Avatar of Krauxis
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    1. Krauxis 11 yrs ago


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Current See y'all on the first of september
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Old and beaten hat, don't take anything I say to heart because it only rarely comes from my own. Been waving around this RP stick for 12+ years, and if there's one thing I've learned it's that keeping things interesting is top dog. I'll take a character who is interesting and challenging for both me and the plot over the same group of misfit archetypes any day of the week. Plots follow the same rules. Unless it breaks the mold somehow, I'm just not that into it. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu

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Haha, I think there should be some (but not a huge amount) of freedom with what pokemon types can do. After all, the show takes liberties. But if we let everyone run around with everything, there may be psychics running around godmoding everything, and you wouldn't be able to hurt my steel-types at all because of their totally rad defense xD

Good news about that mega rule. Mega Mawile is criminally adorable. Although that means that Raddum and I both have two potential megas and Crimson Flame has none D: I guess that's where creativity (and not making megas way overpowered) comes in.
Now that I think about it, I actually was wondering if megas would play any part of this at all? I'll jump through every freakin hoop and play a perfect game of bowling if it means being able to mega evolve Mawile.
Woo, get hype! In other news, I got all six of my pokemon out of the box in X and started roaming around with them again instead of training up lowbies, and I forgot how much I like this team (The six pokemon I listed are my actual team in game.)
I like to think I'm persistent if nothing else, haha. And this is the first RP I've signed up for since the new site that's even gotten properly up and running, so I definitely have to thank you for sticking to your guns.
CS up in my other post. I decided against putting in anything extensive. The rest will reveal itself through the course of the RP, I'm sure.
Beo, once Shon gets his post up I'll put up some stuff in the Google Doc and we can work on a joint post whenever you have time. I don't think there's any rush, and I'll be around.
Reserving a spot for my CS here. Gonna go eat but I'll put something up when I get back.

EDIT: CS up.

Name: Aria Solais

Age: 23

Region of Origin: Johto

Character Description:

A girl whose eyes reflect deep thought and a strong will. Short for her age, with long slate grey hair that extends down past her back, her face looks almost childish if not for the doll-like countenance that refuses to betray even a hint of her emotions. She smiles only when she is truly happy, and in these grim times, the opportunity for that is quite rare. Her clothes are always dark, plain, and conservative, which serves as a decent contrast to her pale skin and light hair.

Short Summary of Personality:
Aria is strong-willed and filled with purpose by nature. Raised on tales of heroes and dragons and grand tradition, she idolizes strong trainers, and seeks to carve her legacy on the world and become strong as well. She is short with words, and believes that the real way to get to know somebody is through combat. Because of this, she has very few friends, but makes friends with pokemon easily.

She is completely stubborn when she gets a goal in her head, and sometimes ignores what other people have to say, which has gotten her in trouble many times in the past, but it's a bad habit she just can't seem to kick. This habit tends to alienate the people around her, and very few have stuck around in the long run. But to the people who she still considers friends, she is fiercely loyal, and will kick up a fight in no time if she feels her friends are threatened (even if there isn't actually anything to worry about.)

Brief History:
Born and raised in Blackthorn City, Aria grew up surrounded by strong trainers, who mastered the Dragon type. It was thought that Aria herself would grow to be a strong dragon trainer herself, but when she came of age to take the trials, the girl refused outright. Clair and even Lance tried to convince her of the village's rich history, but nothing stuck. In the end, Aria ran away from home with nothing but a bag of ultra balls, determined to start her own Pokemon adventure.

She journeyed for five years, growing with the pokemon she encountered along the way, before finally returning to Blackthorn at age 20. By this time, she had a full team of pokemon, the majority of them Steel-type, and after a fierce battle with her former mentor, Clair, won the Rising Badge, to round out all eight Johto League badges. Instead of battling the Elite Four for the champion spot, she instead got permission to train in Mount Silver, and has spent the last three years like a hermit in that cave, growing even closer to her team. She has occasionally faced off against Lance, but always feels guilty about her team composition when she does, since Steel-types are strong against Dragons. She would never say whether these battles ended in victory or defeat.

Pokemon Team:

Yeah, I'll submit my interest. It's rare to see a pokemon RP in advanced, or at least from what I've seen it is.
Alright, I made this is two sittings, and I'm never quite as confident when I have to do that, but hopefully everything's up to snuff. Doesn't really need to be said, but critique is welcome.
Name: Sarah Blaise

Alias in the DgtWld: Serenade

Age: 23

Average Appearance:

Corrector Appearance:

Weapon of Choice: Spear, as in the picture.

Serenade is a lancer, and specializes in combat using a large two-handed cross-spear, which she considers a versatile and well-rounded weapon. Her seniority has ensured that she is updated frequently, and over time she has developed the ability to create smaller spears and javelins, as well as other polearms such as halberds or tridents (though making anything particularly exotic requires a decent amount of time and mental fortitude.) As she gained experience, her defenses improved and she became more capable of defending her comrades. She has learned tactics and stances that minimize the damage done to her or her teammates, and has developed into sort of a 'tank' role as her fighting style evolved, though she can also perform as a heavy attacker. Despite her purported versatility, however, she has not trained her speed, and because of the weight of her weapons, she often puts herself in the way of danger, and has a difficult time running from an attack or a group of enemies.

Cell Phone: (Couldn't find a good picture of what I imagined)
Sarah's cell phone is nothing particularly new or exciting. It has a flat touchscreen interface that networks with a pair of visor-like glasses that she wears, sending data to be streamed right in front of her eyes, when she's not completely immersed in Cnnt.

+ Loyal -- Sticks with her friends and unflinchingly follows orders
+ Agreeable -- Likes people and is friendly toward strangers
+ Impassive -- Doesn't react strongly to things, allowing calm thought in any situation
+ Tenacious -- Pursues any goals she sets for herself until they are completed, no matter how big or small.
- Quiet -- Tends not to speak unless it's necessary (communicates in other ways when possible)
- Oblivious -- Often gets lost in thought, tends to stop paying attention if something doesn't hold her interest

Sarah Blaise's parents were not pioneers in child abandonment, but for the first ten years or so of Sarah's life they would prove to be heavy contenders in that field. Not for lack of love or lack of effort, it simply seemed that one or both of them were always at work. Adult life is hard, Sarah was taught, and things didn't always work out the way you wanted them to. With no other frame of reference, the young child accepted this as simply the norm, and quickly grew to near-independance. She walked to her nearby school every day in the morning after making her lunch, and was picked up afterward by her mother. After bringing her the short distance home, her mother would leave for her second job and her father would come home, exhausted from his own long work hours. He would prepare and eat dinner, and then sleep for the rest of the evening.

Sarah had always had a cell phone. It was necessary to support her family dynamic. So when the emerging trend of MChips finally reached the shores of Canada, she was one of the first people in the country to latch on to the tech. And when the Canadian Government started to follow the US's example and hire Correctors, she was quickly sought out. Her psych profile fit what they were looking for exactly. Quiet. Loyal. Willing to take on any job for low or no pay. And of course, she never asked any questions. Because of her early enlistment, rather than being paired with a Senior Correcter (since there weren't really any who were more senior) she was put into a small group of novices under the care of a Gvn Agent. After two years, she was the only person in that group to still be willing and able to do the job.

During her five years of service, she has been assigned several novices who grew to be successful in their own right, and she became something of an icon to the Canadian DgtWld users. To those who know about Correctors, including new blood, she is a minor celebrity. Not only that, but her real life appearance is often used as a 'model' for various Canadian-based advertising campaigns as well, especially by the Government. She is recognized for her distinctive headphones - an odd choice of hardware when music can be streamed directly into your brain. While it would be rare to know who exactly she is or what she does, many Canadian DgtWld users would probably know her face. Because of this, Sarah began spending more and more time in the DgtWld, taking as many jobs as she could, and dropping out of school. Her real life time was spent in various Gvn offices doing photoshoots or signing paperwork and release forms, and her time in the DgtWld was spent doing her Corrector work and other odd jobs for the Gvn. Pursuing your career above all else was just the normal course of things, just like Sarah learned when she was young.

Her current life mostly revolves around her duties as a Corrector, tutoring rookies and performing her other tasks as efficiently as she can manage. She lives with her parents still, and in her off hours she tidies the house and makes sure everything runs smoothly. Modelling is mostly her cover job, since her parents don't know about her actual, more dangerous work, and it is the reason they let her drop out of school. She is almost always plugged into her music, and while she doesn't have a specific genre preference, she often uses it as a sort of emotional regulator. Her own dulled emotions respond the greatest to musical stimulus, so she relies on that same stimulus when she needs to feel a certain way. This is the reason that her Avatar wears headphones as well.

She has been called into Tokyo for work, and with her flight expenses paid, her parents had little say in stopping her (and they might not have even noticed her absence if she hadn't said anything.) All of her stuff was shipped to a luxury hotel in Tokyo and it serves as her base of operations for now.
Do you want our characters to already know each other?
Yeah, or at least assume they've already been introduced. Awkward introductions slow the beginning pace of an RP, and I think more people drop during this time than most other times.

Do you often frequent an OOC of a RP you're in?
Pretty much whenever I'm online. Making long posts takes time, but just chatting the OOC is a good way to keep people interested and reassure them that we're still active.

How active can you see yourself being in this RP?
A post every couple of days, probably. My work schedule's fickle, but I can usually give warning if I'm going to be away for a week (and it usually is just a week at a time.) If I'm at work it might be one post a week, but I'm pretty open to other people taking over my character if I'm not around, either to get her out of the way, or to polish off an interaction they might be stuck in.

Any questions you have for me?
Not that I can think of. I'm the type to figure things out by doing them, so I'll pick it up as I go.


Future Genres: I'm pretty cool with whatever happens down the line. If you think you have a good reason to make a genre shift, I'm open to it. But I don't think I'd like to see something shoehorned in. Especially post-apoc. Frankly, there's too many samey post-apoc stories in advanced for my tastes and - like anything overused - I'm not super hype about the idea. That said, if that's the turn it happens to take, and we take a logical path in that direction, I'll be happy enough.

Post Frequency: As much as maybe twice a day, and my minimum is probably closer to twice a week. I work shifts and contracts, so I can't honestly promise anything more specific than that. If I don't work on a given day, I'll be happy to post as many times as needed. But if I have work throughout the whole week, I don't necessarily have time to post every day. For the immediate future, I don't work until much closer to the end of the month, so you can expect a strong start from me.

Post Amount: Unless I'm really pressured to squeeze something out in a time limit, I like to post several paragraphs (This is a pretty good example of my average I think.) I'll match and/or try to slightly exceed what's presented to me though. If everyone writes 9 pages, I can match that without much trouble. But if everyone's posting 2-3 paragraphs, well, of course it becomes hard to keep up, and I'm forced to slim down my word count.
Came here from the IntChk since I was watching this thread anyway. I'll put up a CS tomorrow with your permission (won't get done even if I start on it tonight.) Hopefully this is still a go. If not, well, making a CS is no skin off by back.
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