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In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I just pooostedd!!
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

After splitting up from Korrie, Emilie had gone on to involve herself in the party as a whole. Snacks were had among other varieties of food. She had stuffed herself with potato chips, corn ships, hot dogs and other assorted finger food. As a fond lover of food, she was incredibly lucky to eat as much as she wanted without worrying about putting on weight. The wonders of a fast metabolism rate. The drinks came next. Non-alcoholic followed by the alcoholics. When the games started, Emilie got herself involved into Beer Pong or Bear Pong as it would come to be known. Aspen had even got out several bear suits for the participants to wear!

Getting into one of those bear suits and playing Bear Pong was not what she would call an enriching experience but it was certainly fun, as the rest of them cheered her on, the girl in a bear suit throwing balls into cups. When that game was over, she got herself involved in the next game, one called Sardines. That only lasted a while and she was left in the closet with a bunch of strangers.

In such close proximity, there was alot of giggling and laughing to be had, among sniggers and snorts. For a moment there, Emilie thought she heard the sound of people making out, but she couldn't exactly make out anything in the darkness, it was all just sounds, which made it all the more exciting. When that was over, Acacia started the next game, Never Have I Ever. She sat down beside Aspen and Hal had taken up the other seat next to her. He had been the one to kick the game off, making a dig at Connor in the process. Something about biddie. Oh this was gonna be good, she thought to herself, watching the two guys have a go at each other.

Next up was Nathan, and his was about drugs. Claps and fingers had fallen, but hers still stayed intact, not having done any that was mentioned yet. Connor went next, and as the only child in her family, she retained her spotless score in the game. Then it was time for Marie. Hers was about stealing. Drats! There went her spotless score. A quick clap later, a finger of hers was down. She had stolen a couple of stationery once when she was young. It was more of a mischievous act than anything else. Emilie was next up, and she had plans to down more fingers. She said proudly, knowing that this would down many more fingers in the group. "Never have I ever kissed anyone outside my family!"
In CLOSED 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Look at that, Fresh meat!

Welcome to our lovely RP
Good to see that people are still alive.

I'm still trying to see how I can integrate my character into the story. It's so difficult when the story is far on its way already.


Sorry I haven't got my CS up and running yet, I've got so many things to do lately!
I try my best to get it done soon.
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Still trying to find a role. Ahhhh.. I can't decide on which one to pick... D:
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

I like how it is with Connor and that tension of his :P
Smashing I believe, its called.
So I took a look at this and now I'm more lost than I am before.


Both of your RP's are great. I always love to see what you two come up with.

I'm considering joining because I know that it'll be a good RP with you at the helm, but I know nothing much about the film industry, so I'm kinda drawing a blank when trying to figure out what character to play. :\
I finally posted my sheet.

Chiharu Sojo




The Lower Ring - In one of the many highrise slum apartments like these.


Standing at 5'6" and weighing around 120lbs, Chiharu's supple form is slim and athletic, yet posessing a decent amount of womanly curves. Agile and flexible from the countless times playing and navigating through the numerous crooks and alleys that made up most of the Lower Ring in her childhood, she is incredibly street-smart and savy with directions. Her chocolate-coloured hair complements her olive skin extremely well and it also does a great job of enhancing her soft and delicate-looking features.

Her oval-shaped face is adorned with a pair of hazel brown eyes, pink supple lips and a small nose. Her cheeks tend to get rosy for a period of time after a bout of physical activity. A pair of dimples can be found on the edges of her mouth she smiles, which is known to be rather charmingly disarming. Her usual choice of attire is a maroon brown crop top as well as a pair of shorts layered ontop of an ankle length skirt of the same colour. The outfit seems to follow after an age-old fashion that the Fire nation used to adopt once upon a time.

A Potter. A Pot and Vase Maker. Former thief.


A spunky and headstrong individual, while Chiharu's appearance might make her seem soft and delicate, she is anything but that. Bold and daring, the intelligent young woman is adventurous and inquisitive. Her curious nature has led her to many a discovery over the years. An opportunist, one of the many traits gained from living in the slums of the Lower Ring, she will not hesitate to better the life of herself and her loved ones. Prone to being highly cynical, her aptitude in being to sense incoming danger have saved her neck many a time.

Highly patient and perseverant, she is not one to make rash or impulsive decisions. A thief's mind. She may no longer be a thief anymore, but the mindset had stuck with her, influencing her daily life. Highly observant and a quick learner, she adapts and learns to new situations rather quickly. Highly passionate for her beliefs and what she may be interested in, once she sets her mind on something, she will try her utmost to ensure that she gets what she wants, in whichever way possible.

Stance on Benders:

Pro-Bender. She is highly supportive of benders and the bending-arts in general. As bending is outlawed, she does not really let her opinion be known to anyone. She tries to get any information or documents on them, but there are hardly any to be found anymore due to entire subject being contrabrand.


Chiharu couldn't remember much of her early childhood. All she knew was that she had lived on the streets on the slums on the Lower Ring, for as long as she could remember. She found whatever shelter she could at night and wandered the streets with other street urchins in the day. She stole whatever she could, and she got better with every attempt, ensuring that she was never once caught. Either they too slow to realise it or too slow to catch up. Her meals were taken at a soup kitchen set up by a tall thin man.

She was a regular at that place as the food was free and really tasty. Her life took a turning point when she was caught red-handed one day trying to steal the wallet of a bearded middle-aged man. He gripped her hand so tightly that she gave a cry of pain. Everyone around could see that the man was about to drag her to the authorities to hand her over, but he must have seen something else in her as he dragged her to his home instead of to the guards. Struggling was no use, as she could never hoped to match his strength. But all notions of trying to escape left her when they reached his home.

Chiharu saw pots everywhere. Pots and Vases. Countless of them littered the house, displayed in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The young street urchin had never seen something like that before and was completely bewitched by the sight. The man, noticing the expression on her face, said "Like them? I made them myself. All of them." If her jaw couldn't drop any lower, it would. She simply stood there, mouth gaping as she shifted her stares from the man to the vast number of pots and vases.

There were tall and thin ones, fat and stout ones, and some had designs so artiscally abstract that they must belong to to the middle and upper tiers of the city. Then it dawned onto her. She wanted to learn how to do this. She needed to. Luckily for her, the man had a similar thought in his mind. He wanted to train her as his apprentice. He was getting old and he had no children for he was unmarried and no one else to pass his craft and trade to. He felt it too much of a waste to just let it go like that.

So Chiharu abandoned her old life as a street urchin behind, and stayed with the man who she came to know as Hiro. Growing up under his tutelage, she began as his apprentice, but gradually began more than that. She felt more like a daughter to him, and a father to her. As she began getting better and better at her craft several years down the road, their combined efforts increased the reputation of Hiro's pottery as his fame grew.

Soon enough, they were no longer making pots and vases for the Lower Ring. Orders were coming in from the Middle Ring as well. Hiro was getting too old to make the journey, so Chiharu, who had blossomed into a lovely young lady had to personally deliver the products to the customers who had placed the purchase orders for the goods. To say that the old man was proud of her was a severe understatement.

Acrobatics/Climbing to tall places
Hot delicious food
Exploring/Discovering new things
The thrill of escaping from pursuers
Making new friends (especially boys)

Snobby people
Hate against bending
Going hungry
Freedom being taken away


Being caught by guards/police
Being left all alone
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