Avatar of Krauxis
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    1. Krauxis 11 yrs ago


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10 yrs ago
Current See y'all on the first of september
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Old and beaten hat, don't take anything I say to heart because it only rarely comes from my own. Been waving around this RP stick for 12+ years, and if there's one thing I've learned it's that keeping things interesting is top dog. I'll take a character who is interesting and challenging for both me and the plot over the same group of misfit archetypes any day of the week. Plots follow the same rules. Unless it breaks the mold somehow, I'm just not that into it. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu

Most Recent Posts

Off course!
Sorry sorry. I did mean to have a post up a couple days back, but the fact that I didn't get it done then meant that my next window for working on it was like right now (So that's what I'm doing.) It'll be up for addition within an hour or two.

I don't really mind a slower paced RP (as you can tell, I'm not all that great at meeting deadlines) so I don't really have a problem with how slow it's been. I don't plan on bailing or anything, so I'll be around through the slow times.

As far as the bigger mission... I'm not sure I had any grandiose ideas to that effect. I think it's already somewhat in line with what you had in mind, but I'd like to travel around the world and make stuff as we go. I know I'm more comfortable expanding that way than just thinking up ideas for places we've never been and will never go to. You've made a really interesting world here and I'm totally down to see what it has to offer. So, it's not really a mission or a grand scheme, but as for what I'm looking to get out of the RP, that's what I'd like.

EDIT: Aaaand posted a bit. I plan on splitting from the joint posts once we're on board so that y'all can stop waiting on me and we can pick up the pace a bit.

Miscellaneous notes on the pair:
-While there will be some romantic tension between the two of them, because romantic tension is a quick and dirty avenue to quirky dialogue, they're not really romantically involved. More like lifelong partners. The kind of friend who you just know if you both hit 40 and aren't married yet, you'll marry each other just to say you did it.
-I can go totally indepth about the contents of Fang's gun closet if somebody wants, but for the sake of moving the narrative along and to save myself some time and trouble, I've purposely kept it a bit vague.
-For the purpose of tracking on the website, both Domino and Fang are at home in Kenan right now.
Haha, I dunno about anybody else but probably only a few of my team are gonna see the other side of this RP. I like knocking off characters. It keeps people (including me) on their toes :D Thus, I write with that in mind.
I'll have something up in the pad tomorrow, since I've only got about 2 hours before work tonight. We only really need to get to the ship so it shouldn't take even half as long as the last time, haha. Beo, I don't really have any particular feelings toward going first or second, so if you want to put something up before tomorrow afternoon, I'll build off of what you have.
Aria couldn't help but get a little excited, her vague emotion translating to a cocky grin on the face of Titania. Finally, she'd get to see how strong her comrades were. It was an important detail for somebody about to go off to war. Trainers didn't use their own bodies to battle, but it wasn't out of the question in this scenario. Most of the battling, however, would be done by her pokemon. She couldn't break boulders or fly in the sky, after all, but her pokemon could.

"Indoors or outdoors is fine with me. My pokemon don't mind the weather." Steel pokemon could weather even a sandstorm or hail, and rain meant that fire pokemon wouldn't do as well, so they had an advantage in the rain, too. In truth, a bright and sunny day was the worst outcome for a steel type.

"As long as we're careful, we can probably work something out." Steven and Sterling were both out of commission if they had to worry about bringing a small room down on their heads, but the rest of her pokemon were feasible.

As the tiny Mawile looked up at her expectantly, they shared a look, and as though through telepathy, the both of them started to move. "This isn't really my strong suit, talking to people, so I'm going to head to the training room. If you guys need to prepare, I'll meet you there. You should decide," Aria continued with a dark look, "whether or not we'll stick to League rules for this."

It didn't matter to her either way, but it was just up to whether they wanted to enjoy one last vestige of the reglated lives they lived before, or whether they wanted to prepare for the coming chaos. As she exited the room quietly, slipping down the hall to where she had been directed toward the battle room, her mood darkened a little more. It was far too possible for any of their beloved teams to be lost in this battle. She hoped that her allies were as prepared for that as she was... or thought she was.
I'll have a post up after work, unless I'm exhausted in which case it'll be after sleep
I'll poke you on Skype tomorrow, since I'm about to go to work shortly and I won't really have time to talk indepth at all.
I'll just copy and paste what I've got in my notes (until the OOC's up I didn't want to make a fleshed out CS or anything.) I'm still on the fence about doubling, but I really like this pair, so this is what I'm leaning towards.

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