Avatar of Komo
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    1. Komo 4 yrs ago
    2. ████████ 10 yrs ago
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While waiting for Jackson to arrive, she'd turned on the TV to check and see what was on. It just happened to be on the news channel, and there was a documentary on what live was like in North Korea which caught her attention, as like many others, she had always wandered what life was really like in the Northern party of Korea. All of a sudden, a line of flashing words appeared on the screen followed by a robotic narration. "We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special report from Channel 5 News."

The flashing lights was then replaced by a scene of a rather familiar-looking home where a deadly shooting had occurred. As more footage of the home was revealed, Ruby realised why she found the house so familiar. It was a five minute walk from her home, and she usually passed by it on the way home each day. Two dead and two wounded. She wondered what had happened. They were in a relatively safe and peaceful neighbourhood that tended towards more of the upper middle to higher wealth class, and so crimes of these sort were definitely not common.

As soon as the news report ended, it was replaced with the same flashing words and robotic narration.

"We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming."

Her phone went off with a ping and she unlocked it to find a twitter notification from one of her followers. It showed the video of the shooting, and had everything the news report on the TV didn't, which was just about everything. The news only had the aftermath, while this was captured live, with the action and all that. It showed two officers fighting with a couple, and how despite all the beating that was done, the fighting did not stop. It was only after the couple was shot in the head, that all the fighting ended with the man and woman dead on the ground.

Checking Twitter, Ruby realised that she wasn't the only one who received the video, and it was not going viral, but it was trending on Twitter right now, gaining more retweets and comments by the minute. The sudden ring of the doorbell gave her a shock, still startled by the violence of the incident that had she'd just seen. Placing a hand over her heart to calm herself, she got up to check who was it at the door. Seeing Jackson's scruffy mug on the screen, she buzzed him open and opened the door for him.

"Jackson! Have you seen the video?!"

"Seen which video? I've been on my bike, not really a good time to be watching any video. Took me to get her longer than it should. Accident a couple of streets away, seems like something big happened."

"That's what I'm referring to! The video of that shooting! It's going viral on Twitter right now!"

Parking his bike. Jackson took out his phone and found the video on Twitter. It was virtually impossible to not find it at this point. It was simply everywhere! Ruby stared at him as he watched the video, wanting to see his reaction towards the shooting. He was just as mortified as she was. "I've never see anyone received such a beating and still continued on fighting like nothing happened. What's going on with our world?"

"Anyway, leave that aside. All the cycling made me really hungry. Let's go up and eat and get ready the stream!"

"Yeah, sure. It's all ready. Stream preparation's ready, although I might need to heat up the food first."
Hey there :)

I noticed you're full, but just thought I'd check anyway.
I notice some god/goddesses only have one child played? (Looking at Hekate)
Is the other slot available?
You have my like from the beginning. Nothing else needs to be said. :D
I'm interested as well, if you would have me.
Do we post our characters here or?
I have interest in this.

Britta felt herself getting pulled up, and jerked her head towards the offending source only to get an eyeful of rugged snarling sergeant. Turning into another direction only earned her another death glare from none other than Lieutenant Middleton himself. If glares could kill, this one could definitely have killed her before any enemy bullets did up above the trench. She forced herself up proper and got ready her weapon, cradling the barrel of her machine gun as she lined up with the others and got ready for the inevitable to happen. Thankfully, she wouldn't be among the first to charge, that would fall upon the ranks of the shock troopers and the rank and file riflemen. As she gazed towards Jean, she thought that she'd seen him glancing towards her way, but their eyes didn't meet as his were turned away by the time hers landed upon him.

Britta wondered how the poem-loving lance corporal would do in the upcoming battle. How would fate deal with him? Would he be dealt a severe blow and die the moment he rushed up top? Or would he live towards the end as he brought the rest of the platoon to victory? These thoughts were not going to be answered anytime soon and by no one in particular. She simply had to wait and see. If she even had the luxury to afford to do so. Perhaps she may even not have the chance to do so. She tried to keep her spirits up thinking of how many Imperials soldiers she could kill later on. While the other soldiers began to fix the bayonets to their rifles, Britta tried her best to remain as stoic as ever, giving her best attempt to keep the fear away from her face. Despite that, her heart was thumping rather loudly in her chest.

She reckoned that it was a mixture of anxiety, fear and trepidation that made it ever so loud, like beating drums echoing in her ears. Machine guns weren't calibrated to be fixed with bayonets like all other heavy weapons and her best bet was to keep her distance as far away from the enemy as possible, hopefully mowing down enough so that they didn't have the chance to get close. If that happened, all she had was her trench knife. Hell, why didn't they even had a sidearm, a pistol? Britta unsheathed her knife, taking a quick look at its recently sharpened blade and sheathed it back once more. She hoped she didn't need to use it just yet. It was supposed to be a weapon of last resort.

To deter any of the soldiers from thinking of retreating, the Lieutenant had picked a young innocent looking girl (who looked way too young to even be on the battlefield) and gave her the orders to shoot anyone returning from the front lines that wasn't an officer. Such equality they had there. So officers were allow to retreat then? He probably officers like him were too valuable to kill if they were the retreating type. Britta stifled a snort just as it was emerging, turning it into a half-snort instead. Turning grim and serious again once more, she hoped that she would not find herself in a situation where the younger girl would have to shoot her. Their target was Hill 58, and that alone was quite a challenge to get there before they could even contest it. There was quite a bit of open land where swaths of gunfire would be ready to mow them down, and even as inexperienced as she was, Britta knew that plenty of them would die before the outcome of the Battle of Hill 58 would be decided.

The moment finally arrived as Britta heard the loud squeal of the officer's whistle. Shouts and yells filled the air as the men and women began climbing up the trenches as they charged into the battlefield. It wouldn't take very long at all before the first casualties of the battle began racking up. Some didn't even had a chance to take more than a foot onto the war-torn land, struck by the wave of bullets that flew through the air. Eventually it came to her turn to go up the ladder, and with her heart still thumping ever so loudly, she hefted her weapon and charged into war.

The group's hearty conversation was interrupted by none other than Lieutenant Loud-voice aka Middleton. He announced ever so loudly in that voice she knew he loved to hear so much that the advancement had been moved way up, and they would all be leaving in fifteen minutes. He even threw in court martial in there as well, because what use is a loud order if there isn't any harsh punishment to go along with it?

A short while later, their time was up and Britta headed together with the rest of her squad and company as they all made their way to the front lines. All of them moved slowly through the rear lines before emerging into the entrance of the communication trenches. The boom of arranged artillery fire that used to sound so distant before was now a whole lot closer than she'd like. If she thought that the trenches in the back were bad, nothing could prepare her for the unworldly stench that hit her when she step foot into the trenches that marked the front lines.

The stench of the dead bodies of the fallen soldiers and the dying was near indescribable. The closest thing she had ever smelt that could even compare to such a thing was way back at home on the farm, when she'd come across a dead cow with its carcass rotting ripely open in the sun, already savaged by predators and carrion. That had been the worst thing she'd ever smelt in her life. And now this wasn't even close. If anything, it was like a hundred dead cow carcasses, or perhaps maybe even thousands, if she had to use anything to describe the smell.

The artillery fire soon stopped, and silence fell over the trenches like a blanket. It seemed to be to quiet now, her ears having got used to sound of gun and cannon fire. The ghastly faces of the soldiers who had been here before them was a sight to behold. Most of them were stoic, and had no expression regarding their reinforcements. You would think that they would be happy, and maybe they actually were, and being at the front lines too long had a way of taking away the power of your emotions from you. Britta didn't know what else to do.

She gathered herself and moved towards Jean, Isaac, Paloma and the others and simply found a place she could sit while she waited. The lull of the battle where you didn't know what to do was often the worst. She had no choice but to depend on Jean and Isaac and the rest of the squad if they were all going to make it out of here. Preferably alive. But war always has a nasty way of twisting things.
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