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    1. Kostvel 11 yrs ago


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Maybe http://www.rptools.net/

Or you can try a google docs spreadsheet or something.
Character One

Name: Kyoht Makya,
Age: 23
Gender: Male

Appearance: Kyoht has an average stature of 5'9”, and his body is of a build typical of an archer. He has the broad chest and shoulders defining a man who has grown up shooting bows from a very young age. His hands bear the thick callouses displaying the fact that he's used to working with his hands, and pulling on a bowstring. Otherwise he bears no notable scars or disfigurements. His one distinctive feature is his pale golden eyes, which usually earns him the nickname “demon spawn” behind his back. His face is usually roughly shaven, and is framed with short locks of knife cut dark brown hair.

Personality: Upon first meeting Kyoht, the first attribute that come across is that he seems fairly shy. This is mostly caused by the fact that he generally doesn't prefer to talk or deal with others, and as such has a lack of general social skills usually associated with most. His second most notable trait being that he is incredibly lazy. While not so much that he refuses to do what needs to be done, he very rarely volunteers unless there are definite gains involved. This also lends to the fact that he is a follower rather than a leader, as he prefers to leave the work of making important decisions to others. He tends to follow rules and regulations, as he sees it as the easiest route to take in most situations. He has a logical mind which applies well to his archery, although he generally doesn't apply it to thinking outside the box.

Power: Kyoht's power is the ability to perceive and visualize air currents, which he calls Zephyr Aura.

This power allows him to not only visualize how air is affected by various things, but sense it as well. This means that any air movement is detectable, from the hot air rising from a flame, to great gusts of wind. While Kyoht can perceive this visually, he can sense this happening although it is to a much lesser extent and range. Currents that he could pick up visually, can easily be missed through sense alone. Visually he usually interprets the currents as a variety of light shifting colors, although this isn't necessarily how it always appears to sight. For visualization he has to apply a conscious effort to see air effects. Using pure sense generally extends to a radius of around thirty feet, while visualization can extend almost as far as he can see in perfect conditions.

Zephyr Aura can be used for a variety of things, with varying degrees of usefulness.

Sensing creatures: Kyoht can use it to track the breath of any living creature to withing good distance if used visually. He cannot pick up creatures without perception farther than around twenty-five feet of his person, or through obstacles. Small creatures such as squirrels or birds cannot be perceived by sense alone at any useful distance. This works on any creature that breathes, as he can pick up the disturbance in the air from breath. The more focus applied, the farther he can apply the ability, although doing so detracts from what he can do such as movement or thoughts. In a state fully focused similar to a meditating individual, he can sense things at either triple the range, or with much greater accuracy.

Reading Weather: This can be used to read weather patterns, as he can see the effects of pressure and heat upon air, especially large gusts or air movements. His predictions aren't a hundred percent accurate, as this relies on experience and knowledge of general weather patterns. Large gusts of wind or very hot temperatures affect the accuracy of reading as well.

Sensing moving objects: This is usually done by seeing or sensing the air currents behind the moving object. A small object of similar size to a marble cannot be detected through sense alone, and can only be picked up visually in very short range. Very fast objects are hard to sense as well, but can be picked up in around a ten foot radius, extending to around fifty visually.

Archery: While not directly affecting an arrow, it allows Kyoht to plan a shot path to avoid or be assisted by natural air currents about. This can result in better range and precision of shot. This does not work as well when shooting up or crosswind, although it can make a small difference.

One of the main disadvantage with the ability extend to the fact that visual perception does not go through walls or solid objects. While he can see any air currents that rise over or through an object, he cannot see ones behind a solid member. An example of this would be if a person was crouched behind a wall, with the power he might be able to see the rising air current of their heated breath, but not the person themselves. Non visual sense can extend through walls, but the range is greatly reduced and much more inaccurate. While he could sense the breath of a human being at thirty feet, he could only sense the same through a wall at a distance of four or five feet. Small air currents cannot be picked up at all.

A few things affect his ability to perceive individual currents, and they are excessive heat, cold, or large solid gusts of wind, although this tends to only affect visual perception. For instance, if an individual was on the other side of a fire, it would be harder for Kyoht to pick out the individuals breath behind the rising of the superheated air of the fire.

For visualization Kyoht has to apply mental effort, while not much, is generally enough to be unable to do when heavily distracted.

Backstory: Born the son to a fletcher and his wife, Kyoht was steeped in the culture of archery from a very young age. He grew up in a small wooden cabin with his parents, somewhat removed from the nearest town. In times of trouble though, they were close enough reach the protection of the towns stone walls. This wasn't due to any disdain that his father had for the local town populace, but more of a necessity to be near the treeline where the materials of a fletchers craft were found.

By necessity, Kyoht learned the craft of his father as he grew through the years, and along with that the skills and physique to shoot a longbow.

Equipment: Kyoht keeps everything he has in either in his belt pouches or in a rough linen haversack. Used to traveling and roving amongst the various caravans, he doesn't have much in the way of personal possessions.
- Hardened Leather in a Spolas style cuirass. Weighs around 8lbs, allows full range of mobility. \
- Thick cotton pants and tunic, coated for resistance to moisture.
- wide belt with various pouches and loops
- wears a kettle hat style helmet
- Ash Longbow, 58" with a 110lb draw.
- Two sheaves of arrows in a large quiver, and three extra arrows tucked into the belt.
- Small hatchet, with a hammer end opposite the blade.
- Flint and tinder (Carries in beltpouch)
- Bushcraft and Skinning knife, similar in size to an average bowie knife. (Carried on belt)
- Small set of tools for fletching consisting of: vial of glue, twine, various feathers, small arrow mold, small hammer, tongs, and two small knives for carving (Carries in Haversack)
- Carries a waterproofed blanket wrapped bandolier style around the chest.
- Carries rations for 4-5 days which consist of strips of dried fruit and thick round hardtack biscuits. (Carries in beltpouch)
- Uses two skins for water, one of which is carried on his belt, the other in his haversack
- Small whetstone and stick of goosegrease, spare bowstrings, and chunks of nock horn for weapon maintenance (Carried in beltpouch)
- Lengths of various woods rough carved for arrow shafts. (Carried in haversack)
Okay, fixed the trait, base attack bonus, base fortitude and halberd damage. I changed trail rations to 5, and changed costs accordingly. Updated equipment a little too, billed that as well. I had a weight down for flint and steel, which actually has a value of 0, so the weight should be good now.
Yeah, I'm still here.
Who needs a mage when you can just hit things!
I totally forgot about that, Switching it up now. Thanks.
If there's anything I need to add, or change, feel free to let me know. First one I've really made without a lot of help.
Character Sheet: Dhalgren
Name: Dhalgren
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality: Dhalgren is most known for being stolid and methodical. He is generally of a fairly shy nature when meeting others, but can be counted on to be a good friend once known. He is inclined to keep his emotions to himself, although he's usually found in a good mood. In most cases he will not approach others for general conversation and this tends to make him look somewhat cold. He generally prefers to follow another's lead, but will step up and take command on the situation if he deems he has enough experience in the matter.

Biography: Dhalgren grew up in a small village, son to a simple tradesman spear maker. Growing up exposed to various soldiers and knights that often stopped in his fathers shop, he often dreamed of taking up sword and fighting for treasure and glory, rather than taking up his fathers trade. As a child he would be found often wearing castaway pieces of armor that his father had around the shop, often earned in trade from various travelers and soldiery. As he grew in age, so did his wanderlust. He often chafed under his fathers instruction, and barely applied himself during his lessons.

This would have probably continued, but outside influences took a turn in his life. The increasing occurrence of bandit attacks on the village along with the drying up of local wells, caused the village to be untenantable. His parents forced to pack up and move along with others they could no longer provide for Dhalgren without the business of his fathers trade. Dhalgren now being a young man at this point, with his fathers blessing and few things his parents could provide set out to find seek his fortune. This quest eventually led him to Sandpoint, where he had learned through various taverns on the way that Sandpoint was the place for an aspiring adventurer to make his fortune.
Okay, I'll post it up tonight. Sorry for the delay, been a little busy.
Yep, I'll be around if it ever starts up.
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