Avatar of Krauxis
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    1. Krauxis 11 yrs ago


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10 yrs ago
Current See y'all on the first of september
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Old and beaten hat, don't take anything I say to heart because it only rarely comes from my own. Been waving around this RP stick for 12+ years, and if there's one thing I've learned it's that keeping things interesting is top dog. I'll take a character who is interesting and challenging for both me and the plot over the same group of misfit archetypes any day of the week. Plots follow the same rules. Unless it breaks the mold somehow, I'm just not that into it. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu

Most Recent Posts

Sounds interesting to me, at least. I'd like to participate.
I'll have a post up after I sleep, I think. For my part, I don't think I'd like to do a co-op just yet, since mostly I'll just be running around in my own post. Although if you don't have anything else to do in your post, Venom, you could probably run into me while I'm doing that, and we can go from there. I'll have enough on my plate filling in the blanks of what Shivian and Aventus had been doing, and then doing my own thing.
I sent you a PM but here's a bump anyway because reasons.
I don't mind collaborating, but I don't think it's necessary quite yet. You can pretty much make up a response if you feel like you're comfortable doing that, and move on with your post if you've got more to do. Maria would just be thankful and a bit embarrassed anyway. There wouldn't be a whole lot for me to contribute.
Fine with me. Never particularly had to do one, but I'm not closed to the idea by any means.
Ahahaha, why do I feel like there's already going to be some tension between the two riders in the Company? How's Ziria's tolerance for stupidity?
It had been a long day. What started as an expedition to post up recruitment flyers for the Company had turned into one of Maria's infamous 'adventures' without the girl in question even realizing what was going on.

The Boss had gone off to cover the town in paper, and Maria had volunteered to fly around the outskirts on her Wyvern, Domino, to distribute to a wider area than he could cover on foot. Thus, with a sheaf of paper under each arm, and the leather reins in her hands, she took off towards the farmer's fields in the distance. About three minutes into the journey, however, she relaxed her arms, and the high-speed winds had taken away every last piece of paper. Maria managed to grab a large quantity out of the air with some deft flying, but every time she came close to one that had landed on the ground, the downbursts of air from Domino's wings blew it somewhere else entirely. By the time all was said and done, what was once twenty valuable recruitment flyers became fifteen.

Taking one of the strings that tied her hair back, she tied all of the papers together so they would no longer fly away, and finally set forth once more toward her destination. The next mishap came when she didn't notice the large crowd of people gathered near her landing zone. People who had only rarely seen a wyvern rider, and to whom dragons were grand threats borne from legends. Terrifying creatures, that they had been raised to believe would snatch up bad children and eat them on the spot. With a smile on her face, she dismounted gleefully and approached the crowd of terrified farmers, smiths, and other civilians. Children screamed and ran, and the able-bodied adults grabbed their families and took off toward their houses. Oblivious to all this, Maria approached one of the remaining old ladies, who looked as though she was about to keel over in fear, and after a brief explanation, the woman exclaimed that she would take 'Three of the damned things, just take that monster and begone from here!' Twelve flyers remained.

Her next stop was a fringe market on the edge of town. Being more careful to land outside anybody's comfort zone, she carried the fliers through the stalls and people, pinning them to any lightposts or walls that seemed handy at the time. Half an hour later, she was satisfied, and decided to head back, but after turning around, she panicked. Where was she all of a sudden? Where had she come from? Maria was well and truly lost. A kindly gentleman offered his assistance and thought that he might just follow the trail of paper back to her starting point, but after passing two of the things, there weren't any more to be found. Instead, a few large armed guards awaited them. Apparently it was illegal to post bills in that particular market, and it was considered vandalism. Maria apologized profusely, and they seemed to accept that she hadn't known. For some reason, the guards didn't accept when she offered them a recruitment flyer for their troubles. Four flyers remained.

Maria was eager to set off for her next round, but it seemed her time was up. Somewhere along the line, the time had flown by, and it was time to head back to camp.

"I think today was a good day, don't you, D?"

The crimson-scaled wyvern snorted. Obviously there were too many things wrong with that sentence, and she still didn't like being called 'D'. Maria insisted it was a cute pet name, but it had not yet stuck for the beast herself.

By the time Maria got back to camp and stabled Domino, she could just make out the figure of Aventus rising up over the hill. Not that it mattered that she noticed him, as he was yelling the moment he became visible anyway.

"Hiiiiiiiya Boooooosssssss!!!" she yelled back towards him, waving her arms in the air. Unfortunately, this was the last straw for the remaining flyers, they fell from her hands and into the mud below her feet. She almost caught them before they hit the ground, but her heavy armor didn't allow for that sort of mobility, and she instead lost her balance and fell into the muck herself - right on top of the last flyers. Out of twenty flyers, the result was: Five lost, Three taken by a terrified elderly farmer, Eight taken down by the town guard, and Four covered in mud under her armored rear end.
No problems here with temporary disappearances. I may do the same thing for work (I travel around and hotel internet is sometimes just not a thing.) I'll have an IC post up over the weekend, since most of my tomorrow is gonna be spent on the road.

EDIT: Also, just so it's down on paper, I have no problem with anybody taking minor control of my character for whatever, especially in the case of me not being on for a while. I can't always give warning when I go away, and I don't want to get anybody stuck with me. Plus, my character being an old member of the Company, I may take some liberties with relationships with the other past members or things like that, and I expect others to be able to take liberties in the same way if they want.
Yus! Hope you can get your stuff cleared up. Obviously your real issues are more important than the internets :p
Maybe I'm overstepping myself, but.... I don't think I want to let this RP die. If the GM's gone, I'm willing to step up. Reveuse, if you're around, speak up. If you've lost interest, no shame in saying so. I'd love it if you were still around and willing, but if you're not, just say the word. I won't let this RP die before it even begins, I like the concept too much. Just putting the option out there, really. I'm not in the habit of train robbing the RPs I participate in, but I do get worried when the GM doesn't post for a while :p Call it baseless paranoia if you will, but I've been around the block enough times to know the drill. I find it's better to speak up and get a funny look from the GM than just to let the whole RP fade into the ether, haha.
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