Avatar of Krauxis
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    1. Krauxis 11 yrs ago


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10 yrs ago
Current See y'all on the first of september
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Old and beaten hat, don't take anything I say to heart because it only rarely comes from my own. Been waving around this RP stick for 12+ years, and if there's one thing I've learned it's that keeping things interesting is top dog. I'll take a character who is interesting and challenging for both me and the plot over the same group of misfit archetypes any day of the week. Plots follow the same rules. Unless it breaks the mold somehow, I'm just not that into it. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu

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Aegis1650 said
Hooray, I get to see how bad my tank flubs from skl 1!!!!

You and me both, I'm weak to arrows xD
I don't really think doubling up is necessarily a bad thing. At least personally I think you don't need to change if you don't want to. Of course, if you want to, don't let me stop you either, haha. I'm not sure how much we'll need to rely on the weapon triangle or anything, after all.
Yussssss... First pre-beta balance patch and I'm already getting buffed. Keep it coming
Hopefully everything's in order here. Decided to try a bit stranger combination for my class, and thanks to your mechanics, I think it might have worked out pretty well.
Name: Maria Thorne
Age: 17
Race: Human
Appearance: Click

Personality: Earnest and hardworking, Maria is the very picture of a knight. Despite her great number of failures, she continues to fervently try her best to protect and assist everyone around her. Although most often these attempts end in disaster, she is always the first person to take up the torch when somebody else needs a favor or advice. On the battlefield, she often attracts attention for her innocent appearance and clumsiness, and many people question how she can even ride her wyvern without falling off. Still, she has usually proven to be reliable and trustworthy, repeatedly trying something until she succeeds. She is a stalwart friend to everyone in the company, even if they don't feel the same way, and she would gladly ride to the rescue of anyone who does not like her.

Class: Wyvern Knight

HP - 26
Str - 6
Mag - 0
Skl - 2 (5)
Spd - 1 (3)
Lck - 2
Def - 14 (4)
Res - 3
Mov - 6F

Armor Type: Heavy
Shields: Tower Shield
Mount: Wyvern
Affinity: Ice

Weapon Skill:
Lances - E
Daggers - E

Heavy Stander
Inspiring Presence

History: Maria has a history of sloppy service with the standing armies of various countries, despite her young age. She has accrued a lot of worldly knowledge and experience because of this, though among those who have known her, she is a person best avoided. To the Generals she has served under, all of them would say that she possesses a great deal of hidden potential, but her clumsiness is too dangerous in the heat of battle, and many thought that she would have gotten herself killed already.

She signed on to the Greywood Company fairly recently as just another job, but has become an extremely loyal member over time, because they never shunned her due to her shortcomings. At least, not maliciously. It seems as though she may have found her own place in the world among their ranks, and she would gladly serve for the rest of her life if they let her. To the old boys in the Company, she is like a devoted little sister to everyone.
I'll have something like a CS up likely later today, although if I don't have it up today, it'll be sometime midday tomorrow due to work.
Alright, you've suckered me in. Count me interested. I'd really like to see how this plays out.
Courtesy bump~ I think we're still accepting.
Really missing the 'preview post' button T_T I'm always paranoid about my formatting for no reason. Looking forward to seeing who else joins up (hopefully we get some males as well as females.)
Two things awaited Sophie Blackwell when she skulked her way home from her usual vending machine drink run that night. A package and a note sat in front of her door. Only one of those things held any mystery, and she knew what was in the package.

"Sophie," she mumbled to herself as she read aloud. "Busy at work this week. Will not be home. Make sure to eat well. Your package showed up... Dad."

The note was blank of any sentiment, as usual. Her door was locked up tight, too. He hadn't even stepped inside his own house for a minute. Pops was always busy at work, and being away for a week or more wasn't unusual, but it was still annoying how he told Sophie that this was her house even though he was the one who paid for the place. And the moment he wanted to have anybody over, suddenly it wasn't Sophie's place, and she was confined to her room.

"What am I, the damned housekeeper? Dammit..." Shaking off her annoyance, she slid her key roughly into the lock and brought the large box inside. Kicking bags of garbage and pizza boxes out of the way, she quickly made space to put the box down and spared herself just enough time to open a can of soda and light up a smoke before sliding a knife deftly into the creases of the cardboard container. Her VR headset was inside, waiting for her. It was just shortly after midnight, so as soon as she slapped that baby on her head, her new destiny awaited. She didn't waste any time.

”Welcome to Hikikomori Virtual Academy, Future Student. Tonight will be used to create your Academy Persona, to give you an orientation of our services and your new responsibilities, as well as to test you in the three areas that, we believe, are the fundamentals of Humanity: Physical, Mental and Social. When you are ready, merely state so by pronouncing “Start” clearly, and the Persona Creation Process will commence with myself as the model.”

The darkness faded, and she was presented with a vision of herself, in all her unkempt glory. It made Sophie uncomfortable to look at. Pastel colors were 'in,' she knew that from magazines, but none of her clothes were properly fitted, and they hung loose. Her shorts drooped low on her waist and her jacket was nearly slipping off her shoulder. I guess today's been a 'sloppy chic' day... Her vaguely smiling doppelganger creeped her out as well. It was a program made for people with more expression in their faces, she knew. But on her own face, it felt like somebody else's smile.

Whatever. It's time. Let's get going.

"Start her up I guess," she mumbled. It took almost a full minute of uncomfortable silence for Sophie to realize that she hadn't been clear. "Oh, for the love of... START." Only after confirming that the program had been kicked into motion did she let her breath out. "This is gonna be a hassle, I already know it..."
Name: Sophie Blackwell
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Sexuality: Could go either way, though she's not usually one to make advances on her own due to naivete

Personality: Quick to energy, quick to boredom, Sophie starts every project strong, but like a lightning bolt, her enthusiasm peters out quickly. Around people, she's very friendly and amicable, but her usual disinterested expression makes most strangers hesitant to approach her. Even when she's invested in a project or conversation, her face isn't particularly expressive, and she tends to just look bored. Because she's older than a lot of people she interacts with, she tries to play off a 'big sister' type role, though she usually botches any attempt to properly give advice. She's not very good with words and has more than a few strange speech quirks picked up from anime or just mistranslations due to her not being a native Japanese speaker, and not even knowing english very well either.
Likes: Coffee, Cigarettes, Working with her hands, Cold weather
Dislikes: Depression, Darkness, People who act superior to others

Demeanor: Extremely casual, to the point of seeming disrespectful in Japanese society. She acts like a loner, but tries to always be friendly and hang around people when she can.Unfortunately, she doesn't have any real friends, so this is limited to internet relations.
Fashion Style: Usually wears bright, fashionable clothes, as long as they're baggy or loose enough to be comfortable. Often seen in shorts no matter the weather, and her clothes are almost always loose and her jackets open since she hates being warm.

Prior History: Originally from Canada, her family moved to Japan when she was just entering school. However, Sophie barely had a grasp on english and didn't know a word of Japanese. Culture Shock and disorientation drove her into a corner, emotionally, and she struggled for three years in an english speaking school before flat out refusing to go any longer. Her parents struggled, and eventually her mother changed jobs so that she could work from home and put Sophie through a home schooling program at the same time. Her father made more than enough to make ends meet at his job, but he was never home because of that. This ritual continued until she was 18, when her mother passed away due to illness. The family suffered greatly at this loss, but Sophie and her father had never been attached to each other all that much in the first place, so it was decided that nothing would change. Sophie was not a minor anymore, so she could stay home and continue her studies on her own, and her father would continue to work as usual and give her a monthly allowance to feed and clothe herself.
However, the world outside was harsh, and for a sheltered girl who couldn't really speak english or Japanese all that well, it was even more cruel. Sophie created a bubble around herself. She perpetually stayed home and browsed the internet or indulged in anime and games all day, and ate convenience store food for every meal. Her father worked longer hours than he ever had, often staying at a company hotel, and gave her more than enough money, but no attention or support whatsoever. Even when she took up smoking and developed a caffeine habit, it took her father four years to notice, and he never said a word about it.
As one benefit, though, Sophie was nothing if not well-studied, and when she heard about the HVA, she passed the bar, at least the academic one, with flying colors. Her allowance was more than enough to afford whatever she needed to attend the school, and she sets out to start from scratch in a place where maybe she wouldn't be so harshly judged for her background or the way she speaks.

Greatest Dream: Sophie wants to learn a lot of different languages so that she can communicate with anybody around the world.
Greatest Fear: Intensely afraid of the dark, to the point where she physically seizes up.
What do they want to do and learn in the Academy?: Sophie wants to study languages and social studies to help her understand people and communicate clearly.
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