be of a sporty, athletic build. She sports a shade of honey blonde hair and a pair of mesmerising sky blue eyes. Earrings are not usually seen on the subject. She also possesses a burn scar on the side of her right calf.
Crimes Committed:
- 20 counts of Arson/Destruction of Property - 4 counts of Second-Degree Murder - Key role in Illegal Demonstrations - Assaulting a Police Officer - Resisting Arrest
Life Imprisonment in Apox Space-Penitentiary
Warm and expressive, the subject has tried to initiate conversations not pertaining to the interviews that she was undergoing. Despite repeated attempts to remind her to get back onto track, her stubborn and lack of regard for authority continued to defy, resulting in the dozens of fruitless sessions that attempted to pry further information out of her. A real spitfire, subject is known to have a fiery temper that is in the best interests of everyone to not provoke. Despite her lack of regard for authority, she does not seem to lack social skills and is found to be rather intelligent and analytical when it comes to solving problems. The subject often lets her emotions get the better of her which can often lead to disastrous consequences. Subject is also known to possess an extensive knowledge of expletives and various assorted vulgarities.
Brief History:
Based on the records retrieved from the database, the subject has been problematic since her childhood. The young girl then was found outside of her burning home by a frantic neighbour who later claimed that the subject had told him that she had purposely set the home on fire because 'big fires were pretty.' The girl was sent to an reformative institution, where she would spend the rest of her childhood. A period of time passed and all was well and quiet, and she was soon certified ready to leave the institution. During the later part of the subject's teenage years, her mischievous resurfaced where she caused anarchy and chaos.
Causing the UN government billions of dollars worth from the destruction of goods & property, the subject continued her arsonist streak, leaving soot-covered structures and blackened damaged goods in her wake. Known to have an intense obsession with fire and burning things. Subject has a high possibility of suffering from pyromania. Convicted of multiple counts of second-degree murders as a result of her arson. She has also participated in key roles in several illegal demonstrations, most of which turned violent, the girl is in no way safe for the good of society, as it is in my best recommendation that she be locked up forever for the good of society.
The team were in the small little blue building that had been designated as the base for Squad One. They were going over ideas and strategies in trying to overcome as well as prevent a similar fiasco, like what happened in the previous game. Ideas after ideas were thrown into the mix, but none of them were any good. It was then that Rei spoke up with a plan in mind. Her plan was to use their flag, the leader from Squad Twenty. She wanted to use the girl as a shield or even interrogate her for information.
Now, that wouldn't work. It was just unnecessary violence without any guarantees of achieving anything at all. Shooting her wouldn't help anything as well either. Their goal was to prevent the enemy team from retrieving their flag, not killing or torturing the girl. However, she glad to see that she wasn't the only one to see that. Alex had spoken up as well, indicating his disagreement of the his fellow team member's plan.
He then came up with a plan of his own. Tying up her up and carrying her with her as they went mobile, abandoning the base altogether. That plan could work, if they were planning to stay mobile. Listening to both of her team mates ideas so far, she had combined elements from both of their plans to formulate a plan of her own. But this was more of a stationary strategy. Laura then spoke up about her plan.
"Ok, so flags are managed to stay high up so people can see right? I say that we blindfold and gag her so she wouldn't be able to say a word and tie her up in the tree there, where all can see. We will then spread ourselves around the perimeter of the flag. Then, when Squad twenty comes around looking for her, we can then use our guns with those awfully painful rubber bullets to shoot them in an effort to make them surrender."
Waving her hands around before slamming a fist on the table, she continued "There are only two problems to this plan. We need to find a way to get up up there, and a way to communicate between ourselves while we are scattered." Looking around to her fellow team members, she said "Anyone else with a better idea, please feel free to voice out."
Vulture stands at one hundred and seventy centimetres and weighs around sixty-five kilograms. Her skin is fair and unblemished. While she may not be heavily-muscled nor possess a huge amount of strength, her physique is slender and athletic, her muscles well-toned from the amount of physical acitivity she had done out in the zone. Her hair is honey blonde and extends just beyond her shoulders. Her eyes are a shade of blue that reminded one of the depths of the ocean. She wears an aviator googles on her head on top of a leather bandada. Her inner wear is rather unorthodox, and is stictched together and assembled from different types of clothing. She has also crafted herself a shoulder pad with the use of leather and other similar materials. Her outer wear is just a rugged brown leather jacket. On her hands are a pair of brown leather gloves, equally rugged and worn with use. She completes her outfit with a pair of brown leather boots.
Spoken Languages: English (Fluent), Norwegian (Functioning), Russian (Basic)
Faction: Loner. Has some friendly ties to Freedom.
Reputation: Vulture used to be apart of the Sentinels, but was kicked out of the Sentinels after a rather heated disagreement with the leader of the Sentinels. She was cast out of the group, and left to fend for herself. Practically a loner since them, she has been wandering around the zone, looking out interesting things to scavenge while moving from place to place in the bid for survival. She is generally regarded as trustworthy and a loyal person. But her loyalty does not come easy. A helpful person by nature, she does often help out other stalkers whenever the need arises. She tends to hunt for bandits, a habit gained during her time as part of the Sentinels. She has known to give out her limited supplies to those that desperately need them, which can could be considered a weakness of hers. She mixes around with Freedom once in a while, and maintains good relationship with the majority of the faction.
Weapons: G36C with red dot sight optic - 5.56x45mm rounds (150 shots) SIG Sauer P226 - 9x19mm rounds (120 shots) Kukri
Backpack: 4 bottles of water 2 energy drinks 1 bottle of vodka 3 cans of food 6 energy bars 2 medkits 5 bandages 1 morphine auto-injector 1 small gun cleaning/repair kit 1 sleeping bag
On person: PDA Notebook with pencils and pens Torch Gask Mask Geiger Counter 12,000 RU
Stashes: Old Cordon: 4,000 RU , Beretta 92 Pistol, 9x19mm (80 rounds), AK-74 , 5.45x39mm (60 rounds), 6 cans of bottle, 3 bottles of water and a spare gas mask and a spare set of clothes.
Observant - A keen eye for detail, Vulture can usually spot details that most people would miss or would glance over. This has helped her many times in her hunt for bandits.
Fast Reflexes - Known to have really quick reflexes and aided by her agility, she is a versatile combatant, and go from running to shooting in hardly anytime at all.
Marksman - Blessed with an uncanny accuracy with guns, she hits whatever she aims to get, making sure that each bullet counts.
Close Quarters Prowess - Equally adept in fighting in close quarters, be it with her arms and legs or with her kukri, if her opponents think that she would be harmless without her guns, they would be in for a nasty and possibly fatal surprise.
Mutant Unfriendly - Vulture is more than capable of handling the simpler and more common mutants, but when the rarer and more dangerous species is concerned, she has no experience dealing with them whatsoever.
Emotional- Prone to being emotional, Vulture can get too emotional at times, clouding her judgement and affecting her decision making capability. She can also get too kind-hearted which can put her in some awkward situations.
Lonely - Although a loner, she is not one by choice, and is always on the lookout for company she bond and gel with. Not an easy task in a place and time like this. Until then, she will continue to remain lonely.