Aria humbly nodded her head towards Bell. Of course, the other girl echoes what was going on in Aria's own head. But she wasn't about to double back and explain herself. It would just be a waste of time. For a moment, she allowed herself to not think very fondly of the girl, but dismissed that feeling for now.
However, when pokemon were brought up, it was a different story. Aria's eyes shone brightly as Bell mentioned her two Lucarios, and she felt a little jealous. Suddenly it seemed okay to want to be the other girl's best friend, and all was forgiven.
She listened patiently when everyone else talked about their teams. People could go on at great length about their trusted partners, she knew all too well, and it was best to be respectful when they were talking. Internally, she ran simulations of battling with each of them, who would be the best to send out with whom, who could cover her weaknesses and add to her strengths. She was fairly satisfied by the results she was coming up with, but on an actual battlefield, simulations could be shattered quickly and easily. Here, now, was not the time or place to bring them up.
"Which... leaves me I suppose? Hm... well, perhaps it's not as special and unique as some, but you can count on my team to watch your back. We're a sturdy bunch." Since it seemed appropriate to let a pokemon or two out of their balls, she casually tossed an ultra ball onto the floor, and out came her familiar partner, in all her knee-high glory.
"This is Titania, my Mawile. She is my most trusted friend. She shouldn't bite you unless you threaten her, but I'd be careful. I'll tell you that if you already dislike me, you'll have the same problem with her. And unlike Titania, I don't hit like a truck loaded full of bricks." Noticing she was being talked about, the little creature puffed out her rather unimpressive chest and snapped her jaws a few times for show.
"...Idiot. You're not impressing anybody. Anyway, as for the rest, I have Steven the Metagross and Sterling the Skarmory who flew me in. They're tougher than any other pokemon I've ever seen. They won't die, no matter what. You can count on them.
"Next is Neige, my Froslass, and Krieg the Scolipede, and rounding out this group is Gardevoir. I don't think I'll talk about them right now, but they'll come out if I need them to... but watch your back around Gardevoir... don't trust her, whatever you do."
As far as team synergy, it was fairly obvious that she meshed well with Bell. They both had a Gardevoir, and her pokemon were geared towards offense rather than defense. They would balance out well together. Rian's pokemon were more balanced, but it was hard for Aria to say how well they might fight together. Desmond's pokemon were a well-balanced team on their own, and again, it was hard to say what sort of chemistry he might have with the others, but he seemed to be making a concerted effort to introduce some team spirit to the group, which is more than Aria could say for herself.
They were a motley crew, and since they each had at least one pokemon out, it was hard to resist the temptation of a battle, but Aria herself stayed quiet. She and Titania were the stoic type, and it was far easier to leave the talking up to everyone else. Just introducing her team was more socializing than she had done in over a month, and it had worn her down.