• Last Seen: MIA
  • Old Guild Username: Kostvel
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 94 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Kostvel 11 yrs ago


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Dhalgren listened to her, nodding at her words. He himself was in the same situation, so it wasn't too hard to believe what she said. At her mention of finding a inn, he tapped his chin with a finger curiously. He wasn't sure why she would have trouble finding an inn, since they were most likely all open for business due to the festival. He decided to help her anyways, since he wouldn't mind getting a fresh tankard of ale to wash away the taste of the road from his mouth. As he was about to speak up in reply, when he was suddenly confronted by the visage of someone skipping between them to interject with something about what inn the two should go to or something of the like.

“Wait, curry spiced salmon? You can curry fish?” He asked, his brain a little slow on the uptake. Instead of being worried about who she was, he was instead stuck on what curried fish would taste like. Both curry spices and fish weren't an all that common food he had before, and never had he had them done up together. He wasn't sure if everyone in this place was super friendly and buoyant, but he did find it rather unusual. “I guess we have our answer.” he commented to the other young woman. He nodded at Yobi's introduction, simply commenting “Dhalgren.” in reply.
I'll post in bout 20 mins or so.
There we go.
Okay I will, I'll have it up soon then.
Well I could do it, but Dhalgren doesn't look all that local covered in dust and full of gear. If that's fine, I will.
Coated in the dust of the road, Dhalgren continued the easy energy conservative lope of a traveler used to spending a long time in his boots. Seeing the curl of rising smoke, he quickened his pace eager to rejoin civilization and rest his feet. Walking past the upthrust peaks of stone which border the town, Dhalgren's eyes first crossed the triumph of architecture which the local cathedral was. Pausing for a moment to take in the sight he was greeted by the warm voice of a local, who began to detail the story behind the structure. Patiently listening to the details of the local deities, and the tragic story behind the razing of the old chapel. While Dhalgren is slightly intrigued by this, he still has his own deity to really be all that interested. Touching the steel on his halberd in affirmation of such, he bids the man farewell, promising to enjoy the festival.

His goal at this point to find out more information about the the elusive Sandpoint Devil. He wasn't sure exactly how he was going to go about finding out more details, as to his eye many of the locals seemed wrapped up in the festivities. He wasn't sure how questions on a creature with such a dark and distasteful history would go down in an environment of cheerful celebration. For now he followed the crowd towards the center square, mindful of his halberd and any hands on his pack. The last thing he wanted was pickpockets stealing his gear, and he kept a careful watch on his person for such an occasion. He figured that he would see what the festival entailed, before retiring to a tavern for some drinks and information later.

As he made his way through the crowd, Dhalgren suddenly felt a tapping on his shoulder. Whirling around angrily fearing it was the trick of a pickpocket, he was instead confronted with the visage of a young woman. Relaxing at her words, he shook his head in reply to her query. “No, I'm sorry I'm not. Is there anything I can help you with though?” he asked. He assumed from her question she must have recently come to the town as well. “Are you here for the festival for the new Cathedral?” He added, that being the best guess as her reason to be here.
I'll probably either finish my post tomorrow, or have it mostly done.
1. Be fighter.
2. Hit things, protect foxy lady.
3. Profit.
I prefer set points during the campaign mostly.
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